0044 |
Early retirement of educators and public service staff without penalisation of pension benefits in terms of section 10(3) of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998 and section 16(6) of the Public Service Act, 1994
Vroeё aftrede van opvoeders en staatsdienspersoneel sonder penalisering van pensioenvoordele ingevolge artikel 10(3) van die Wet op die Indiensneming van Opvoeders, 1998 en artikel 16(6) van die Staatsdienswet, 1994
Umhlala-phantsi phambi kwexesha elifanelekileyo ngaphandle kwesohlwayo samalungelo epenshini ngokwecandelo 10(3) loMthetho weNgqesho yooTitshala (uMthetho 76 ka-1998) nangokwecandelo 16(6) loMthetho weNkonzo kaRhulumente, 1994 |
0043 |
Dates and time frames for applications for admission to ordinary public schools and the management of school admission information for 2020/21
Datums en tydraamwerke vir aansoeke vir toelating tot gewone openbare skole asook die bestuur van die skooltoelatingsinligting vir 2020/21
Imihla namaxesha amiselweyo okwamkelwa kwezicelo zokufaka abafundi kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nolawulo lwengcaciso engokwamkela abafundi ezikolweni ngo-2020/21 |
0042 |
Guidelines for General Education and Training (GET) quality assurance
Riglyne vir gehalteversekering in Algemene Onderwys-en-opleiding (AOO)
ISikhokelo soqinisekiso lomgangatho se-General Education and Training (GET) |
0041 |
Grade R subsidies and other ECD-related matters as for 01 April 2020
Graad R-subsidies en ander VKO-verwante sake soos vir 01 April 2020
Iinkxaso-mali zeBakala R neminye imiba enxulumene ne-ECD ukulungiselela owe-01 Apreli 2020 |
0040 |
Requirements to ensure accurate record-keeping and reporting on textbook retention and retrieval for the 2019/20 financial year
Vereistes om akkurate optekening en verslagdoening oor die behoud en herwinning van handboeke vir die 2019/20-boekjaar te verseker
Le setyhula yazisa izikolo ngeemfuno ezimiselweyo zokuqinisekisa ukugcinwa ngokuchanekileyo nokunikwa kwengxelo echanekileyo engokugcinwa nokubuyiswa kweencwadi zezifundo ukulungiselela unyaka-mali ka-2019/20 |
0039 |
To ensure efficient and effective functionality of governing bodies
Om te verseker dat daar effektiewe en doeltreffende funksionaliteit van beheerliggame is
Ukuqinisekisa ukusebenza ngobuchule nangokuyimpumelelo kwamabhunga olawulo |
0038 |
Sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor on school premises or at school activities and the presence of learners when alcoholic liquor is consumed or sold on school premises or at a school activity
Verkoop en verbruik van alkoholiese drank op skoolpersele of by skoolaktiwiteite asook die teenwoordigheid van leerders wanneer alkoholiese drank op skoolpersele of by ʼn skoolaktiwiteit verbruik of verkoop word
Ukuthengiswa nokuselwa kotywala obunxilisayo kumasango esikolo okanye kwimisebenzi yesikolo nokubakho kwabafundi xa kuselwa okanye kuthengiswa utywala obunxilisayo kumasango esikolo okanye kumsebenzi wesikolo |
0037 |
The 2020 Planning calendar for schools
Die skoolbeplanningskalender vir 2020
IKhalenda yokucwangcisela izikolo ngo-2020 |
0036 |
Non-section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2020/21 financial year
Nie-artikel 21-skole: Norme-en-standaarde-befondsing vir skole, graad 1–12 — finansiële toewysings vir die 2020/21-boekjaar
Izikolo ezingekho phantsi kwesiqendu 21: Imimiselo nemigangatho yengxowa-mali yezikolo kumaBakala 1-12 – ulwabiwo-mali lonyaka-mali ka-2020/21 |
0035 |
Section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2020/21 financial year
Artikel 21-skole: Norme-en-standaarde-befondsing vir skole, graad 1–12 — finansiële toewysings vir die 2020/21-boekjaar
Izikolo eziphantsi kwesiqendu 21: Imimiselo nemigangatho yengxowa-mali yezikolo kumaBakala 1-12 – ulwabiwo-mali lonyaka-mali ka-2020/21 |
0034 |
Amendment to the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) 2019 examination timetable: South African Sign Language Home Language (SASL HL)
Wysiging van die 2019 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)-eksamenrooster vir graad 12: Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal Huistaal (SAGT HT)
Ukufakelwa kwezilungiso kwithayimthebhile yoviwo lweSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) yango-2019 ye-South African Sign Language Home Language(SASL HL) |
0033 |
Revised Cellular Phone Policy of the Western Cape Education Department, 2019
Hersiene selfoonbeleid van die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement, 2019
UMgaqo-nkqubo ohlaziyiweyo weeSelula weSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni, 2019 |
0032 |
Provision of 2020 teaching staff establishments for special public schools
Voorsiening van 2020 se opvoederdiensstate aan spesiale openbare skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo zikarhulumente zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa ngezithuba zootitshala ezabelwe izikolo ngo-2020 |
0031 |
Policy to monitor the financial management capability of all public schools
Beleid om die finansiёle bestuursvermoёns van alle openbare skole te monitor
Umgaqo-nkqubo wokubeka esweni ubuchule bolawulo lwezemali bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente |
0030 |
Provision of 2020 teaching staff establishments for public ordinary schools
Voorsiening van 2020 onderwysdiensstate aan gewone openbare skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo ngezithuba zootitshala ezabelwe izikolo ngo-2020 |
0029 |
Delivery of Grades R to 9 Department of Basic Education workbooks for 2020
Aflewering van graad R tot 9 Departement van Basiese Onderwys-werkboeke vir 2020
Ukusiwa kweencwadi zokwenza umsebenzi zeSebe leMfundo esiSiseko likazwelonke zamaBakala R ukuya ku-9 ngo-2020 |
0028 |
2019 National Teaching Awards
2019 Nasionale Onderwystoekennings
AmaBhaso okuWonga ooTitshala kaZwelonke ka-2019 |
0027 |
Financial management at schools
Finansiёle bestuur by skole
Ulawulo lwezemali ezikolweni |
0026 |
Evaluation of qualifications: Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase Postgraduate Certificatesin Education as well as the National Professional Diploma in Education
Evaluering van kwalifikasies: Nagraadse Onderwyssertifikate in die Grondslagfase en Intermediêre Fase asook die Nasionale Professionele Diploma in Onderwys
Ukuhlolwa kweziqinisekiso zemfundo: ii-Postgraduate Certificatesin Education kwiSigaba seSiseko neSigaba esiPhakathi nakwi-National Professional Diploma in Education Education |
0025 |
Promulgation of the Regulations on the Western Cape Schools Evaluation Authority, 2019
Proklamasie van die Regulasies betreffende die Wes-Kaapse Skoolevalueringsgesag, 2019
Ukupapashwa kweMimiselo emalunga noGunyaziwe woHlolo lweZikolo zePhondo leNtshona Koloni, 2019 |
0024 |
Timetable and arrangements for the October–November 2019 National Senior Certificate examinations
Rooster en reëlings vir die Oktober–November 2019 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Ithayimthebhile namalungiselelo eemviwo zango-Oktobha–Novemba 2019 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke |
0023 |
Strengthening the implementation of the policy on learner attendance and keeping of attendance records
Versterking van die implementering van die leerderbywoningsbeleid en rekordhouding van bywoningsrekords
Ukomelezwa kokuphunyezwa komgaqo-nkqubo ongokuhamba isikolo kwabafundi nokugcinwa kweerekhodi zokuhamba isikolo kwabafundi |
0022 |
Procedure to obtain official approval of building plans for building project(s) at Western Cape Government schools on state property
Prosedure om amptelike goedkeuring van bouplanne vir bouprojek(te) by skole van die Wes-Kaapse Regering op staatseiendomte verkry
Umgaqo wokufumana imvume yaseburhulumenteni yeeplani zokwakha ukwenzela iprojekthi yokwakha (iiprojekthi zokwakha) kwizikolo zikaRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni kwipropathi karhulumente |
0021 |
Amendments to the 2019 May-June National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations timetable
Wysigings aan die rooster van die 2019 Mei–Junie Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)- en Senior Sertifikaat (SS)-eksamens
Izilungiso kwithayimthebhile yeemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zangoMeyi ukuya kuJuni 2019 |
0020 |
The payment of school fees and the exemption of parents from the payment of school fees
Die betaling van skoolgeld en die vrystelling van ouers van die betaling van skoolgeld
Intlawulo yeefizi zezikolo nokuxolelwa kwabazali ekuhlawuleni iifizi zezikolo |
0019 |
Involvement of WCED educators and public service staff in the national elections scheduled for 08 May 2019
Betrokkenheidvan WKOD-opvoeders en staatsdienspersoneel by die nasionale verkiesing wat vir 08 Mei 2019 afgekondig is
Imigqaliselo engobandakanyeko lootitshala nabasebenzi bakarhulumente beWCED kunyulo lukazwelonke olucwangciselwe owe-08 Meyi 2019 |
0018 |
Withdrawal of accumulated savings from the GEHS individual–linked savings facility (ILSF) for employees who rent homes (i.e. tenants)
Onttrekking van opgehoopte spaargeld uit die GEHS se individu-gekoppelde spaarrekening (ILSF) deur werknemers wat huise huur (m.a.w. huurders)
Ukukhutshwa kweemali ezongiweyo ezigcinwe kwi-government employeeshousing scheme (GEHS) individual-linked savings facility (ILSF) ukwenzela abaqeshwa abarenta amakhaya(oko kukuthi abaqeshi) |
0017 |
The delinking of the payment of housing allowances to state employed spouses of state employees
Die ontkoppeling van die betaling van behuisingstoelae aan eggenote binne die staatdiens
Le setyhula yazisa inkqubo yokwahlukaniswa kwentlawulo yesibonelelo sezezindlu kubalingane (spouses) abaqeshwe ngurhulumente babaqeshwa bakarhulumente |
0016 |
Segregation of duties of receiving, receipting and banking of monies received at schoolas well as that ofpurchasing procedures
Verdelingvan pligte wat verband hou met die ontvangs van geld, uitreiking van kwitansies en deponeringvan geld wat by skole ontvang word, sowel as dié van aankoopprosedures
Ukwahlulwa-hlulwa kwemisebenzi yokufunyanwa, ukubhalwa kweerisithinokubhankishwa kweemali ezifunyenwe esikolweni kwakunye nalowo weenkqubo zokuthenga |
0015 |
WCED circulars issued during 2018
WKOD-omsendbriewe wat gedurende 2018 uitgereik is
IiSetyhula zeSebe iWCED ezikhutshwe ngo-2018 |
0014 |
Final timetables and arrangements for the June and November 2019 Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 4 examinations
Finale roosters en reëlings vir die Junie en November 2019 Basiese Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (VBOO) Vlak 4-eksamens
Ithayimthebhile yokugqibela namalungiselelo eemviwozangoJuni noNovemba 2019zeMfundo noQeqesho lwaBadala (ABET) iNqanaba 4 |
0013 |
Procedure for picketing during industrial action
Prosedure vir betooglinievormingtydens nywerheidsoptrede
Inkqubo yokuphiketha ngethuba logwayimbolwabasebenzi |
0012 |
Prohibition of corporal punishment
Verbod op lyfstraf
Ukuthintelwa kokohlwaya ngokubetha |
0011 |
Guidelines for principals on their role in reporting and managing alleged misconduct, disciplinary hearings and unfair dismissal disputes
Riglyne vir prinsipale oor hulle rol in die rapportering en bestuurvan beweerde wangedrag, dissiplinêre verhore en geskilpunte oor onbillike ontslag
Isikhokelo seenqununu esingendima yazo yokunika ingxelo nokulawulaizityholo zokuziphatha kakubi, iingxoxo zoluleko noxambuliswano olungokugxothwa emsebenzini okungenziwanga ngobulungisa (unfair dismissal disputes) |
0010 |
June examination 2019 timetable and arrangements for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Junie-eksamen 2019-rooster en reëlings vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)- en Senior Sertifikaat (SS)-eksamen
Ithayimthebhile namalungiselelo eemviwo zangoJuni 2019 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (National Senior Certificate (NSC)) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (Senior Certificate (SC)) |
0009 |
Compensation for school fee exemptions
Kompensasie vir die vrystelling van die betaling van skoolgeld
Imbuyiselo ngenxa yokuxolelwa ekuhlawuleni iifizi zesikolo |
0008 |
Amendments to the South African Schools Act which grant usage rights to governing bodies in respect of the school’s immovable property
Wysigings aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet wat gebruiksregte van die skool se vaste eiendomaan beheerliggame toestaan
Izilungiso kuMthetho weZikolo zaseMzantsi Afrika, ezithi zinike amabhunga olawulo ezikolo amalungelo osetyenziso (usage rights) ngokumalunga nepropathiengenakushenxiseka yesikolo (school’s immovable property) |
0007 |
Increase in the amounts payable for boarding, transport and private boarding bursaries and personnel subsidies to hostels and schools
Verhoging van die bedrae betaalbaar vir losies-, vervoer-en privaat losiesbeurse, en personeelsubsidies by koshuise en skole
Ukunyuswa kwezixa-mali ezihlawulelwa ukubhoda, ezothutho, iibhasari zokubhoda kwiindawo zabucala neenkxaso-mali zabasebenzi kwiihostele nasezikolweni |
0006 |
Conversion of the employment of Post Level 1 educators from temporary to permanent in terms of section 6(b) of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998
Omskakeling van die indiensneming van posvlak 1-opvoeders vanaf tydelike na permanente poste ingevolge artikel 6(b) van die Wet opdieIndiensneming van Opvoeders, 1998
Ukutshintshwa kwengqesho yooTitshala beZithuba zeNqanaba 1 itshintshelwe kwingqesho esisigxina ngokwesiqendu 6(b) soMthetho wezeNgqesho yooTitshala (Employment of Educators Act, 1998) |
0005 |
Permanent appointment of newly qualified educators in terms of section 6(a) of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998
Permanente aanstelling van pas gekwalifiseerde opvoeders ingevolge artikel 6(a) van die Wet op die Indiensneming van Opvoeders, 1998
Ukuqeshwa ngokusisigxina kootitshala abasanda kufumana iziqinisekiso zobutitshala ngokwesiqendu 6(a) soMthetho weNgqesho yooTitshala, 1998 (Employment of Educators Act, 1998) |
0004 |
The Western Cape Provincial School Education Amendment Act, 2018 (Act 4 of 2018)
Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Wysigingswetop Skoolonderwys, 2018 (Wet 4 van 2018)
UMthetho oFakela iZilungiso weMfundo weZikolo zePhondo leNtshona Koloni, ka-2018 (uMthetho 4 ka-2018) |
0003 |
Introduction of the Transform to Perform (T2P) Strategy
Bekendstelling van die Transformeer om te Presteer (T2P)-strategie (Transform to Perform)
Ukuqaliswa kwesiCwangciso sokuTshintsha uKwenza (Transform to Perform (T2P) Strategy) |
0002 |
Provision of 2019 public service support staff establishments to ordinary public schools
Voorsiening van 2019 diensstate van staatsdiensondersteuningspersoneel aan gewone openbare skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo ngezithuba zabasebenzi abanika inkxaso benkonzo karhulumente ngo-2019 kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo |
0001 |
New Leave Form (Z1a) which includes surrogacy leave for educators and public service staff
Nuwe Verlof vorm (Z1a) wat surrogaatmoederskapsverlof vir opvoeders en staatsdienspersoneel insluit
IFom yeKhefu eNtsha (Z1a) equka ikhefu lomsebenzi ozalela omnye (surrogate leave) omnyekootitshala nabasebenzi benkonzo karhulumente |