29 December, 2004 | Western Cape achieves Distinction in 2004 matric exams |
29 December, 2004 | Merit List & Special Awards: 2004 Senior Certificate Examination |
29 December, 2004 | Ministerial awards for Meritorious Academic performance 2004 |
29 December, 2004 | Senior Certificate symbols – what they mean |
21 December, 2004 | Celebrating our matrics |
21 December, 2004 | WCED prepares to release matric results |
3 December, 2004 | No need to panic on school enrolments |
2 December, 2004 | New policy will assist ABET/AFET learners |
1 December, 2004 | MEC Launches investigation into school fees |
29 November, 2004 | Farm school gutted: Education MEC to assess damage |
23 November, 2004 | Policy guidelines on the capacity of schools in the Western Cape |
19 November, 2004 | Successful conclusion of examinations |
8 November, 2004 | Province to fund additional teaching posts |
29 October, 2004 | Learner dies in construction site tragedy |
22 October, 2004 | WCED assists learners without places in 2005 |
22 October, 2004 | WCED tackles 2005 accommodation issues |
12 October, 2004 | WCED launches Employee Wellness Programme |
4 October, 2004 | MEC's message to matrics |
30 September, 2004 | 2004 Eduplant winners |
27 September, 2004 | Grade1's Learning and reading abilities |
14 September, 2004 | Deadline approaches for school admissions |
10 September, 2004 | WCED honours top teachers for 2004 |
7 September, 2004 | Poor school gets computer centre |
6 September, 2004 | Khanya rakes in yet another award |
2 September, 2004 | Premier opens new Khayelitsha school |
31 August, 2004 | WCED gets set to promote the arts |
30 August, 2004 | Candidates get ready for 2004 matric exams |
25 August, 2004 | Astronomy open day offers view of the future |
24 August, 2004 | Smart board offers high-tech teaching tool |
18 August, 2004 | MEC concerned at threats to schools |
12 August, 2004 | All systems go for RNCS in 2005 |
10 August, 2004 | Province launches 3rd Learning Cape Festival |
5 August, 2004 | MEC urges parents to enrol children early |
29 July, 2004 | MEC shocked at brutal killing of learner |
27 July, 2004 | WCED builds framework for e-Education |
26 July, 2004 | MEC to provide warmth to Koue Bokkeveld |
21 July, 2004 | MEC to act on late teachers |
16 July, 2004 | MEC honours maths achievers |
16 July, 2004 | WCED supports urban and rural development |
2 July, 2004 | WCED, schools prepare for RNCS |
25 June, 2004 | W Cape prepares learning celebration |
14 July, 2004 | Education MEC to welcome back school children from New Zealand |
6 July, 2004 | Education MEC welcomes satisfactory ending to Edgemead racism assault case |
1 July, 2004 | City teachers take SA arts to USA |
1 July, 2004 | Sale of School Land |
20 June, 2004 | National Drugs Awareness Week |
25 May, 2004 | WCED studies Grade 6 reading, maths skills |
14 May, 2004 | First mega-College to offer Awards |
5 May, 2004 | Milestone for Maths in the Western Cape |
4 May, 2004 | Minister mourns Keegan's death |
16 April, 2004 | W Cape gymnasts excel in world competition |
13 April, 2004 | WCED launches state-of-the-art Call Centre |
8 April, 2004 | Nutrition to 156 000 needy learners |
24 March, 2004 | WCED to test Grade 8 learners |
18 March, 2004 | WCED shares concern for profoundly disabled |
14 March, 2004 | R1.2m to boost new plan for discipline |
9 March, 2004 | W Cape debaters set for international success |
8 March, 2004 | International Woman's Day to Launch Gender equality in Education |
3 March, 2004 | Manzomtombo and Mfuleni no 2 & 3 in Mfuleni |
2 March, 2004 | Budget emphasis on human capital growth welcomed |
24 February, 2004 | WCED salutes top maths and science teachers |
24 February, 2004 | WCED Schools in pilot-project for Gun Free Zones |
22 February, 2003 | Fezeka celebrates new Classrooms and Science Centre |
19 February, 2004 | WCED's Khanya Project reaches Stockholm Challenge finals |
18 February, 2004 | WCED launches school safety and security manual
| 17 February, 2004 | Work starts on new Mfuleni primary school |
6 February, 2004 | Principals, officials gather to map future |
4 February, 2004 | Comment on events at Vuyiseka High School, Philippi East, 4/2/04 |
21 January, 2004 | WCED, MJC comment on Friday prayers |
26 January, 2004 | Three boarders die in Ceres road accident |
22 January, 2004 | WCED opens registration centres for late enrolments |
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