0048 |
27 December 2022 declared as a national public holiday
27 Desember 2022 is as ʼn nasionale openbare vakansiedag verklaar
Umhla wama-27 Disemba ubhengezwe njengeholide kawonke-wonke yesizwe |
0047 |
Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) within the basic education sector – Phase IV: new data management system
Presidensiële Jeugindiensnemingsinisiatief (PJII) binne die basiese-onderwyssektor – Fase IV: nuwe databestuurstelsel
I-Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) ngaphakathi kwicandelo lemfundo esisiseko – ISigaba IV I-data management system entsha |
0046 |
Year-end functions and time off for Head Office and district office employees in 2022
Jaareindfunksies en vrye tyd vir werknemers by Hoofkantoor en distrikskantore in 2022
Amatheko okuphela konyaka namathuba okukhululwa emsebenzini kubaqeshwa bakwaNdlunkulu nakwii-ofisi zezithili ngo-2022 |
0045 |
Improvements in conditions of service for employees on salary levels 1 to 12 and those covered by Occupation Specific Dispensations: Cost of living adjustment – 01 April 2022
Verbeterde diensvoorwaardes vir werknemers op salarisvlakke 1 tot 12 asook werknemers wat deur beroepspesifieke bedelings gedek word: Lewenskoste-aanpassing – 01 April 2022
Ukuphuculwa kweemeko zengqesho kubaqeshwa abakumanqanaba emivuzo 1 ukuya ku-12 nakwabo bahlawulwa ngokwe-Occupation Specific Dispensations: Uhlanga-hlengiso lwemivuzo lweendleko zokuphila – 01 Apreli 2022 |
0044 |
Policy on the Acceptance of Gifts by Office-based Officials of the Western Cape Education Department
Beleid oor die Aanvaarding van Geskenke deur Kantoorgebaseerde Amptenare van die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement
UMgaqo-nkqubo ongoKwamkelwa kweZipho ngamaGosa asezi-Ofisini eSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni
Attachment(s): Annnexure A | Annnexure B | Annnexure C1 | Annnexure C2 | Annnexure D |
0043 |
Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) within the basic education sector - Phase IV: Resource Pack
Presidensiële Jeugindiensnemingsinisiatief (PJII) binne die basiese-onderwyssektor – Fase IV: Hulpbronpak
I-Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) ngaphakathi kwicandelo lemfundo esisiseko – ISigaba IV: IPekhi yeZibonelelo (Resource Pack)
Attachment(s): Phase IV: Resource Pack |
0042 |
Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) within the basic education sector - Phase IV
Presidensiële Jeugindiensnemingsinisiatief (PJII) binne die basiese-onderwyssektor – Fase IV
I-Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) ngaphakathi kwicandelo lemfundo esisiseko – ISigaba IV |
0041 |
Grade R subsidies and other related matters as of 01 April 2023
Graad R-subsidies en ander verwante aangeleenthede vanaf 01 April 2023
Iinkxaso-mali zeBakala R neminye imiba enxulumene nayo ukususela nge-01 Apreli 2023 |
0040 |
Criteria for the 2022 National Senior Certificate Awards
Kriteria vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-toekennings vir 2022
Iikhrayitheriya zaMabhaso eSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke ango-2022
Attachment(s): Annnexure A | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A |
0039 |
2022 Special mark adjustment and condonation dispensation for learners in Grades 4–9
Spesiale punte-aanpassing en kondonasiebedeling in 2022 vir leerders in graad 4 tot 9
Inkqubo yokutshintshwa apha naphaya kwamanqaku neyomnyinyiva wokunyuselwa kwabafundi kwiimeko ezizodwa abakumaBakala 4–9 ngowama-2022
Attachment(s): Annnexure A - National Assessment Circular No.5 of 2022 |
0038 |
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): issuing, retention, retrieval, and ordering of textbooks by schools
Standaard Bedryfsprosedure (SBP): uitreiking, behoud, herwinning en bestelling van handboeke deur skole
IMigaqo yokuSebenza eMiselweyo yokukhutshwa, ukulondolozwa, ukufunyanwa kwakhona kwanoku-odolwa kweencwadi zezifundo zizikolo
Attachment(s): SOP - Issue Retention and Retrieval of Textbooks |
0037 |
Dates and time frames for applications for admission to ordinary public schools and the management of school admission information for 2023/2024
Datums en tydraamwerke vir aansoeke om toelating tot gewone openbare skole en die bestuur van skole se toelatingsinligting vir 2023/2024
Imihla namaxesha amiselweyo ezicelo zokwamkelwa kwabafundi kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nolawulo lwengcaciso engokwamkelwa kwabafundi ezikolweni ngo-2023/2024 |
0036 |
Appointment of unqualified educators
Aanstelling van ongekwalifiseerde opvoeders
Ukuqeshwa kootitshala abangaqeqeshwanga ngokufanelekileyo |
0035 |
Process to be followed for the progressive universalisation of Grade R
Proses wat gevolg moet word vir die progressiewe universalisering van graad R
Inkqubo emayilandelwe ukwenzela ukubandakanywa ngokuqhubekekayo kweBakala R kwinkqubo yezemfundo eqhelekileyo |
0034 |
Leave arrangements for institution based educators pertaining to incidences of monkeypox infection
Verlofreëlings vir inrigtinggebaseerde opvoeders met betrekking tot die voorkoms van aappokke-infeksie
Amalungiselelo ekhefu lootitshala abasezikolweni amalunga nezehlo zosuleleko yingqakaqha (monkeypox)
Attachment(s): HR Circular 1 of 2022 |
0033 |
Non-section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2023/24 financial year
Nie-artikel 21-skole: Norme-en-standaarde-befondsing vir skole, graad 1 tot 12 — finansiële toewysings vir die 2023/24-boekjaar
Izikolo ezingekho phantsi kwesiqendu 21: Imimiselo nemigangatho yengxowa-mali yezikolo kumaBakala 1-12 – ulwabiwo-mali lonyaka-mali ka-2023/24
Attachment(s): Annexures | Bylae | IsiHlomelo | Specimen Signatures of Officials | Proefhandtekeninge van Amptenare
WCED Forms: WCED 026 | WCED 032 | WCED 034 |
0032 |
Section 21 schools: Norms and standards funding for schools Grades 1–12 — financial allocations for the 2023/24 financial year
Artikel 21-skole: Norme-en-standaarde-befondsing vir skole, graad 1 tot 12 — finansiële toewysings vir die 2023/24-boekjaar
Izikolo eziphantsi kwesiqendu 21: Imimiselo nemigangatho yengxowa-mali yezikolo kumaBakala 1-12 – ulwabiwo-mali lonyaka-mali ka-2023/24
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Bylae A |
0031 |
Amendments to the South African Schools Act which grant usage rights to governing bodies in respect of the school’s immovable property
Wysigings aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet waardeur gebruiksregte van die skool se vaste eiendom aan beheerliggame toegestaan word
Izilungiso kuMthetho weZikolo zaseMzantsi Afrika, ezithi zinike amabhunga olawulo ezikolo amalungelo osetyenziso (usage rights) ngokumalunga nepropathi engenakushenxiseka yesikolo (school’s immovable property) |
0030 |
School attendance by Grades 4 to 11 learners during and after the 2022 November school-based assessment period
Skoolbywoning deur graad 4- tot 11-leerders tydens en na afloop van die skoolgebaseerde assesseringstydperk in November 2022
Ukuhamba isikolo kwabafundi bamaBakala 4 ukuya ku-11 ngethuba nasemva kwethuba leemviwo novavanyo oluqhubekela esikolweni zangoNovemba 2022 |
0029 |
The 2023 planning calendar for schools
Die skoolbeplanningskalender vir 2023
Ikhalenda yokucwangcisela izikolo yango-2023
Attachment(s): 2023 Planning Calendar for Schools | Skoolbeplanningskalender vir 2023 | Ikhalenda yokucwangcisela izikolo yango-2023 |
0028 |
Amended final timetable for the November 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations
Gewysigde finale rooster vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen in November 2022
Ithayimtheyibhile yokugqibela efakelwe izilungiso elungiselelwe iimviwo zangoNovemba 2022 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke
Attachment(s): Oct|Nov 2022 NSC Examination Timetable (Final - Amended 30 August 2022) |
0027 |
Provision of 2023 teaching staff establishments for special public schools
Voorsiening van 2023 se onderwysdiensstate aan spesiale openbare skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo zikarhulumente zemfundo eneemfuno ezizodwa ngezithuba zootitshala ezabelwe izikolo ngo-2023 |
0026 |
Provision of 2023 teaching staff establishments for ordinary public schools
Voorsiening van 2023 se onderwysdiensstate aan gewone openbare skole
Ukubonelelwa kwezikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo ngezithuba zootitshala ezabelwe izikolo ngo-2023 |
0025 |
Amended final timetable for the November 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations
Gewysigde finale rooster vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen in November 2022
Ithayimtheyibhile yokugqibela efakelwe izilungiso elungiselelwe iimviwo zangoNovemba 2022 zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke
Attachment(s): Oct|Nov 2022 NSC Examination Timetable (Final - Amended) |
0024 |
Submission of requisitions
Voorlegging van rekwisisies
Ukungeniswa kweerikhwizishini
Attachment(s): Annexure A |
0023 |
Education Safety Management Standard Operational Procedures to be followed relating to emergency security procurement
Onderwysveiligheidsbestuur se standaardbedryfsprosedures wat gevolg moet word ter verkryging van noodveiligheid
IMigaqo yoKwenziwa koMsebenzi yeCandelo loLawulo loKhuseleko lweMfundo emayilandelwe ngokunxulumene nokuthengwa kweempahla neenkonzo zokhuseleko olungxamisekileyo
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Bylae A | IsiHlomelo A |
0022 |
Final timetable for the November 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations
Finale rooster en reëlings vir November 2022 se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen
Ithayimthebhili yokugqibela yeemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke zangoNovemba 2022
Attachment(s): Oct|Nov 2022 NSC Examination Timetable (Final) |
0021 |
Revised procedures for official gatherings arranged for Head Office and district offices
Hersiene prosedures vir amptelike byeenkomste wat vir Hoofkantoor en distrikskantore gereël is
Iinkqubo ezihlaziyiweyo zeendibano zaseburhulumenteni ezilungiselelwe uNdlunkulu nee-ofisi zezithili |
0020 |
Employee transfer process
Werknemers se oorplasingsproses
Inkqubo yokutshintshelwa kwesinye isikolo komqeshwa |
0019 |
Recruitment and selection of institution-based public service employees
Werwing en Keuring van inrigtingsgebaseerde staatsdienswerknemers
Ukugaywa nokukhethwa kwabaqeshwa benkonzo karhulumente abakumaziko
Attachment(s): Practical guide to the recruitment, selection and appointment of Institution-Based Public Service Employees |
0018 |
Reminder: Online admissions system as the ONLY official system or form to be used by schools for admission to ordinary public schools in the Western Cape
Onthounota: Die aanlyntoelatingstelsel is die ENIGSTE amptelike stelsel of vorm wat deur skole gebruik mag word vir toelating tot gewone openbare skole in die Wes-Kaap
Ukukhunjuzwa ngeSistim yoKwamkelwa kwaBafundi ezikolweni kusetyenziswa ikhompyutha (Online admissions system) njengesistim EKUPHELA kwayo esemthethweni okanye ifom emayisetyenziswe zizikolo ukwamkela abafundi kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo eNtshona Koloni |
0017 |
Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI): Phase III – Financial guideline
Presidensiële jeugindiensnemingsinisiatief (PJII): Fase III – Finansiële riglyn
I-Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI): Phase III – Isikhokelo sezemali
Attachment(s): Annexure A |
0016 |
Confirmation of Dramatic Arts Annual Programme of Assessment (POA) For SBA 2022 for Grades 10-12
Bevestiging van Dramatiese Kunste se jaarlikse assesseringsprogram vir skoolgebaseerde assessering vir graad 10 tot 12 in 2022
Ukuqinisekiswa kweProgram yoVavanyo eyi-Dramatic Arts Annual Programme of Assessment kwiiMvavanyo eziQhubekela eZikolweni ngo-2022 kumabanga 10 ukuya ku-12
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Bylae B | IsiHlomelo B |
0015 |
Operations management (office closure) during the 2022 festive period
Bestuur van werksaamhede (kantoorsluiting) gedurende 2022 se feestyd
Ukulawulwa kwenkqubo yokwenziwa komsebenzi (ukuvalwa kwee-ofisi) ngethuba leeholide zokubhiyozela ukuphela konyaka ngo-2022 |
0014 |
Provision of 2022/2023 public service support staff establishments to ordinary public and special needs public schools
Voorsiening van 2022 diensstate van staatsdiensondersteuningspersoneel aan gewone openbare skole
Ukubonelela ngo-2022/2023 ngezithuba zengqesho zenkxaso yenkonzo karhulumente kwizikolo zikarhulumente eziqhelekileyo nakwiimfuno zemfundo ezizodwa |
0013 |
May/June 2022 examination timetable and arrangements for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) examinations
Die rooster en reëlings van 2022 se Mei-/Junie-eksamen vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)- en die Senior Sertifikaat (SS)-eksamen
Ithayimtheyibhile yeemviwo zangoMeyi/Juni 2022 namalungiselelo eemviwo zeSatifikethi seMatriki sikaZwelonke (NSC) nezeSatifikethi seMatriki (SC)
Attachment(s): May|June 2022 SC|NSC Examination Timetable (Final) |
0012 |
Implementation of Phase III of the Presidential Employment Initiative Project (PYEI)
Inwerkingstelling van Fase III van die Presidensiële Jeugindiensnemingsinisiatief-(PJII-) projek
Ukuphunyezwa kweSigaba III seProjekthi yePhulo leNgqesho yoLutsha le-Ofisi kaMongameli (Presidential Employment Initiative Project) (PYEI) |
0011 |
Increase in amounts payable for boarding, transport and private boarding subsidies and personnel subsidies to hostels and schools
Verhoging in die bedrae betaalbaar vir verblyf-, vervoer- en privaat losies subsidies, en personeelsubsidies aan koshuise en skole
Ukunyuka kwezixa ezihlawulelwa ukubhoda, ezothutho neenkxaso-mali zokubhoda kwiindawo zabucala kunye neenkxaso-mali zabasebenzi ezihostele nakwizikolo |
0010 |
Compensation for school fee exemptions
Kompensasie vir die vrystelling van die betaling van skoolgeld
Imbuyiselo ngenxa yokuxolelwa ekuhlawuleni iifizi zesikolo |
0009 |
Standard Operating Procedure for the Language Services Unit
Standaardbedryfsprosedure van die Taaldienste-eenheid
IMigaqo yoKwenziwa koMsebenzi (Standard Operating Procedure) yeYunithi yeeNkonzo zeeLwimi (Language Services Unit)
Attachment(s): 2022 Language Services Unit SOP | Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C | Annexure D | Annexure E | Annexure F | Annexure G | Annexure H | Annexure I |
0008 |
Suspension of the restriction on the use of debit cards by schools
Opskorting van die inperking op die gebruik van debietkaarte by skole
Ukunqunyanyiswa kokuthintelwa kokusetyenziswa kwee-debit cards zizikolo |
0007 |
Rollout of electronic payslips (ePayslips) – Phase two
Ontplooiing van elektroniese salarisstrokies (ePayslips) – Fase twee
Ukumiselwa kokusetyenziswa kweepeyisliphu zekhompyutha (ePayslips) – ISigaba sesiBini
Attachment(s): Annexure A | Annexure B | Annexure C |
0006 |
Adult Education and Training Level 4 examination timetables for June 2022 and November 2022
Roosters vir die Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes Vlak 4-eksamen in Junie en November 2022
Iithayimtheyibhile zeemviwo ze-Adult Education and Training Level 4 zangoJuni 2022 nangoNovemba 2022
Attachment(s): June 2022 AET Level 4 examination timetable | November 2022 AET Level 4 examination timetable |
0005 |
The capturing of the textbooks issued at the end of the first school term and those retrieved during the last school term of each year and the need to ensure accurate record keeping and reporting on textbook retention and retrieval for the 2021/22 financial year
Die vaslegging van die handboeke wat aan die einde van die eerste skoolkwartaal uitgereik is en dié wat gedurende die laaste skoolkwartaal van elke jaar herwin is, asook die noodsaaklikheid van akkurate rekordhouding en verslagdoening oor handboekbehoud en herwinning vir die 2021/22-boekjaar
Ukufakwa kwikhompyutha kweencwadi zezifundo ezikhutshwe ekupheleni kwekota yokuqala yesikolo nezo zifunyenwe ngethuba lekota yokugqibela yesikolo ngonyaka ngamnye kunye nemfuno yokuqinisekisa ukugcinwa kwerekhodi ezichanekileyo nokunika ingxelo ngeencwadi zokufunda ezigciniweyo nezifunyenweyo kunyaka-mali ka-2021/22 |
0004 |
Annual leave dispensation for Institution-based Public Service Staff (IB PSS)
Jaarlikse verlofbedeling vir inrigtinggebaseerde staatsdienspersoneel (IG SDP)
Inkqubo yokulawulwa kwekhefu laqho ngonyaka laBasebenzi beNkonzo kaRhulumente abakumaZiko (IB PSS) |
0003 |
Revised Records Management Policy: Western Cape Education Department
Hersiene rekordbestuursbeleid: Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement
UMgaqo-nkqubo woLawulo lweeRekhodi oHlaziyiweyo: weSebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni
Attachment(s): WCED Records Management Policy |
0002 |
Privacy Policy template for public schools in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013)
Privaatheidsbeleidtemplaat vir openbare skole ingevolge die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting, 2013 (Wet 4 van 2013)
Ithemplethi yoMgaqo-nkqubo woKuba yiMfihlo kweeNkcukacha zoMntu wezikolo zikarhulumente ngokungqinelana noMthetho we-Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013)
Attachment(s): Annexure | Bylae | IsiHlomelo |
0001 |
The role of a minor who is an enfranchised member of a governing body
Die rol van ʼn minderjarige as stemregtige lid van die beheerliggaam
Indima yomntu osengumntwana ongaphantsi kweminyaka yobudala olilungu lebhunga lolawulo elinelungelo lokuvota |