Minutes 2024 | Western Cape Education Department

Business Strategy and Stakeholder Management Minutes (DBS)

0001 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
Verslag oor die Kliëntetevredenheidsopname vir 2022
INgxelo i-Customer Satisfaction Survey Report ka-2022
Attachment(s): Customer Satisfaction Survey Report 2022

Institutional Resource Support Minutes (DIR)

0008 Extension of contracts and price increase of stationery and cleaning material items in the 2024/25 financial year
Verlenging van kontrakte en prysstyging van skryfbehoeftes en skoonmaakmiddels in die 2024/25-boekjaar
Ukwandiswa kwexesha leekhontraki nokunyuka kwexabiso lezinto zokubhala nelee- ayithem eziyimathiriyeli yokucoca kunyaka-mali wama-2024/25
Attachment(s): Cleaning material | Stationery
0007 Guidelines for furniture and equipment procurement for 2025
Riglyne vir die verkryging van meubels en toerusting vir 2025
Isikhokelo sokuthengwa kwefenitshala nezixhobo zokusebenza ukulungiselela owama-2025
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0006 A reminder to non-section 21 schools to complete their WCED 032 allocations electronically on CEMIS from 01 to 10 April 2024
Nie-artikel 21-skole word daaraan herinner om hul WKOD 032-toewysings vanaf 01 tot 10 April 2024 elektronies op SOBIS te voltooi
Kukhunjuzwa izikolo ezingekho phantsi kwecandelo 21 ukuba zizalise ifom yezabelo zazo ekwikhompyutha i-WCED 032 form kwi-CEMIS ukususela ngowe-01 ukuya kowe- 10 Apreli 2024
0005 Advantages for section 21 schools when procuring Grades 1 to 12 textbooks using the existing WCED textbook contracts with publishers
Die voordele wat die aankoop van graad 1 tot 12-handboeke deur middel van bestaande WKOD-kontrakte met uitgewers vir artikel 21-skole inhou
Iinzuzo kwizikolo eziphantsi kwesiqendu 21 xa zithenga iincwadi zezifundo zamaBakala 1 ukuya kwele-12 zisebenzisa abapapashi abanemvumelwano (contracts) ezikhoyo neSebe i-WCED
0004 Online system for Grades R to 9 workbooks for 2024
Aanlyn stelsel vir graad R- tot 9-werkboeke vir 2024
Isistim esebenza ngekhompyutha yeencwadi zomsebenzi zamaBakala R ukuya ku-9 ukulungiselela u-2024
0003 Updating learner details on the Learner Transport Scheme (LTS) database on CEMIS
Bywerking van leerders se besonderhede op die leerdervervoerskema- (LVS-) databasis op SOBIS
Ukuhlaziywa kweenkcukacha zabafundi abakwiziko ledatha leSkim soThutho lwaBafundi (Learner Transport Scheme (LTS)) kwi-CEMIS
Attachment(s): Annexure - Learner Confirmation
0002 Assessment of selected devolved Learner Transport Scheme (LTS) routes
Assessering van gekose afgewentelde leerdervervoerskemaroetes
Ukuhlolwa kweendlela ezikhethiweyo zeSkim soThutho lwaBafundi (LTS) ezidluliselwe kulawulo lwezikolo
Attachment(s): LTS Code of Conduct | Confirmation of contract details for devolved LTS routes
0001 Amendment to the procedure for obtaining approval for the replacement of vehicles on Learner Transport Scheme routes
Wysiging aan die prosedure om goedkeuring te verkry vir die vervanging van voertuie op leerdervervoerskemaroetes
Ukufakelwa kwezilungiso kwinkqubo yokufumana imvume yokutshintshwa kwezithuthi kwiindlela zeSikim soThutho lwaBafundi
Attachment(s): Annexure

Knowledge and Information Management Minutes (DKM)

0005 Microsoft Schools’ Agreement 2021−2025 software distribution
Microsoft-skole-ooreenkoms oor die verspreiding van sagteware van 2021 tot 2025
IMvumelwano i-Microsoft Schools’ Agreement yokusiwa kwe-software ezikolweni ngo-2021ukuya ku-2025
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0004 2024 SNAP Survey for public and independent special schools
Kitsopname vir openbare en onafhanklike spesiale skole in 2024
ISaveyi ye-SNAP yezikolo zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa yango-2024
0003 2024 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Annual School Survey (ASS) for public and independent Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres
Die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se Jaarlikse Skoolopname (JSO) vir openbare en onafhanklike Vroeëkindontwikkeling- (VKO-) sentrums in 2024
ISaveyi yeZikolo yaQho ngoNyaka (Annual School Survey (ASS)) ka-2024 yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni (WCED) kwizikolo zikarhulumente nakumaziko azimeleyo e-Early Childhood Development (ECD)
0002 2024 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Annual School Survey (ASS) for ordinary public and independent schools
Die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se Jaarlikse Skoolopname (JSO) vir gewone openbare en onafhanklike skole in 2024
ISaveyi yeZikolo yaQho ngoNyaka (Annual School Survey (ASS)) yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni (WCED) ka-2024 yezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nezikolo ezizimeleyo
0001 2024 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) SNAP survey for ordinary public and independent schools
Die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se kitsopname vir gewone openbare en onafhanklike skole in 2024
ISaveyi eQuphayo (SNAP Survey) yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni (WCED) yango-2024 yezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nezikolo ezizimeleyo

Research Minutes (DRS)

0002 2024 Western Cape Education Department systemic tests in independent schools
Die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement se sistemiese toetse in onafhanklike skole in 2024
IiMvavanyo zeNkqubo yeMfundo zeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni zangowama- 2024 kwizikolo ezizimeleyo
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A
0001 Release of the 2023 WCED Systemic Testing Programme Results for Grades 3, 6 and 9
Vrystelling van die 2023-uitslae van die WKOD se program vir sistemiese toetsing vir graad 3, 6 en 9
Ukukhutshwa kweZiphumo zeProgram yoVavanyo yeNkqubo yeMfundo yeSebe i-WCED zango-2023 kumaBakala 3, 6 no-9

Assessment Management Minutes (DAM)

0007 Release of revised subject weightings relating to the Programme of Assessment (POA) for the Further Education and Training band (FET) (Grades 10−12)
Vrystelling van hersiene gewigsbepalings vir vakke met betrekking tot die assesseringsprogram (POA) vir die Verdere Onderwys- en Opleiding- (VOO-) band (Graad 10 tot 12)
Ukukhutshwa kwemilinganiselo yamanqaku ezifundo ehlaziyiweyo emalunga neProgram yoVavanyo (Programme of Assessment (POA)) kwisigaba se-Further Education and Training (FET) Band, (kumaBakala 10-12)
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0006 Distribution of Grade 12 Diagnostic Report on Learner Performance: 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations
Verspreiding van die Graad 12 Diagnostiese Verslag oor Leerderprestasie: 2023 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamen
Ukusiwa kweNgxelo engokuQwalasela iiNgxaki kwiNdlela aBafundi abaqhube ngayo kwiBakala 12 kwiiMviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) zango-2023
0005 Implementation of Circular E06 of 2022: Guideline on the Quality Assurance of School- Based Assessment (SBA) for Grades 10-12 and a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Implementering van Omsendbrief E06 van 2022: Riglyn vir die gehalteversekering van skoolgebaseerde assessering (SGA) vir graad 10 tot 12 en ’n Standaardbedryfsprosedure (SBP)
Ukuphunyezwa kweSetyhula E06 ka-2022: Isikhokelo i-Guideline on the Quality Assurance of School-Based Assessment (SBA) for Grades 10-12 kunye neMigaqo yokuSebenza eMiselweyo (Standard Operating Procedures (SOP))
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0004 Practical Assessment Tasks for the 2024 National Senior Certificate examinations
Praktiese Assesseringstake vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen in 2024
IMisebenzi yoVavanyo lwePrakthikhali yeemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngo-2024
0003 Applications for positions of internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers, senior markers and markers for the November 2024 National Senior Certificate, June 2025 National Senior Certificate and the June 2025 Senior Certificate examinations
Aansoeke om betrekkings as interne moderators, hoofnasieners, adjunkhoofnasieners, senior nasieners en nasieners vir November 2024 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-, Junie 2025 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- en Junie 2025 se Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Kucelwa izicelo zezithuba zeemodareyitha zangaphakathi, zabamakishi abaziintloko, zamasekela-bamakishi abaziintloko, zabamakishi abakhulu nezabamakishi, kwiimviwo zangoNovemba 2024 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC), 2025 kwezeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke zangoJuni 2025, nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zangoJuni 2025
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C | Annexure D | Annexure E | Bylae A | Bylae B | IsiHlomelo A | IsiHlomelo B
0002 Management and administration of requests for subject changes and corrections for Grades 10–12
Die bestuur en administrasie van versoeke om vakveranderinge en -regstellings vir graad 10 tot 12
Ukuphathwa nokulawulwa kwezicelo zotshintsho lwezifundo nezezilungiso zamaBakala 10–12
Attachment(s): Addendum A | Addendum B
0001 Extension of the validity period of the 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination guidelines
Verlenging van die geldigheidstydperk van 2021 se eksamenriglyne vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamen
Ukwandiswa kwethuba lokubasemthethweni kwezikhokelo zoviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke zango-2021 (2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination guidelines)

Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute Minutes (CTLI)

0002 Continuing Professional Development bursaries available: Advanced Diploma in Education: School Leadership and Management
Kursusse en webinare vir opvoederontwikkeling wat in Kwartaal 2 en 3 (2024) en Kwartaal 1 (2025) by die Kaapse Onderrig- en Leierskapinstituut aangebied sal word
Iikhosi neewebhina zophuhliso lwezakhono zootitshala eziya kwenziwa e-Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute ngo-2024 nakwiKota yeSikolo 1 (2025)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0001 Educator development courses and webinars to be offered at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute in Terms 2 and 3 (2024) and Term 1 (2025)
Kursusse en webinare vir opvoederontwikkeling wat in Kwartaal 2 en 3 (2024) en Kwartaal 1 (2025) by die Kaapse Onderrig- en Leierskapinstituut aangebied sal word
Iikhosi neewebhina zophuhliso lwezakhono zootitshala eziya kwenziwa e-Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute ngo-2024 nakwiKota yeSikolo 1 (2025)
Attachment(s): Annexure A 1 | Annexure B

Curriculum FET Minutes (DCF)

0004 Western Cape Essay Writing Bursary Competition for Grade 11 learners offering Economics, Accounting and Mathematics (2024/25)
Wes-Kaapse opstelbeurskompetisie vir graad 11-leerders wat Ekonomie, Rekeningkunde en Wiskunde neem (2024/25)
Ukhuphiswano lokubhala isincoko i-Western Cape Essay Writing Bursary Competition olwenzelwa abafundi bebanga 11 abenza i-Economics, i-Accounting neMathematics (ngo-2024/25)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0003 Extending the pilot phase for the vocationally oriented subjects in ordinary public schools in 2024 to prepare for the full rollout in 2025
Verlenging van die proefprogram vir beroepsgerigte vakke in gewone openbare skole in 2024 ter voorbereiding van volle implementering in 2025
Ukwandiswa kwethuba lokulingwa kwezifundo zokuqeqeshelwa amakhondo emisebenzi yezandla (vocationally oriented subjects) kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo ngo-2024 ukulungiselela ukuqaliswa ngokupheleleyo kwazo ngo-2025
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0002 Support for Further Education and Training (FET) learners during 2024 via the Telematics platform and live streaming
Ondersteuning vir Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO-) -leerders gedurende 2024 via die telematiese platform en regstreekse uitsending
Inkxaso enikwa abafundi beCandelo leMfundo noQeqesho oluQhubelekayo (FET) ngo-2024 kusetyenziswa i-Telematics platform nosasazo ngqo (live streaming) lwezifundo
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0001 Tips for Success booklets to 2024 National Senior Certificate candidates
Wenke vir Sukses-boekies vir Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-kandidate in 2024
IiNcwadana zee-Tips for Success eziya kuBaviwa beSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke bango-2024

Curriculum GET Minutes (DCG)

0007 Roll out of a structured Xhosa Home Language Literacy Programme based on the Science of Reading in the Foundation Phase
Bekendstelling van ʼn gestruktureerde geletterdheidsprogram in Xhosa Huistaal wat op die wetenskap van lees in die Grondslagfase gebaseer is
Ukuqaliswa kweProgram ecwangcisiweyo yesiXhosa uLwimi lweeNkobe esekelwe kuBuchule boKufunda (Science of Reading) kwiSigaba esiSiseko
0006 Rollout of a structured English Home Language Literacy Programme based on the Science of Reading in Foundation Phase
Bekendstelling van ’n gestruktureerde geletterdheidsprogram in Engels Huistaal wat op die wetenskap van lees in die Grondslagfase gebaseer is
Ukuqaliswa kweProgram ecwangcisiweyo yoLwazi loKubhala noKufunda yesiNgesi uLwimi lweeNkobe esekelwe kuBuchule boKufunda (Science of Reading) kwiSigaba esiSiseko
0005 Roll out of a structured Afrikaans Home Language Literacy Programme based on the Science of Reading in the Foundation Phase
Bekendstelling van ’n gestruktureerde geletterdheidsprogram in Afrikaans Huistaal wat op die wetenskap van lees in die Grondslagfase gebaseer is
Ukuqaliswa kweProgram ecwangcisiweyo yoLwazi loKubhala noKufunda yesi- Afrikansi uLwimi lweeNkobe esekelwe kuBuchule boKufunda (Science of Reading) kwiSigaba esiSiseko
0004 Call for learners, 11−18 years old, to participate in the 2024 provincial Expo for Young Scientists
Beroep op leerders tussen die ouderdomme van 11 en 18 jaar om deel te neem aan 2024 se provinsiale Ekspo vir Jong Wetenskaplikes
Isimemo esiya kubafundi, abaneminyaka eli-11 ukuya kweli-18 ubudala, ukuba bathathe inxaxheba kwi-Expo for Young Scientists yephondo ka-2024
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0003 Call to register Grades 4–9 learners for the 2024 Natural Sciences, Grades 10-11 for the Life and Physical Sciences Olympiads and Grade 7 learners for the AstroQuiz Competition
Uitnodiging om graad 4- tot 9-leerders vir die Natuurwetenskappe-olimpiade, graad 10- tot 11-leerders vir die Lewenswetenskappe-olimpiade en Fisiese Wetenskappe-olimpiade, en graad 7-leerders vir die AstroQuiz-kompetisie in 2024 te registreer
Kucelwa abafundi bamaBakala 4 ukuya ku-9 babhalisele uKhuphiswano lwango- 2024, lwe-Natural Sciences, olwe-Life and Physical Sciences Olympiads kumaBakala 10 ukuya ku-11 nolwe-Astroquiz Competition lwabafundi beBakala 7
0001 Notice of Economic Management Sciences (EMS) teacher professional development workshop for Grades 7–9 novice teachers
Kennisgewing van werksessies vir die professionele ontwikkeling van graad 7- tot 9- onderwysers wat vir die eerste keer Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe (EBW) onderrig
Isaziso ngomasifundisane wophuhliso lwezakhono zootitshala abangekabi namava (novice teachers) kumaBakala 7-9 kwisifundo se-Economic Management Sciences (EMS)

Curriculum GET & FET Minutes (DCG&DCF)

0002 South African Mathematics Challenge for Grades 4−7 and South African Mathematics Olympiad for Grades 8−12
Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde-uitdaging vir graad 4 tot 7 en Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde- olimpiade vir graad 8 tot 12
UKhuphiswano lwe-South African Mathematics Challenge lwamaBakala 4-7 kunye ne-South African Mathematics Olympiad yamaBakala 8 -12
Attachment(s): SAMC-2024 Entry | SAMO-2024 Entry

eLearning Minutes (DEL)

0003 Third iteration of the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams, educators at all public schools and education officials
Derde vrystelling van die Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie- aanvaardingstrategie (Information and Technology Adoption Strategy): ’n Aanlynleerkursus vir skoolbestuurspanne, opvoeders by alle openbare skole en onderwysamptenare wat teen individue se eie tempo voltooi word
Ukuqaliswa kwesithathu kwenkqubo yophinda-phindo ye-Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: ikhosi yekhompyutha oyenza ngexesha lakho yeeKomiti zoLawulo zeZikolo neyootitshala bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente neyamagosa emfundo
0002 National Senior Certificate bank of interactive questions and answers
Interaktiewe vraag-en-antwoord-databasis vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat
Ibhanki enguvimba wedatha yeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke yesistim yekhompyutha yemibuzo neempendulo
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure B1 | Annexure B2
0001 Updated guidelines on cellular phones and other mobile technologies in public schools
Bygewerkte riglyne oor selfone en ander mobiele tegnologie in openbare skole
Isikhokelo esihlaziyiweyo esingosetyenziso lweeselula nezinye izixhobo zethekhinoloji eziziimobhayili kwizikolo zikarhulumente
Attachment(s): Annexure A

Examinations Administration Minutes (DEA)

0003 Marking centre application process for the November 2024 – September 2027 National Senior Certificate and Senior Certificate examinations
Aansoekproses om as nasiensentrums diens te doen vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- en Senior Sertifikaat-eksamens van November 2024 tot September 2027
Inkqubo yokufaka isicelo sokuba liziko lokumakishela iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke nezeSatifikethi seMatriki ngoNovemba 2024 ukuya kuSeptemba 2027
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0002 Appointment of invigilators for the June 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC), and November 2024 NSC examinations
Aanstelling van opsieners vir Junie 2024 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) en Senior Sertifikaat- (SS-) eksamens en November 2024 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamen
Ukuqeshwa kwabagadi babaviwa ukwenzela iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zangoJuni 2024, nezeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC), zango-Novemba 2024
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C | Annexure D | Annexure E | Annexure F | Annexure G | Bylae B | Bylae C | Bylae E | Bylae G | IsiHlomelo E | Checklist for Invigilator Nomination Form
0001 Verification of Grade 12 learner registration information on CEMIS for the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination
Verifikasie van graad 12-leerders se registrasie-inligting op SOBIS vir 2024 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamen
Ukungqinisiswa kwengcaciso yabafundi beBakala 12 abakwi-CEMIS ukulungiselela uViwo lweSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) lwango-2024
Attachment(s): Annexure A

Financial Accounting Minutes (DFA)

0004 Procedures and guidelines for handling financial documents (payments, receipts, and journals)
Prosedures en riglyne vir die hantering van finansiële dokumente (betalings, ontvangste en joernale)
Isikhokelo nemigaqo yokusingathwa (process) kwamaxwebhu ezemali (iintlawulo, iirisithi neejenali)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C1 | Annexure C2 | Annexure D | Annexure E | Annexure F | Annexure G-A | Annexure G-B | Annexure G-C | Annexure G-F
Forms: WCG001 - T&S Advance | WCG002 - BAS Allocation Attachment | WCG003 - BAS Debt Agreement Maintenance | WCG004 - BAS Journal Entry Processing Maintenance | WCG006 - Entity Bank Details | WCG007 - BAS Journ Entry Process | WCG013 - BAS Sundry recurring payment maintenance | Sundry Payment BASIS WCG013 | WCG015 - BAS purchase order payment
0003 Reporting of all invoices received and processed by the WCED offices
Verslagdoening oor alle fakture wat deur WKOD-kantore ontvang en verwerk word
Ukunika ingxelo ngazo zonke ii-invoyisi ezifunyenweyo neziqwalaselweyo (processed) zii-ofisi zeSebe i-WCED
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0002 Inputs for the compilation of financial statements for the 2023/24 financial year
Insette vir die saamstel van finansiële state vir die 2023/24-boekjaar
Amagalelo (Inputs) okulungiselela ukuqulunqwa kweengxelo-mali zonyaka-mali ka- 2023/24
Attachment(s): AFS Input control List
0001 Basic Accounting System (BAS) – Closing procedures for the 2023/24 financial year
Basiese Rekeningkundige Stelsel (BRS) – Sluitingsprosedures vir die 2023/24- boekjaar
INkqubo yoLawulo lweMicimbi yezeMali (Basic Accounting System (BAS)) - Iinkqubo zokuvalwa kweencwadi zonyaka-mali ka-2023/24

Strategic People Management Minutes (HRM)

0004 Importance of sound performance management
Belangrikheid van behoorlike prestasiebestuur
Ukubaluleka kolawulo lwentsebenzo esemgangathweni
Attachment(s): Annexure | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0003 Staff Performance Management and Development System for 2024/25
Personeelprestasiebestuur en ontwikkelingstelsel vir 2024/25
ISistim yoLawulo noPhuhliso lweNtsebenzo yaBasebenzi ukwenzela owama-2024/25
0002 Employees who are directors of a public or private company conducting business with an organ of state
Werknemers wat direkteure is van ’n openbare of privaat maatskappy wat sake doen met ’n staatsinstelling
Abaqeshwa abangabalawuli benkampani karhulumente okanye yabucala abaqhuba ushishino nesebe neziko lolawulo likarhulumente
0001 The importance of educators and public servants applying for permission to perform remunerative work outside the public service
Die belangrikheid vir opvoeders en staatsamptenare om aansoek te doen vir toestemming om besoldigde werk buite die staatsdiens te verrig
Ukubaluleka kokuba ootitshala nabasebenzi benkonzo karhulumente benze isicelo semvume yokwenza umsebenzi ohlawulelwayo owenziwa ngaphandle kwenkonzo karhulumente (remunerative work outside the public service)
Attachment(s): Application Form for RWOPS