Minutes 2021 | Western Cape Education Department

Institutional Resource Support Minutes (DIR)

0007 Consolidation of LTS claims with learner names on the LTS database on CEMIS and the constitution of learner transport committees at schools with devolved LTS routes
Konsolidasie van LVS-eise met leerders se name op die LVS-databasis op SOBIS en die instelling van leerdervervoerkomitees by skole met toegekende LVS-roetes
Ukuhlanganiswa kwezicelo zamabango esikim sothutho lwabafundi i-LTS namagama abafundi abakwiziko ledatha ye-LTS kwisistim i-CEMIS kwanokumiselwa kweekomiti zothutho lwabafundi ezikolweni ezineendlela ze-LTS ezidluliselwe kulawulo lwezikolo
Attachment(s): Declaration of learners making use of Devolved Learner Transport Scheme (LTS) route
0006 Applications for new learner transport services for 2022 (new services and additional learners)
Aansoeke om nuwe leerdervervoerdienste vir 2022 (nuwe dienste en addisionele leerders)
Izicelo zeenkonzo ezintsha zothutho lwabafundi ukulungiselela u-2022 (ezeenkonzo ezintsha nezabafundi abongezelelweyo)
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0005 Delivery of Grades R to 9 DBE workbooks for 2022
Aflewering van graad R tot 9 DBO-werkboeke vir 2022
Ukusiwa kweencwadi zomsebenzi zeSebe iDBE zamaBakala R ukuya ku-9 ukulungiselela unyaka wekhalenda yesikolo ka-2022
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A | Annexure B
0004 Verification and confirmation of learners making use of Learner Transport Scheme routes, as listed on CEMIS
Verifikasie en bevestiging van leerders wat op SOBIS gelys is en van leerdervervoerskemaroetes gebruik maak
Ukungqinisiswa nokuqinisekiswa kwabafundi abasebenzisa iZikim zoThutho lwaBafundi (Learner Transport Schemes) (LTSs)
Attachment(s): Annexure A and B | Bylae A en B
0003 Online ordering of stationery in the 2021/22 financial year for all non-section 21 public schools
Aanlynbestelling van skryfbehoeftes in die 2021/22-boekjaar vir alle nie-artikel 21 gewone openbareskole
Ithuba lazo zonke izikolo ezingekho phantsi kwecandelo-21 loku-odola ngekhompyutha (online ordering) izinto zokubhala kunyaka-mali ka-2021/22
Attachment(s): Stationery Catalogue
0002 Online ordering facility for Grades 1 to 12 CAPS textbooks
Aanlyn bestelstelsel vir die bestelling van KABV-handboeke vir graad 1 tot 12
Ifasilithi yokwenza i-odolo ngekhompyutha eyenzelwe uku-odola iincwadi zezifundo zekharityhulam ye-CAPS zamaBakala 1 ukuya ku-12
Attachment(s): Addendum 1
0001 Online system for Grades R to 9 workbooks for 2021
Aanlyn stelsel vir graad R- tot 9-werkboeke vir 2021
Isistim esebenza ngekhompyutha yeencwadi zomsebenzi zamaBakala R ukuya ku- 9 ukulungiselela u-2021

Knowledge, Information & Record Management Systems and ICT Minutes (DKM)

0008 ITOPSCOM meeting schedule
Rooster vir ITOPSCOM-vergadering
Ishedyuli yeentlanganiso ze-ITOPSCOM
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0007 2021 Annual Survey for Public and Independent Special Schools
Jaarlikse Opname by openbare en onafhanklike spesiale skole vir 2021
ISaveyi yaQho ngoNyaka ka-2021 yeZikolo zikaRhulumente neZikolo zeMfundo eneeMfuno eziZodwa eziZimeleyo
0006 Request to return official barcoded files/records and correspondence to the various registries in the Grand Central and Golden Acre Buildings
Versoek om amptelike kodestrepielêers/rekords en korrepondensie na die verskillende registrasies in die Grand Central-en Goue Akkergeboue terug te stuur
Isicelo sokubuyisela iifayili ezineebhakhowudi zaseburhulumenteni/iirekhodi nembalelwano eya kumacandelo olawulo lweerekhodi ahlukeneyo kwizakhiwo i-Grand Central ne-Golden Acre Buildings
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0005 Utilisation of the jTRACK file tracking system
Gebruik van die jTrack-lêeropsporingstelsel
Ukusetyenziswa kwesistim yokulandelela ukuhamba kweefayili i-jTRACK system
Attachment(s): Annexure A | jTRACK system user manual
0004 2021 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Annual School Survey (ASS) for public and independent Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres
Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se Jaarlikse Skoolopname (JSO) vir openbare en onafhanklike Vroeëkindontwikkeling (VKO) - sentrums in 2021
ISaveyi yeZikolo yaQho ngoNyaka (Annual School Survey (ASS)) ka-2021 yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni (WCED) kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nakumaziko azimeleyo e-Early Childhood Development(ECD)
0003 2021 SNAP Survey for special schools
2021 Kitsopname vir spesiale skole
ISaveyi ye-SNAP yezikolo zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa yango-2021
0002 2021 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Annual School Survey (ASS) for ordinary public and independent schools
Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se Jaarlikse Skoolopname (JSO) vir gewone openbare en onafhanklike skole vir 2021
ISaveyi yeZikolo yaQho ngoNyaka (Annual School Survey (ASS)) ka-2021 yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni (WCED) kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nezikolo ezizimeleyo
0001 2021 Western Cape Education Department SNAP survey for ordinary public and independent schools
Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement se 2021-kitsopname vir gewone openbare en onafhanklike skole
ISaveyi eQuphayo (SNAP Survey) ka-2021 yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni yezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nezikolo ezizimeleyo

Research Minutes (DRS)

0001 2021 WCED Systemic Tests in independent schools
WKOD se sistemiese toetse in onafhanklike skole in 2021
IiMvavanyo zeNkqubo yeMfundo yeSebe iWCED ngo-2021 kwizikolo ezizimeleyo

Branch: Curriculum and Assessment Management Minutes (B-CM)

0004 Curriculum Coverage
Ukufundiswa kweKharityhulam
0003 Die Burger Youth Leadership Conference 13-15 December 2021
Die Burger se jeugleierskapkonferensie, 13-15 Desember 2021
INkomfa yePhephandaba i-Die Burger Youth Leadership Conference yange-13–15 Disemba 2021
Attachment(s): 2021 Nomination form - Annual Leadership Conference
0002 Grade 12 Examination Guidelines for 2021
Eksamenriglyne vir graad 12 in 2021
Sikhokelo seeMviwo zeBakala 12 sango-2021
0001 Release of the curriculum Recovery Annual Teaching Plans for 2021
Vrystelling van die herwinning van die kurrikulum se jaarlikse onderrigplanne in 2021
Ukukhutshwa kwe-Recovery Annual Teaching Plans zekharityhulam zango-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B

Assessment Management Minutes (DAM)

0020 Guidelines for controlled tests for Grades 10-11
Riglyne omtrent kontroletoetse vir graad 10 tot 11
Isikhokelo seemviwo ezibhalwa kumsebenzi osele ufundisiwe kumaBakala 10-11
Attachment(s): 2021 Guidelines for Controlled Tests Grade 10 – 11(FET)
0019 Applications for candidates who are COVID-19 positive or in isolation/quarantine who wish to write the November/December 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations
Aansoeke van kandidate wat COVID-19-positief of in isolasie/kwarantyn is wat die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamens in November/Desember 2021 wil skryf
Izicelo zabaviwa abosuleleke yi-COVID-19 okanye ababekwe bodwa bucala kuba bosulelekile/ababekwe bucala kuba bedibene nabantu abosuleleke yi-COVID-19 abanqwenela ukubhala iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) zangoNovemba/zangoDisemba 2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Bylae A
0018 Participation in the signing of a pledge and commitment agreement related to the writing of the 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations
Deelname aan die ondertekening van ʼn belofte en verbintenisooreenkoms betreffende die skryf van die 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Ukuthatha inxaxheba ekusayineni imvumelwano yokuzibophelela nesithembiso sokuthobela imigaqo enxulumene nokubhalwa kweemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngo-2021
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0017 Administration of the writing of the supplementary Common Assessment Task for Grade 12 Life Orientation in 2021
Administrasie van die skryf van die aanvullende Algemene Assesseringstaak vir graad 12 Lewensoriëntering in 2021
Ulawulo lokubhalwa koMsebenzi woVavanyo okuMgangatho ofanayo (Common Assessment Task) wokuxabangela kwiSifundo soLwazi ngezoBomi (Life Orientation (LO)) kwiBakala 12 ngo-2021
0016 Monitoring and risk management for the National Senior Certificate, Adult Education and Training Level 4 and Senior Certificate examinations from October 2021 to July 2022
Moniterings- en risikobestuur vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-, Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes Vlak 4-, en Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen vanaf Oktober 2021 tot Julie 2022
Ukubekwa esweni nolawulo lweemeko ezingayingxaki kwiimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke, eze-Adult Education and Training Level 4 nezeSatifikethi seMatriki ukususela ngo-Oktobha 2021 ukuya kuJulayi 2022
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0015 Procedures and guidelines for the November 2021 National Senior Certificate final practical examinations for Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT)
Prosedures en riglyne vir die November 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat se finale praktiese eksamen vir Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie (RTT) en Inligtingstegnologie (IT)
Iinkqubo nezikhokelo zeemviwo zokugqibela zepraktikhali ze-Computer Applications Technology (CAT) ne-Information Technology (IT) zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngoNovemba 2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A
0014 Mathematical Literacy exemplar question paper for Grade 12 November 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations
Voorbeeldvraestel vir Wiskundige Geletterdheid vir graad 12 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamens in November 2021
Iphepha lemibuzo elingumzekelo loLwazi lweMathematika (Mathematical Literacy) ukulungiselela iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) kwiBakala 12 zangoNovemba 2021
0013 Errata on the Grade 12 examination guidelines for 2021: National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations
Erratum betreffende die graad 12’s se eksamenriglyne vir 2021: Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)-eksamen
Iimpazamo kwizikhokelo zoviwo ezibhaliweyo zeBakala 12 seSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) sango-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0012 Guidelines on the administration of the Tourism Practical Assessment Task for the 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations
Riglyne oor die afneem van die Praktiese Assesseringstaak vir Toerisme tydensdie Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen in 2021
Isikhokelo solawulo esimalunga noMsebenzi woVavanyo lwePraktikhali ye-Tourism (Tourism Practical AssessmentTask) olungiselelwe iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngo-2021
0011 Administration of the Common Assessment Task (CAT) for Grade 12 Life Orientation (LO) in 2021
Administrasie van die Algemene Assesseringstaak (AAT) vir graad 12 se Lewensoriëntering (LO) in 2021
Ukulawulwa koMsebenzi woVavanyo okuMgangatho oFanayo (Common Assessment Task) (CAT) kwiSifundo soLwazi ngezoBomi (Life Orientation) (LO) kwiBakala 12 ngo-2021
0010 Prevention of irregularities during the conduct of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Voorkoming van onreëlmatighede tydens die afneem van die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)- en Senior Sertifikaat (SS)-eksamen
Ukuthintelwa kwezitenxo ngethuba lokuqhutywa kweemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (National Senior Certificate) (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (Senior Certificate) (SC)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A
0009 November 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations: Procedures and guidelines for the conduct of the final practical examinations for Design and Visual Arts
November 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamens: Prosedures en riglyne vir die afneem van die finale praktiese eksamens vir Ontwerp en Visuele Kunste
Iimviwo zangoNovemba 2021 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke: Iinkqubo nesikhokelo sokuqhutywa kweemviwo zepraktikhali zokugqibela kwizifundo ze-Design ne-Visual Arts
0008 Invitation to apply for the position of monitor for the 2021/2022 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Uitnodiging om aansoek te doen om die pos as monitor vir die 2021/2022 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-(NSS-) en Senior Sertifikaat-(SS-) eksamen
Kucelwa izicelo zesithuba sokuba ligosa elingumakhi-mkhanya (monitor) kwiimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zango-2021/2022
0007 Examination practice for Grades 10-12
Voorbereidingsoefening vir graad 10-tot 12-eksamen
Inkqubo yokuprekthizela uviwo yamaBakala 10-12
0006 Grade 12 Technical Mathematics Practical Assessment Tasks (PATs) for 2021 National Senior Certificate Examinations
Graad 12 se praktiese assesseringstake (PAT’s) vir Tegniese Wiskunde vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamens in 2021
IMisebenzi yoVavanyo lwePrakthikhali (PATS) ye-Technical Mathematics ukulungiselela iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke zango-2021
0005 Delay in the release of the Grades 10-12 recording and reporting tool
Vertraging met die vrystelling van graad 10-12 se optekenings-en verslagdoeningsinstrument
Ukulibaziseka kokukhutshwa kwesixhobo sokurekhoda nokwenza iripoti (recording and reporting tool) seBakala 10-12
0004 Applications for positions of internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers, senior markers and markers for the 2021 National Senior Certificate and the 2022 Senior Certificate examinations
Aansoeke om betrekkings as interne moderators, hoofnasieners, adjunkhoofnasieners, senior nasieners en nasieners vir die 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- en die 2022 Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Kucelwa izicelo zezithuba zeemodareyitha zangaphakathi, zabamakishi abaziintloko, zamasekela-bamakishi abaziintloko, zabamakishi abakhulu nabamakishi, kwiimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) zango-2021–nakwiimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zango-2022
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0003 Adult Education and Training Level 4 examination timetables for June 2021 and November 2021
Die Junie en November 2021 eksamenroosters van Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes Vlak 4
Iithayimtheyibhile zeemviwo ze-Adult Education and Training Level 4 zangoJuni 2021 nangoNovemba 2021
Attachment(s): 2021 AET Timetables June and November
0002 Practical Assessment Tasks for the 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations
Praktiese Assesseringstake vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamens in 2021
IMisebenzi yoVavanyo lwePrakthikhali yeemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngo-2021
0001 Amended assessment management timeframes for 2021
Gewysigde tydraamwerke vir assesseringsbestuur in 2021
Amaxesha asikiweyo atshintshiweyo olawulo lovavanyo ukwenzela u-2021

Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute Minutes (CTLI)

0007 Teacher development courses and webinars to be offered at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute in 2022
Kursusse vir onderwyserontwikkeling en webinars wat in 2022 by die Kaapse Onderrig-en Leierskapinstituut aangebied sal word
Iikhosi neewebhina zophuhliso lobuchule bootitshala eziya kwenziwa e-Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute ngo-2022
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0006 Celebrating International School Library Month (ISLM)
Viering van Internasionale Skoolbiblioteekmaand (ISBM)
Ukubhiyozela iNyanga yeLayibrari yeSikolo yeHlabathi (ISLM)
Attachment(s): ISLM A3 Poster
0005 EDULIS library open for walk-in clients
EDULIS-biblioteek oop vir instapkliënte
Ukuvulwa kwelayibrari i-EDULIS ukwenzela ukungena kwabenzelwa iinkonzo
0004 Invitation to Microsoft Partners in Learning (MS PiL) “ICT Skills for Teachers” course
Uitnodiging vir die kursus Microsoft Partners in Learning (MS PiL) “ICT Skills for Teachers”
Isimemo sekhosi yootitshala i-Microsoft in Partners in Learning (MS PiL) “Skills for Teachers” course
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0003 2021 National Teaching Awards
2021 se Nasionale Onderwystoekennings
AmaBhaso okuWonga ooTitshala kaZwelonke ango-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | NTA Nomination Guide 2021 | New Categories for the 21st NTA
0002 Teacher development courses and Webinars to be offered at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute in 2021
Ontwikkelingskursusse vir onderwysers en Webinare word in 2021 by die Kaapse Onderrig-en Leierskapinstituut aangebied
Iikhosi zophuhliso lobuchule bootitshala neeWebhina eziya kwenziwa eCape Teaching and Leadership Institute ngo-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Bylae B | IsiHlomelo B
0001 Global Teacher Prize Competition
UKhuphiswano i-Global Teacher Prize Competition

Curriculum FET Minutes (DCF)

0009 Western Cape Essay Writing Bursary Competition for Grade 11 learners offering Economics, Accounting and Mathematics (2021/22)
Wes-Kaapse Opstelbeurskompetisie vir graad 11-leerders wat Ekonomie, Rekeningkunde en Wiskunde neem (2021/22)
Ukhuphiswano lokubhala isincoko i-Western Cape Essay Writing Bursary Competition olwenzelwa abafundi beBakala 11 abenza i-Economics, i-Accounting neMathematics (ngo-2021/22)
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | Isihlomelo
0008 Prescribed literature for the November 2022 and June 2023 Grade 12 examinations
Voorgeskrewe letterkunde vir die graad 12-eksamens in November 2022 en Junie 2023
Uncwadi olumiselweyo lweemviwo zeBakala 12 zangoNovemba 2022 nezangoJuni 2023
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C
0007 Repeal of additional reading and planning time for Information Technology (IT) National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination
Herroeping van bykomende lees-en beplanningstyd vir Inligtingstegnologie (IT) se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamen
Ukurhoxiswa kwexesha lokufunda nokucwangcisa elongezelelweyo ukwenzela uviwo lwe-Information Technology (IT) lweSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke
Attachment(s): Circular S13 of 2021
0006 Format of the final Practical Assessment (Paper 3) for Grade 12 Music
Formaat van graad 12 se finale Praktiese Assessering (Vraeste l3) vir Musiek
Indlela yokwenziwa (format) koVavanyo lwePraktikhali lokuphela konyaka (iPhepha 3) loMculo weBakala 12
0005 2021 Provincial Grade 12 Business Studies Online Quiz
2021 se Provinsiale Aanlyn Vasvra in Besigheidstudies vir Graad 12 leerders
IKhwizi ekwiKhompyutha ye-Business Studies yeBakala 12 yePhondo ka-2021
0004 The 2021 Financial Sector Conduct Authority’s Interprovincial Financial Literacy Speech Competition
Die Finansiële Sektor Gedragsowerheid (FSCA) se 2021 interprovinsiale toespraak kompetisie vir Finansiële Geletterdheid
UKhuphiswano lweNtetho i-Financial Sector Conduct Authority’s Interprovincial Financial Literacy Speech Competition
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0003 Delivery of Tips for Success booklets for 2021 National Senior Certificate candidates
Aflewering van Wenke vir Sukses-boekies vir 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-kandidate
Ukusiwa kweencwadana u-Tips for Success kubaviwa baka-2021 beSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke
0002 Support for Further Education and Training (FET) learners during 2021 via the Telematic Schools Project
Ondersteuning vir Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO)-leerders in 2021 via die Telematiese Skoolprojek
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0001 Guidance regarding implementation of the occupational oriented curriculum in Schools of Skills and piloting of vocational oriented curriculum in public schools
Leiding oor die inwerkingstelling van die beroepsgeoriënteerde kurrikulum in vaardigheidskole en bekendstelling van beroepsgeoriënteerde kurrikulum in openbare skole
Isikhokelo esimalunga nokuqaliswa kwekharityhulam yokuqeqeshelwa imisebenzi yezandla (occupational oriented curriculum) kwiZikolo zeZakhono nokulingwa kwekharityhulam yokuqeqeshelwa imisebenzi yezandla kwizikolo zikarhulumente
Attachment(s): Annexure B

Curriculum GET Minutes (DCG)

0006 Senior Phase (Grades 7–9) Reading to Learn training for Language teachers (January–March 2022)
Lees-om-te-leer-opleiding vir Taalonderwysers van die senior fase (graad 7-9) (Januarie-Maart 2022)
Uqeqesho lwe-Reading to Learn lootitshala beeLwimi beSigaba esiPhezulu (amaBakala 7-9) (ngoJanuwari ukuya kuMatshi 2022)
0005 Provincial improvement plan
Provinsiale verbeteringsplan
Isicwangciso sokuphucula umgangatho sephondo
0004 Final lists of prescribed and recommended books for Literature Study for Grades 7–9 in 2022
Finale lyste van voorgeskrewe en voorgestelde boeke vir Literatuurstudie vir graad 7 tot 9 in 2022
Izintlu zokugqibela zeencwadi ezimiselwe ukufundwa nezicetyiswayo zeZifundo zoNcwadi zamaBakala 7-9 ngo-2022
Attachment(s): English Literature | Afrikaans Letterkundestudie | African Languages
0003 Notice of Economic and Management Sciences teacher professional development workshop for Grade 9 teachers
Kennisgewing van professionele ontwikkelingswerksessie vir graad 9-onderwysers in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Isaziso ngomasifundisane wophuhliso lwezakhono zootitshala beBakala kwisifundo se-Economic and Management Sciences
0002 Registration of Grade R Teacher/Practitioner Qualifications on CEMIS
Registrasie van graad R-onderwysers/-praktisyns se kwalifikasies na SOBIS
Ubhaliso kwamabanga emfundo katitshala/epraktishina yeBanga R kwi-CEMIS
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0001 South African Mathematics Challenge for Grades 4−7 and South African Mathematics Olympiad for Grades 8 and 9
Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde-uitdaging vir Graad 4 tot 7 en Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde Olimpiade vir Graad 8 en 9
UKhuphiswano lwe-South African Mathematics Challenge lwamaBakala 4-7 kunye ne-South African Mathematics Olympiad yamaBakala 8 no-9
Attachment(s): Annexure A

eLearning Minutes (DEL)

0006 National Senior Certificate bank of interactive questions and answers
Interaktiewe vraag-en-antwoord-databasis die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat
Ibhanki enguvimba wedatha yeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke yesistim yekhompyutha yemibuzo neempendulo
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0005 Invitation to The Spreadsheet webinar series
Uitnodiging na Die Sigblad-webinarreeks
Isicelo sokuba makungenwe kwisistim ekwikhompyutha i-Spreadsheet webinar series
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0004 Directorate eLearning Teacher Professional Development Programme (DEL TPD)
Direktoraat: e-Leer se professionele onderwysersontwikkelingsprogram (DEL TPD)
ICandelo leProgram yoPhuhliso lwezaKhono zooTitshala ze-eLearning (DEL TPD)
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0003 Guidelines on the revised WCED ePortal Learner Dashboard for learners in the Further Education and Training band
Riglyne oor die WKOD se hersiene e-Portaal-leerderbord vir leerders in die Verdere Onderwys en Opleidingsband
ISikhokelo se-ePortal Learner Dashboard ehlaziyiweyo yeSebeI-WCED eyenzelwe abafundi abakwiSigaba seMfundo eQhubekayo noQeqesho
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0002 Updated guidelines on cellular phones and other mobile technologies in ordinary public and special schools
Bygewerkte riglyne oor selfone en ander mobiele tegnologie in gewone openbare en spesiale skole
Isikhokelo esihlaziyiweyo esingosetyenziso lweeselula nezinye izixhobo zethekhinoloji eziziimobhayili kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nakwizikolo zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0001 Introduction to The Cyber Effect webinar series
Bekendstelling van Die Kubereffek-webinarreeks
Ukwaziswa iiprogram ezilandelelanayo ii-Cyber Effect webinar series

Examinations Administration Minutes (DEA)

0020 Procedures for the administration of the Music Paper 2 (P2) (Comprehension) 2021 National Senior Certificate examination
Prosedures vir die administrasie van die Musiek-vraestel 2 (V2) (Begrip) vir 2021 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat eksamen
Imigaqo yolawulo lwePhepha 2 loMculo (Music Paper 2 (P2)) (Comprehension) leemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke neSatifikethi seMatriki zango-2021
0019 Release of the 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination results
Vrystelling van die 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS) -eksamenuitslae
Ukukhutshwa kweziphumo zeemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) zango-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A
0018 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations: Criteria for admission to the May/June 2022 examinations due to an illness, death in the immediate family or special circumstances during the November 2021 NSC examinations
Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS) eksamen: Kriteria vir toelating tot die eksamen in Mei/Junie 2022 weens siekte, sterfte in die onmiddellike familie, of spesiale omstandighede tydens die NSS-eksamen in November 2021
IiMviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC): Iikhrayitheriya zokwamkelwa kwiimviwo zangoMeyi/Juni 2022 ngenxa yokugula, ukuswelekelwa ngomnye umntu wosapho olusondeleyo kuwe okanye ngenxa yeemeko ezizodwa zangethuba leemviwo zeNSC zangoNovemba 2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0015 Distribution and use of GLAM Smart Keys during the November 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations
Verspreiding en gebruik van GLAM-slimsleutels gedurende die November 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS) eksamen
Ukuhanjiswa nokusetyenziswa kwe-GLAM Smart Keys ngethuba leemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) zangoNovemba 2021
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0014 Management and safekeeping of answer books and examination stationery for the November 2021 National Senior Certificate examination
Bestuur en bewaring van antwoordboeke en eksamenskryfbehoeftes vir November 2021 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Ukulawulwa nokugcinwa ngokunqatyisiweyo kweencwadi zeempendulo nezinto zokubhala uviwo ukulungiselela iimviwo zangoNovemba 2021 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke
0013 Norms and standards for school walk-in safe/strongroom and the handling of the walk-in safe/strongroom keys
Norme en standaarde vir die skool se instapkluis/brandkluis en die hantering van die instapkluis/brandkluis se sleutels
Imimiselo nemigangatho yesefu ekunokungenwa kuyo/yegumbi elinqatyisiweyo lesikolo nokuphathwa kwezitshixo zesefu ekunokungenwa kuyo/zegumbi elinqatyisiweyo
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0012 November 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations: Completion of School-Based Assessment (SBA), Practical Assessment Task (PAT) and Language Oral mark sheets
November 2021 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS) eksamen: Voltooiing van Skoolgebaseerde Assessering (SGA), Praktiese Assesseringstake (PAT) en Taalmondelingpuntestate
IiMviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (National Senior Certificate) (NSC) zangoNovemba 2021: Ukuzaliswa kweemakhishithi ze-School-Based Assessment (SBA), eze-Practical Assessment Tasks (PATs) neze-Language Oral
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0011 Examination stationery needs from schools/examination centres for the October/November 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Behoeftes aan eksamenskryfbehoeftes van skole/eksamensentrums vir die 2021 Oktober/November Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-(NSS-) en Senior Sertifikaat- (SS-) eksamen
Izinto eziyimfuneko zokubhala iimviwo ezivela ezikolweni/kumaziko okubhalela iimviwo ukulungiselela iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zango-Oktobha/Novemba ngo-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0010 Compulsory training for all principals, chief invigilators, senior invigilators and district officials involved in the conduct, administration and management of the NSC, SC and AET Level 4 examinations in 2021/22
Verpligte opleiding vir alle prinsipale, hoofopsieners, senior opsieners en distriksbeamptes wat in 2021/22 by die afneem, administrasie en bestuur van die NSS-, SS-en OOV Vlak4-eksamens betrokke is
Uqeqesho olunyanzelekileyo lwazo zonke iinqununu, abagadi babaviwa abaziintloko, abagadi babaviwa abaneqhuzu kunye namagosa ezithili abathatha inxaxheba ekuqhutyweni, ekulawulweni nasekuphathweni kweemviwo zeNSC, zeSC neze-AET Level 4ngo-2021/22
Attachment(s): Annexure B
0009 November 2019 and 2020 National Senior Certificates: Despatch of full time – first issued certificates and subject certificates
November 2019 en 2020 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikate: Versending van voltyds – eerste uitgereikte sertifikate en vak sertifikate
IZatifikethi zeMatriki zikaZwelonke zikaNovemba zango-2019 nango-2020: Ukuziswa okokuqala kwezatifikethi – zabo babefunda isigxina nezatifikethi zezifundo
0005 Norms and standards for school walk-in safe/strongroom and the handling of the walk-insafe/strongroom keys
Norme en standaarde vir die skool se instapkluis/brandkluis en die hantering van die instapkluis/brandkluis se sleutels
Imimiselo nemigangatho yesefu ekunokungenwa kuyo/yegumbi elinqatyisiweyo lesikolo nokuphathwa kwezitshixo zesefu ekunokungenwa kuyo/zegumbi elinqatyisiweyo
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0004 Appointment of new courier company for dispatching and collecting of examination related material
Aanstelling van ʼn nuwe koeriermaatskappy vir die versending en afhaal van eksamenverwante materiaal
Ukuqeshwa kwenkampani yekhuriya entsha yokuziswa nokuthathwa kwmathiriyeli nezinto ezinxulumene noviwo
0003 Audit of public and independent examination centres offering the 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations
Oudit van openbare en onafhanklike eksamensentrums wat die 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamens aanbied
Ukuhlolwa kwamaziko okubhalela iimviwo karhulumente nazimeleyo ekuya kubhalelwa kuwo iimviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ngo-2021
0002 Appointment of invigilators for the June 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) supplementary/Senior Certificate (SC), Adult Education and Training (AET) Level 4 examinations and November 2021 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations
Aanstelling van opsieners vir die Junie 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) aanvullende/Senior Sertifikaat SS-, Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (OOV) Vlak 4-eksamens en November 2021 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat- (NSS-) eksamens
Ukuqeshwa kwabagadi babaviwa ukwenzela iimviwo zokuxabangela zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC)/ezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC) zangoJuni 2021, iimviwo ze-Adult Education and Training (AET) Level 4 nezeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC), zango-Novemba 2021
Attachment(s): Addendum A-G | Bylae A-G
0001 Verification of Grade 12 learner registration information on the Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS) for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination
Verifikasie van graad 12-leerders se registrasie-inligting op die Sentrale Onderwysbestuursinligtingstelsel (SOBIS) vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)-eksamen
Ukungqinisiswa kwengcaciso yabafundi beBakala 12 ababhalise kwi-Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS) ukulungiselela uViwo lweSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A

Inclusive and Specialised Education Support Minutes (DSE)

0001 Support pathway to screen, identify, assess and provide intervention for learners who experience barriers to learning and require additional support to enhance their participation and inclusion in schools
Ondersteuningsbaan om leerders wat hindernisse tot leer ondervind en bykomende ondersteuning benodig, te sif, identifiseer, assesseer en ingryping te verskaf om hulle deelname en insluiting by skole te verbeter
Inyathelo lokunika inkxaso ukuskrinwa, ukuqatshelwa, ukuvavanywa nongenelelo ngoncedo kubafundi abanezithintelo kwimfundo nabafuna inkxaso engaphezulu ukwandisa intatho-nxaxheba nobandakanyeko lwabo ezikolweni
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Bylae B | IsiHlomelo B

Institution Development and Coordination Minutes (IDC)

0004 The election of new Provincial Principals’ Forum (PPF) members in January 2022
Die verkiesing van nuwe lede vir die Provinsiale Prinsipaalsforum (PPF) in Januarie 2022
Ukunyulwa kwamalungu amatsha eForam yeeNqununu zePhondo (PPF) ngoJanuwari 2022
Attachment(s): Annexure A
0003 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): issuing, retention, retrieval and ordering of textbooks by schools
Standaard Bedryfsprosedure (SBP): uitreiking, behoud, herwinning en bestelling van handboeke deur skole
IMigaqo yokuSebenza eMiselweyo (Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)) yokukhutshwa, ukulondolozwa, ukufunyanwa kwakhona kwanoku-odolwa kweencwadi zezifundo zizikolo
Attachment(s): DBE 50 point LTSM plan | Standard Operating Procedure | Standaard Bedryfsprosedures | IMigaqo yokuSebenza eMiselweyo
0002 Invitation to schools to apply for blue heritage plaques in 2021
Uitnodiging aan skole om in 2021 aansoek om blou gedenkplate te doen
Kucelwa izikolo ukuba zenze isicelo sokufumana amacwecwe ezikhumbuzo zemveli ii-blue heritage plaques ngo-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A
0001 COVID-19 Daily Screening of Learners
Daaglikse sifting van leerders vir COVID-19
Ukuhlolelwa i-COVID-19 kwaBafundi kweMihla ngemihla

Institutional Management and Governance Planning Minutes (IMGP)


School terms and public holidays for 2022
Skoolkwartale en openbare vakansiedae vir 2022
Iikota zesikolo neeholide zikawonke-wonke zango-2022


Guidelines for the first meeting of the newly elected governing body and capturing of member profiles
Riglyne oor die eerste vergadering van die nuutverkose beheerliggaam en vaslegging van lede se profiele
Isikhokelo esimalunga nentlanganiso yokuqala yebhunga lolawulo elisandula ukunyulwa kunye nokufakwa kwikhompyutha kweeprofayili zamalungu
Attachment(s): Annexure | Bylae | IsiHlomelo


Guidelines for the handover process from the outgoing to the newly elected governing body
Riglyne vir die oorhandigingsproses van die uittredende aan die nuutverkose beheerliggaam
Isikhokelo senkqubo engokunikezelwa kweencwadi kwibhunga lolawulo elisandula ukunyulwa
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A

DSE: National School Nutrition Programme Minute (NSNP)

0001 Monitoring the transfer of National School Nutrition Programme funds to ordinary public schools
Monitering van Nasionale Skoolvoedingsprogramfondse se oordrag na gewone openbare skole
Ukubekwa esweni kweentlawulo ezenziwa ngoomatshini zeProgram yoKutyisa iZikolo kaZwelonke (National School Nutrition Programme) kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A

Financial Accounting Minutes (DFA)

0006 Reminder of due date for the submission of application forms for hostel boarding, private boarding and private transport subsidies for 2022
Aanmaning oor sperdatum vir die indien van aansoekvorms om subsidies vir koshuislosies, privaat losies en privaat vervoer vir 2022
Ukukhunjuzwa ngomhla omisiweyo wokungeniswa kweefom zokwenza izicelo zeenkxaso-mali zokubhoda ehostele zabafundi, zokubhoda kwindawo yabucala nezothutho lwabucala ukulungiselela u-2022
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Checklist
0005 Implementation of electronic payslips (e-Payslips)
Implementering van elektroniese salarisstrokies (e-Payslips)
Ukuqaliswa kweepeyisiliphu ezikwikhompyutha (electronic payslips (e-Payslips))
0004 Delegation of powers in terms of section 44 of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999)
Oordrag van bevoegdhede ingevolge artikel 44 van die Wet op Openbare Finansiële Bestuur, 1999 (Wet 1 van 1999)
UkuDluliswa kwamaGunya ngokwecandelo 44 loMthetho woLawulo lweMali kaRhulumente, 1999 (uMthetho 1 ka-1999) (Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of1999))
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B
0002 Submission of attendance registers with claim forms for hostel boarding, private boarding and private transport subsidies for 2021
Indien van bywoningsregisters met eisvorms vir 2021 se subsidies vir koshuislosies, privaat losies en privaat vervoer
Ukungeniswa kweerejista zokubakho neefom zokwenza ibango lenkxaso-mali yokubhoda ehostele, ukubhoda kwindawo yabucala, nezothutho lwabucala ukulungiselela u-2021
Attachment(s): Circular 0143-1998: Guidelines for the allocation of Hostel Bursaries
0001 Basic Accounting System (BAS) – Closing procedures for the 2020/21 financial year
Basiese Rekeningkundige Stelsel (BRS) – Sluitingsprosedures vir die 2020/21-boekjaar
INkqubo yoLawulo lweMicimbi yezeMali (Basic Accounting System (BAS)) - Iinkqubo zokuvalwa kweencwadi zonyaka-mali ka-2020/21

Management Accounting Minutes (DMA)

0001 Amendment to Circular: 0030/2020 — non-section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools with Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2021/22 financial year
Wysiging aan Omsendbrief 0030/2020 ─ Nie-artikel 21-skole: Norme-en-standaarde-befondsing vir skole, graad 1–12 ─ finansiële toewysings vir die 2021/22-boekjaar
Ukufakelwa kwezilungiso: kwiSetyhula 0030/2020 – Izikolo ezingekho phantsi kwesiqendu 21: iMimiselo neMigangatho yengxowa-mali yezikolo ezinamaBakala 1–12 – isabelo-mali sonyaka-mali 2021/22
Attachment(s): WCED 032

Procurement Management Minutes (DPM)

0004 Revised business case template for items listed on the Annual Procurement Plan
Hersiene besigheidsaaktemplaat vir items wat op die jaarlikse verkrygingsplan gelys is
Ithemplethi i-business case template ehlaziyiweyo yee-ayithem (items) ezidweliswe kwisicwangciso i-Annual Procurement Plan)
Attachment(s): Business Case Template
0003 Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Bid Committee meeting dates for 2022
Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) Bodkomitee se vergaderdatums vir 2022
Imihla yeentlanganiso zeKomiti yoKhuphiswano ngamaXabiso yeSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni. (WCED) ngo-2022
0002 Determination on the type of office furniture and equipment that will be relocated from the Golden Acre and Grand Central buildings to the office building, 2 Lower Loop Street, Cape Town
0001 Contract RT5-2020: Rendering of a continuous parcel courier service to the State for the period 01 December 2020 to 30 November 2023
Kontrak RT5-2020: Lewering van ʼn deurlopende pakketkoerierdiens aan die Staat vir die tydperk van 01 Desember 2020 tot 30 November 2023
IKhontraki RT5-2020: Ukubonelelwa kukaRhulumente ngenkonzo yekhuriya yarhoqo ngethuba elisusela nge-01 Disemba 2020 ukuya kwi-30 Novemba 2023

Strategic People Management Minutes (HRM)

0010 Full implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) for school-based educators as from 01 January 2022
Volledige inwerkingstelling van die Gehaltebeheerstelsel (GBS) vir skoolgebaseerde opvoeders vanaf 01 Januarie 2022
Ukuphunyezwa ngokupheleleyo kweNkqubo yoLawulo loMgangatho (Quality Management System (QMS)) ukwenzela ootitshala abasezikolweni ukususela ngowe-01 Januwari 2022
Attachment(s): Letter from Basic Education
0009 Distribution of the Exit Management Questionnaire
Verspreiding van die uitdienstredingsbestuursvraelys
Ukuhanjiswa kweKhweshine yoLawulo loKushiya iNkonzo koMqeshwa (Exit Management Questionnaire)
Attachment(s): Annexure | Bylae | IsiHlomelo
0008 Staff performance bonuses for the 2020/2021 performance cycle
Personeel se prestasiebonusse vir die 2020/2021-prestasiesiklus
Iibhonasi zentsebenzo zabasebenzi zomjikelo wentsebenzo wango-2020/2021
0007 Part-time study bursary scheme for public service employees (2022 academic year)
Deeltydse studiebeursskema vir staatsdienswerknemers (2022-akademiese jaar)
Iskim seebhasari zokufunda ngokungesosigxina sabaqeshwa benkonzo karhulumente (kunyaka wokufunda ka-2022)
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Public Service Bursaries Checklist
0006 Streamlined implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System for school-based educators for the 2021 evaluation cycle
Gestroomlynde implementering van die Geïntegreerde Gehaltebeheerstelsel vir skoolgebaseerde opvoeders betreffende die assesseringsiklus in 2021
Ukuphunyezwa okulungiselela ukusebenza kweNkqubo yoLawulo loMgangatho (Quality Management System (QMS)) ukwenzela ootitshala abasezikolweni kumjikelo wohlolo ka-2021
Attachment(s): Annexure
0005 Importance of sound performance management
Belangrikheid van behoorlike prestasiebestuur
Ukubaluleka kolawulo lwentsebenzo esemgangathweni
Attachment(s): IQMS Calendar 2021 | IQMS Kalendar 2021 | IQMS ikhalenda 2021
0004 District-based Funza Lushaka bursaries for students in the Western Cape for 2022
Distriksgebaseerde Funza Lushaka-beurse vir studente in die Wes-Kaap vir 2022
Iibhasari ze-Funza Lushaka ezifumaneka ngokwezithili zabafundi abaseNtshona Koloni ukulungiselela u-2022
0003 Designated employees to disclose their financial interests and the availability of the eDisclosure system on the Internet
Bekendmaking van aangewese werknemers se finansiёle belange en die beskikbaarheid van die eDisclosure-stelsel op die internet
Abaqeshwa abatyunjiweyo mabaxele ukuchaphazeleka kwabo kwimicimbi yezemali nokufumaneka kwe-eDisclosure system ku-Intanethi
Attachment(s): Quick Guide for Disclosure of Financial Interest on eDisclosure
0002 Staff Performance Management and Development System 2021/22
Personeelprestasiebestuur-en-ontwikkelingstelsel vir 2021/22
ISistim yoLawulo noPhuhliso lweNtsebenzo yaBasebenzi 2021/22
0001 The importance of educators and public servants applying for permission to perform remunerative work outside the public service (RWOPS) and conducting business with an organ of state
Die belangrikheid van opvoeders en staatsamptenare wat om toestemming aansoek doen om besoldigde werk buite die staatsdiens (BWBS) te verrig enbesigheid met ʼn staatsinstelling te doen
Ukubalule kakokuba ootitshala nabasebenzi benkonzo karhulumente benze isicelo semvume yokwenza umsebenzi ohlawulelwayo owenziwa ngaphandle kwenkonzo karhulumente (remunerative work outside the public service) (RWOPS) nokuqhuba ushishino nequmrhu likarhulumente
Attachment(s): RWOPS Application form