Year |
- # E-education - The WCED vision for e-education (pdf: size 629 KB)
- Early Childhood Development
- # Early Childhood Development: Grade R Schools
(These documents are in Exel format. Click on the links to download the files.)
- Eden & Central Karoo Education District
- Education administration
- # Education Amendment Act, Western Cape Provincial: (Act No. 7 of 2010)
(pdf: size 512 KB)
- Education Districts - a brief introduction
- Education District offices - Contact information
- Education Library and Information Service (EDULIS)
- Education Management and Development Centres (EMDCs) - discontinued
- the initial organisation (July 2001 - July 2008) of the WCED's regional offices - replaced with 8 'Education Districts' (see above)
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019 - Improving education outcomes
- # Education Priorities 2010 - 2019 - progress report December 2013
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019: One year on - progress report November 2010
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019: Three years on - progress report November 2012
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019: Two years on - progress report November 2011
- Education Support - BRANCH: Planning and Strategy
- Education Support - BRANCH: Corporate Services
- Education Support - BRANCH: Curriculum Management
- Education Support - BRANCH: Institution Development and Coordination
- # Education@Home/ Home Schooling
- Educational support materials (Edumedia)
- , the WCED Newspaper online
- # Educator Pre-service Bursaries
- EDULIS: Education Library and Information Service
- Edumedia Online
- # eLearning resources
- # Employee Health and Wellness Programme - People Manager's Handbook
(pdf: size 604 KB)
- # Employee Wellness Services (pdf: size 179 KB)
- Employment Equity Plan:
The WCED Employment Equity Plan | Summary: WCED EE Plan | Opsomming: WKOD DW Plan
(these Acrobat documents open in a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- # Employment Equity Plan: 2013 - 2017
Exit Management Instrument: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosha
(these Acrobat documents open in a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- Employment Equity Report: 2011 - 2012 (pdf: size 1 594 KB)
- # Employment Equity Report: 2013 - 2014 (pdf: size 2 468 KB)
- # Enrolment Policy
English (pdf: size 69 KB) | Afrikaans (pdf: grootte 68 KB) | isiXhosa (pdf: ubukhulu 86 KB)
- # Enrolment Tracker
- Equipment maintenance (Directorate: Supply Chain Management)
- # eResources
- Examination Results - past Merit Lists and Awards - see WCED Media Releases for
2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
- Examination Papers and Marking Memoranda available from this site
- Examinations Administration Directorate
- Examinations Online - web site for the Directorate: Examinations Administration
Please use this link for: | - Past examination Results for Individual Candidates |
- Past Question Papers and Marking Memoranda |
- Information regarding the Remarking of Scripts |
- Online application for NSC Examination Markers |
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination November 2010
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination November 2009
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination November 2008
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2007
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2006
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2005
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2004
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2003
- Exemplars: Grade 3 & 6 Literacy and Numeracy test exemplars (2006 - 2009)
- Exemplar Question Papers and Marking Memoranda, Grade 11
Available for download as Acrobat ("pdf") documents from the Curriculum Development web site. The download page opens in a new browser Window: to return to this page, close that window.
- Exemptions from school fees
(the documents below open in a new browser window and require Adobe® Reader® to view and/or print)
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from the Payment of School
Fees in Public Schools (Government Gazette 29311 of 18 October 2006) (size: 694 KB)
The above document may be downloaded in the following parts:
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from... (pages 3-13 of Gazette 29311, size: 384 KB)
Annexure A: Checklist Form (pages 14-15 of Gazette 29311, size: 45 KB)
Annexure B: Application for exemption (pages 16-19 of Gazette 29311, size: 87 KB)
Annexure C: Illustrations with regard to the application of the formula (pages 20-26 of Gazette 29311, size: 147 KB)
- # Expulsion - regulations on discipline and disciplinary procedures (pdf: size 99 KB)
- # Expulsion - WCED policy circular (pdf: size 72 KB)
Media Services (Directorate: Communication)
Media liaison
Media releases
Metro Central Education District
Metro East Education District
Metro North Education District
Metro South Education District
# Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure Plan, 2015 (pdf: size 312 KB)
Minister of Education, Western Cape
Minutes & Circulars issued by the WCED
Misconduct, Directorate: Labour Relations
Mother-Tongue Based Bilingual Education Report
Multimedia resources
- Safe Schools programme
- # Safe Schools manual: "Procedural Manual for Managing Safety and Security within WCED Institutions"
English (size: 254 KB)
(requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® to view and/or print)
(opens in a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- # Sanitation guidelines (size: 51 KB)
- # School Calendar & Public Holidays for 2019
- # School Calendar & Public Holidays for 2020
- School Clinic (Cape Winelands Education District): Specialised Learner & Educator Support Services (SLES)
- # School closures: learner placement plans
- # School Code of conduct (national guidelines) (pdf: size 355 KB)
- # School curriculum, Grades R to 12 (CAPS Documents)
- # School Dress Codes (national guidelines) (pdf: size 30 KB)
- # School enrolment - district contact details
- # School Enrolment Tracker 2019
- School equipment
- Schools - facts and figures
- School fee exemptions
(the documents below open in a new browser window and require Adobe® Reader® to view and/or print)
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from the Payment of School
Fees in Public Schools (Government Gazette 29311 of 18 October 2006) (size: 694 KB)
The above document may be downloaded in the following parts:
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from... (pages 3-13 of Gazette 29311, size: 384 KB)
Annexure A: Checklist Form (pages 14-15 of Gazette 29311, size: 45 KB)
Annexure B: Application for exemption (pages 16-19 of Gazette 29311, size: 87 KB)
Annexure C: Illustrations with regard to the application of the formula (pages 20-26 of Gazette 29311, size: 147 KB)
- School Funding, Norms and Standards: 2010 Resource Targeting List
- School fund allocations (Directorate: Management Accounting)
- School fund auditors (Directorate: Management Accounting)
- School infrastructure projects for 2014 (pdf: size 109 KB)
- # School Internship Programme
- School of Skills: Curriculum & Annual Teaching Plan Documents
- # School sanitation guidelines (size: 51 KB)
- # School Support Programme
- Schools: list of e-Schools' Network member schools (use the link at the top of the home page)
(opens a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- Schools' web sites (e-Schools' Network member schools)
(opens a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- # Schools offering Grade R
(These documents are in Exel format. Click on the links to download the files.)
- # Schools' Planning Calendar for 2019: key dates to assist schools in planning for the
year ahead: English (pdf: size 120 KB) | Afrikaans (pdf: size 120 KB) | isiXhosa (pdf: size 120 KB)
- Search for WCED Schools
- Senior Certificate 2007: Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of scripts
- Senior Certificate and NSC Examinations: past results for individual candidates
The WCED Examinations web site: candidates need their ID-Number and Examination Number to obtain their results
- Senior Certificate and NSC Examinations - past Merit Lists and Awards
see WCED Media Releases: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
- Senior Certificate Examination November 2007: Examiners' reports
- Senior Certificate Examination November 2006: Examiners' reports
- Senior Certificate Examination November 2005: Examiners' reports
- Senior Certificate Examination November 2004: Examiners' reports
- Senior Certificate Examination November 2003: Examiners' reports
- # Senior Certificate (Matric) for Adult Learners
- Senior Certificate Examinations: past question papers and marking memoranda
- Senior Certificate symbols – what they mean
- Service benefits
- # Service Charters and Service Access Booklets per language and per Service Point - WCED
- # Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) - 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2021
WCED Service Delivery Improvement Plan | SDIP Annexures
- Social services
- Special Education Support
- Specialised Learner & Educator Support Services (SLES) (Cape Winelands Education District)
- Staff Performance Management and Development System (SPMDS) manual
- # Strategic Plan 2015 to 2019 Fiscal years | IsiCwangciso soBuchule 2015 ukuya 2019 OoNyaka-mali | Strategiese plan 2015 tot 2019 Fiskale jare
- # Strategic Plan 2014 to 2019 (Provincal) (pdf: size 718 KB)
- Strategic Plan 2010 to 2014 Fiscal years | IsiCwangciso soBuchule 2010 ukuya 2014 OoNyaka-mali | Strategiese plan 2010 tot 2014 Fiskale jare
- # Strategy for Mathematics and Physical Sciences for Grades 8 – 12, 2012 – 2015
(pdf: size 598 KB)
- Strategic Priorities 2010 - 2019 - Improving education outcomes
- # Strategic Priorities 2010 - 2019 - progress report December 2013
- Strategic Priorities 2010 - 2019: One year on - progress report November 2010
- Strategic Priorities 2010 - 2019: Three years on - progress report November 2012
- Strategic Priorities 2010 - 2019: Two years on - progress report November 2011
- Strategic Plans - 2007/2009 - see Annual Performance Plans
- Strategiese Planne - 2007/2009 - sien Jaarlikse Prestasieplanne
- Strategic and Performance Plan, 5 Year: 2005/06 to 2009/10 | IsiCwangcisa (i-WCED) 2005/06 ukuya 2009/10 | Strategiese en Prestasieplan vir die Vyf Jaar 2005/6 tot 2009/2010
- Strategic Plan / Strategiese Plan 2003/04 to 2005/06: English | isiXhosa | Afrikaans
- # Supply Chain Management - Procurement Management Instruction 1 of 2013
(pdf: size 89 KB)
- # Support Resources for Matric - helping Grade 12 learners pass their matric
- "Swine flu" - what you should know about the H1N1 virus
- Symbols: Senior Certificate – what they mean