30 December, 2003 | Western Cape scores hat-trick in 2003 matric results |
30 December, 2003 | Wes-Kaap behaal driekuns met 2003 matriekuitslae |
30 December, 2003 | WIPhondo leNtshona Koloni liphinda okwesithathu ukufaka inqaku (hat-trick) ngeziphumo zematriki zika-2003 |
30 December, 2003 | 2003 matric results: School Awards |
30 December, 2003 | 2003 matriek uitslae: Skool Toekennings |
30 December, 2003 | 2003 Matric Merit List: pictures and comment |
30 December, 2003 | 2003 Merit List & Special Awards: Senior Certificate Examination |
4 December, 2003 | Massive matric marking process begins |
25 November, 2003 | Leading from the front in fight against HIV & AIDSs |
20 November, 2003 | WCED launches literacy and numeracy manuals |
17 November, 2003 | WCED completes investigation into learner's death |
13 November, 2003 | Investigation into incident at Edgemead High School |
12 November, 2003 | FET colleges open new doors to the world of work |
12 November, 2003 | W Cape teachers receive national honours |
11 November, 2003 | Human resource development depends on GET, FET |
6 November, 2003 | Gaum announces plan for human resource development |
28 October, 2003 | Nuwe WKOD-skool fokus op Wiskunde en Wetenskap |
28 October, 2003 | New WCED school to focus on maths and science |
20 October, 2003 | W Cape teachers to receive world-class ICT training |
30 September, 2003 | Conference to chart the future of education in the Western Cape |
26 September, 2003 | WCED to honour province's top teachers |
11 September, 2003 | WCED finalises school staff establishments for 2004 |
9 September, 2003 | WCED appoints 'A'-team to head province's new FET colleges |
29 August, 2003 | WCED launches teacher recruitment campaign |
26 August, 2003 | Rhenish High closed on account of meningitis |
21 August, 2003 | New multi-media teacher training programme launched |
20 August, 2003 | Businees Ventures - Building Budding Businesses! |
7 August, 2003 | WCED, SETA sign cooperation agreement |
7 August, 2003 | Learner dies in stabbing |
6 August, 2003 | Western Cape prepares for revised school curriculum |
6 August, 2003 | WCED starts new Khayelitsha high school |
4 August, 2003 | Gaum welcomes decisions of Council of Education Ministers |
1 August, 2003 | Matrics have 10 weeks left before end-of-year exams |
31 July, 2003 | Gugulethu pre-primary school promotes reading |
31 July, 2003 | 31 July, 2003 WCED prepares for Learning Cape Festival |
24 Julie, 2003 | Seks-onderrig nie genoeg nie |
24 July, 2003 | Teaching about sex not enough |
13 June, 2003 | WCED sets sights on 100% Grade R support by 2003 |
11 June, 2003 | Gaum tackles challenges of literacy and numeracy |
10 June, 2003 | Report on Grade 9 assessment |
10 June, 2003 | Gaum calls on the public to comment on religion policy |
23 May, 2003 | Proposal for Masimphumelele informal school |
20 May, 2003 | WCED, partners launch Western Cape Education Foundation |
18 Mei, 2003 | Gevolge vir mislukking en beloning vir sukses |
18 May, 2003 | Consequence for failure and reward for success |
14 May, 2003 | Teacher payments need balanced approach |
5 May, 2003 | Northwest and Western Cape discuss cooperation in education |
24 April, 2003 | Elections of school governing bodies |
24 April, 2003 | Verkiesings van skoolbeheerliggame |
22 April, 2003 | A Partnership of Hope |
14 April, 2003 | Policy on religion in schools postponed |
14 April, 2003 | W Cape students receive Carnegie scholarships |
8 April, 2003 | Province observes World Health Day |
2 April, 2003 | Learners celebrate life and art with leading SA artists |
2 April, 2003 | Leerders vier lewe en kuns saam met vooraanstaande SA-kunstenaars |
28 Maart, 2003 | Petisie oor godsdiensbeoefening in skole |
25 March, 2003 | 2003 Clean-up after floods under way |
24 March, 2003 | WCED launches comprehensive Literacy Strategy |
23 March, 2003 | WCED celebrates World Book Day |
20 March, 2003 | Breederivier-Overberg EMDC opens Worcester facilities |
20 March, 2003 | Breederivier-Overberg OBOS loods nuwe fasiliteite |
18 March, 2003 | Ter viering van Menseregtedag |
18 March, 2003 | Commemorating Human Rights Day |
14 March, 2003 | Target shooting as a school sport |
14 March, 2003 | Skyfskiet as sport in skole |
14 March, 2003 | Gang violence: Minister's response |
14 March, 2003 | Reaksie op die sterftes van kinders as gevolg van bendegeweld |
14 March, 2003 | Western Cape Schools receive national achievement awards |
10 March, 2003 | Premier launches Cape Maths, Science & Technology Academy |
7 March, 2003 | Minister, officials, schools discuss education priorities |
5 March, 2003 | Task team studies informal school proposal |
3 March, 2003 | Lights will soon shine in all W Cape Schools |
18 February, 2003 | WCED launches Maths, Science & Technology Strategy |
14 February, 2003 | Principals, officials meet to plan FET introduction |
13 February, 2003 | Sonderend Primary offers hope for the future |
3 February, 2003 | WCED bridges digital divide in W Cape schools |
29 January, 2003 | Migration to the Western Cape - impact on schools |
28 January, 2003 | Hostage-takers release WCED officials |
28 January, 2003 | Ramatlakane warns against hostage taking |
24 January, 2003 | FET college mergers will increase efficiency |
24 January, 2003 | WCED starts first phase of inclusive education programme |
22 January, 2003 | WCED assesses school readiness of underage learners |
22 January, 2003 | Western Cape is well prepared for the start of the 2003 school year |