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Media Release

14 April, 2003

W Cape students receive Carnegie scholarships

Statement by André Gaum, Western Cape Education Minister

Seven former learners at Western Cape Schools are among the latest recipients of South African Undergraduate Women’s Scholarships awarded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

The scholarships are awarded to outstanding young female learners who have demonstrated an ability to rise above their social conditions, and who display the potential to achieve success in their studies at higher education institutions.

The Carnegie Corporation awarded 50 of the scholarships to South African students. All the recipients, including the seven from the Western Cape, are enrolled for university degree programmes.

We congratulate all the recipients of these scholarships. The Western Cape is proud of their achievements, and wishes them all the very best in their studies.

We thank the Carnegie Corporation for investing so generously in the young people of this province and the country.

The former Western Cape learners who have received the scholarships are the following:

Gairiyah Samsodien, 17, of Maitland, who matriculated from Harold Cressy High. She is studying for a Bachelor of Science at the University of Cape Town ( UCT) and plans to be a therapist. Phumsa Samantha Phillips, 17, of Gugulethu, matriculated from Oaklands High. She is studying towards a Bachelor of Medicine degree at UCT and plans to be a medical doctor.

Shireen Jenilee Perel, 17, of Dysselsdorp, Oudtshoorn, matriculated from Dysselsdorp
Senior Secondary. She is studying towards a Bachelor
of Science degree at the University of Stellenbosch
and plans to be a medical practitioner.
Alma Margaretha Engelbrecht, 19, of Piketberg, matriculated from Piketberg High Schools. She is studying towards a Bachelor of Science at the University of Stellenbosch and plans to be a chemical engineer.

Tessa Jane Campbell, 17, of Plumstead, matriculated from Plumstead High. She is studying for a Bachelor of Science degree at UCT, and plans to be an architect. Ulandi Beauty Fraser, 17, of Eerste River matriculated from Malibu High. She is studying for a Bachelor of Business Science degree at UCT and plans to be a chartered accountant.

Issued by:
The Communications Directorate
Western Cape Education Department
Private Bag X9114
Cape Town 8000
Tel: (021) 467-2531
Fax: (021) 467-2363
Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za
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