30 December, 2008 | Matric results mark milestone for SA education |
30 December, 2008 | Matric 2008: Merit List and Special Candidate Awards |
30 December, 2008 | Matric 2008: School Awards |
30 December, 2008 | Matric 2008: facts and figures |
10 December, 2008 | Holiday programmes keep W Cape schools safe |
3 December, 2008 | MEC Gabru wishes learners and educators a safe holiday |
27 November, 2008 | R1 million cash injection for youth leadership development |
21 November, 2008 | Floods - new exam for matrics who missed English exam |
17 November, 2008 | QIDS-UP to help with repairs |
14 November, 2008 | WCED, schools assess flood damage |
13 November, 2008 | Pilot programme supports youth at risk |
13 November, 2008 | Learner presumed drowned on way to exam |
11 November, 2008 | WCED vacancy lists attract strong response |
7 November, 2008 | MEC urges parents to enrol learners at school |
7 November, 2008 | WCED approach to mother-tongue education |
7 November, 2008 | School pass rates stable |
5 November, 2008 | Guy Fawkes disruptions unacceptable |
3 November, 2008 | MEC Gabru calls for review of safety plans |
1 November, 2008 | 10 tips for managing exam stress |
1 November, 2008 | WCED launches Foundations for Learning Campaign |
23 October, 2008 | Managers moving forward in technology |
20 October, 2008 | Vandalism down by 34% at W Cape schools |
13 October, 2008 | Contractors repair vandalised school |
2 October, 2008 | Matrics enter final straight for 2008 NSC exams |
2 October, 2008 | Schools, WCED well-prepared for NSC exams |
30 September, 2008 | New national learner tracking system |
25 September, 2008 | Children draft policy on key community issues |
14 September, 2008 | WCED honours Western Cape’s top teachers |
5 September, 2008 | Learners to move from vandalised school |
4 September, 2008 | CTAs set common standard |
1 September, 2008 | Home schooling policy |
1 September, 2008 | Storm damages W Cape schools |
28 August, 2008 | WCED to review schooling for displaced learners |
28 August, 2008 | Burglary and vandalism figures |
27 August, 2008 | Pre-primary school lease - comment |
27 August, 2008 | Safety management at schools |
27 August, 2008 | School violence reports |
26 August, 2008 | Safety at Duneside Primary |
19 August, 2008 | Learner transport in brief |
19 August, 2008 | WCED to increase teaching posts in 2009 |
18 August, 2008 | Vandalism at Silukhanyo |
8 August, 2008 | Foetal alcohol syndrome - education responses |
8 August, 2008 | Gabru opens first solar-powered school computer lab |
6 August, 2008 | Strike impact |
5 August, 2008 | Comment on teacher migration |
4 August, 2008 | Gabru appointed MEC for Education in the Western |
30 July, 2008 | Matric mid-year exams |
24 July, 2008 | MEC Dugmore briefs Joint Refugee Leadership Committee |
22 July, 2008 | WCED launches new Overberg Education District |
16 July, 2008 | WCED introduces web-based leave management system |
24 June, 2008 | Education and skills key to youth empowerment for poverty eradication |
23 June, 2008 | WCED launches new era in education support |
20 June, 2008 | CCTV cameras keep an eye on school security |
12 June, 2008 | Innovation and creativity needed to address skills backlog |
11 June, 2008 | Schools to play key role in reintegration |
5 June, 2008 | Technology tracks Western Cape computer thieves |
3 June, 2008 | Employment equity stats: Western Cape ex-model C schools made most progress |
3 June, 2008 | R7-million financial literacy programme for Western Cape learners |
23 May, 2008 | WCED awards achievers in literacy and numeracy |
22 May, 2008 | Budget will see massive investment in primary schools to boost quality outcomes in matric |
13 May, 2008 | More than 45,000 rural learners transported every day |
9 May, 2008 | Increased support measures to improve maths and science performances |
8 May, 2008 | Tragic death of 12-year-old learner in bus accident is sad |
5 May, 2008 | More and more people realise value of education as 25,000 candidates write matric supplementary exams |
24 April, 2008 | Education is preparing young SA for democracy |
23 April, 2008 | Higher Education graduates must develop solutions for the poor |
23 April, 2008 | UCT professor's killing a call to action to deal harshly with crime |
22 April, 2008 | R40-million extra for Western Cape rural schools |
22 April, 2008 | Grade 6 learners improve literacy skills, but maths remains huge challenge |
18 April, 2008 | Budget presentation to Western Cape Standing Committee on Education, Cultural Affairs and Sport |
17 April, 2008 | Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 April normal school days |
31 March, 2008 | National Imbizo Focus Week - 7 to 14 April 2008 |
18 March, 2008 | Premier announces maximum security detention centre for young people |
11 March, 2008 | School bus accident reminder to be vigilant – MEC Dugmore |
4 March, 2008 | MEC Dugmore welcomes R1.3bn increase in education allocation |
4 March, 2008 | All have duty to ensure safe schools - MEC Dugmore |
28 February, 2008 | Delfts schools support for learners affected by eviction |
28 January, 2008 | Death of SADTU Deputy Secretary-General Don Pasquallie |
24 January, 2008 | Education MEC Dugmore shocked, angered at invasion and stabbing in school |
22 January, 2008 | Land deal provides new opportunities for education |
18 January, 2008 | WCED probes claim of withholding report |
17 January, 2008 | Atlantis Matric Achievers Awards |
16 January, 2008 | Premier Rasool pleased with smooth start to new school year |
15 January, 2008 | Cabinet, WCED to visit schools on opening day |
10 January, 2008 | FET colleges offer renewed opportunities for young people |
8 January, 2008 | 2007 Academic awards of excellence - Independent muslium schools in the Western Cape |
7 January, 2008 | Saturday schools to offer second chance for matrics |