Circulars 2024 | Western Cape Education Department
0014 Revision of the Accounting Officer’s System, Supply Chain Management Delegations and Addendums to the Accounting Officer’s System
Hersiening van die Rekenpligtige Beampte se Stelsel, Verskaffingskettingbestuursdelegasies en Addendums tot die Rekenpligtige Beampte se Stelsel
Ukuhlaziywa kwe-Accounting Officer’s System, i-Supply Chain Management Delegations ne-Addendums kwi-Accounting Officer’s System
Attachment(s): Addendums 1 - 39 | WCED Accounting Officer’s System
0013 Compensation for school fee exemptions
Kompensasie vir die vrystelling van die betaling van skoolgelde
Imbuyiselo ngenxa yokuxolelwa ekuhlawuleni iifizi zesikolo
0012 Increase in amounts payable for hostel and private boarding, private transport and personnel subsidies
Verhoging in die bedrae betaalbaar vir subsidies vir koshuis- en privaat losies, privaat vervoer en personeelsubsidies
Ukunyuka kwezixa-mali ezihlawulelwa ukubhoda kwiihostele nakwiindawo zabucala, ezothutho lwabucala kunye neenkxaso-mali zabasebenzi
0011 Involvement of WCED employees in the national and provincial elections scheduled for Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Betrokkenheid van WKOD-werknemers in die nasionale en provinsiale verkiesing wat vir Woensdag, 29 Mei 2024 afgekondig is
Ukubandakanyeka kwabaqeshwa beSebe i-WCED kunyulo lukazwelonke nolwamaphondo olucwangciselwe uLwesithathu we-29 Meyi 2024
Attachment(s): Annexure
0010 May/June 2024 examination timetable and arrangements for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Die rooster en reëlings vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) en die Senior Sertifikaat- (SS-) eksamens in Mei/Junie 2024
Ithayimtheyibhile yeemviwo zangoMeyi/Juni 2024 namalungiselelo eemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC)
Attachment(s): May - June 2024 NSC|SC Examination Timetable
0009 School attendance by Grades 4−12 learners during and after the 2024 June and November school-based internal examination and assessment periods
Skoolbywoning deur graad 4- tot 12-leerders tydens en na afloop van die skoolgebaseerde interne eksamen- en assesseringstydperke in Junie en November 2024
Ukuhamba isikolo kwabafundi bamaBakala 4 ukuya ku-12 ngethuba nasemva kwethuba loviwo nelovavanyo lwangaphakathi oluqhubekela esikolweni ngoJuni nangoNovemba 2024.
0008 Clarifying notes on Circular 0034/2023
Toeligting oor Omsendbrief 0034/2023
Ingcaciso ecacisa ngeenkcukacha zeSetyhula 0034/2023
0007 Guidelines for principals on the management of school-based educator leave
Riglyne vir prinsipale rakende die bestuur van skoolgebaseerde opvoeders se verlof
Isikhokelo sokulawula ikhefu lootitshala abasezikolweni ukulungiselela iinqununu
Attachment(s): Annexure
0006 Revised procedures for the election and establishment of governing bodies at public schools in 2024
Hersiene prosedures vir die instelling en verkiesing van beheerliggame by openbare skole in 2024
Ukwaziswa kweMigaqo yeeNkqubo zoKumiselwa nokoNyulwa kwamaBhunga oLawulo kwizikolo zikawonkewonke, 2024, ukungiselela unyulo lwamabhunga olawulo ngo-2024
Attachment(s): Annexure | Bylae | IsiHlomelo | Election Procedures
0005 Prohibition of political activities during school time
Verbod op politieke aktiwiteite in skooltyd
Ukuthintelwa kwemisebenzi yezopolitiko (political activities) ngexesha lesikolo
0004 Supply Chain Management procurement process applicable to Information and Communication Technology related goods and services as per the State Information Technology Agency requirements
Voorsieningskettingbestuur se prosedure vir die verkryging van goedere en dienste vir Inligtings- en Kommunikasietegnologie volgens die vereistes van die staat se inligtingstegnologie-agentskap
Inkqubo ye-Supply Chain Management esebenza kwiimpahla neenkonzo ezinxulumene ne-Information and Communication Technology ngokweemfuno ezimiselweyo ze-State Information Technology Agency
0003 Provision of 2024/25 public service support staff establishments for ordinary public and special schools
Voorsiening van 2024/25 se diensstate vir staatsdiensondersteuningspersoneel aan gewone openbare skole en spesiale skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nezikolo zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa ngamanani ezithuba zomsebenzi zabaqeshwa benkonzo karhulumente abanika inkxaso ngowama-2024/25
0002 The capturing of the textbooks issued at the end of the first school term and those retrieved during the last school term of each year and the need to ensure accurate record keeping and reporting on textbook retention and retrieval for 2024
Die vaslegging van die handboeke wat aan die einde van die eerste skoolkwartaal uitgereik is en dié wat gedurende die laaste skoolkwartaal van elke jaar herwin is, asook die noodsaaklikheid van akkurate rekordhouding en verslagdoening oor die behoud en herwinning van handboeke vir 2024
Ukufakwa kwikhompyutha kweencwadi zezifundo ezikhutshwe ekupheleni kwekota yokuqala yesikolo nezo zifunyenwe ngethuba lekota yokugqibela yesikolo ngonyaka ngamnye kunye nemfuno yokuqinisekisa ukugcinwa kwerekhodi ezichanekileyo nokunika ingxelo ngeencwadi zokufunda ezigciniweyo nezifunyenweyo ezibuyisiweyo ngowama-2024
0001 Adherence to prescribed timeframes for the notification of exit from service, consequences of late submission and GEPF forms applicable upon exit
Nakoming van voorgeskrewe kennistydperke vir uittrede uit diens, gevolge van laat indiening van uittreedokumente en die vorms wat die GEPF met uittrede benodig
Ukulandelwa mbo kwamaxesha amiselweyo okufakwa kwesaziso sokuyishiya inkonzo, iziphumo zokungeniswa emva kwexesha elimiselweyo kwamaxwebhu ayimfuneko neefomu ze-GEPF ezisebenzayo xa kuphunywa kwinkonzo