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Media Release 22 April, 2003 | |||
WCED celebrates World Book Day Statement by André Gaum, Western Cape Education Minister The partnership between the Doyle Art Foundry and Zerilda Park Primary School of Lavender Hill, that I was introduced to today, is a prime example of how the Arts can create hope for and solutions to the everyday problems of schools. This partnership serves a dual goal. On the one hand it presents artistically inclined learners with an opportunity to develop their artistic skill (sculpturing), while on the other hand offering the school a way to gain more finances through selling the pieces produced by the learners. The project therefore addresses two of the basic problems of poorer schools, namely the lack of specialised teachers in subjects of the Arts, and the lack of sufficient financial resources. The WCED are currently implementing its Partnerships for Progress-programme that aims to develop partnerships between schools from richer and poorer communities to share expertise and resources. We believe that these partnerships must be extended to include various sectors of society. The programme must therefor also serve as a trigger to mobilise schools to develop partnerships with business, sports and the arts in their local community. The potential of such partnerships is endless in communities where learners are continually subjected to violence and the lure of gangsterism and drugs. The work of the Doyle Art Foundry with the project in Zerilda Park Primary is, however, exceptional because of the fact that Jean Doyle herself initiated the partnership. This well-known artist became interested in the upliftment of the school and decided to commit herself to the school by offering learners this opportunity for the benefit of the learners and the school. Mrs Doyle sets an example for investing in the education of our children. I therefor call on all schools and artists in all communities in the Western Cape to forge partnerships and sponsorships such as that of the Doyle Art Foundry. By working together we will realise our vision of effective education for all and overcome the many challenges we face in working towards this goal. Effective education is an answer. Effective education needs our combined effort.