27 December, 2002 | Western Cape scores straight ‘A’ for matric |
27 December, 2002 | Merit List & Special Awards for Meritorious Academic Achievements from historically disadvantaged contexts: Senior Certificate Examination 2002 |
27 December, 2002 | Ministerial Awards for Meritorious Academic Performance: Senior Certificate Examination 2002 |
11 December, 2002 | Task team completes mother-tongue education report |
4 December, 2002 | WCED revises teacher allocations for 2002 |
2 December, 2002 | WCED starts matric marking process |
27 November, 2002 | Court jails chief invigilator for stealing three matric papers |
25 November, 2002 | Matrics complete 2002 Senior Certificate examinations |
19 November, 2002 | Revised post provisioning model for schools |
12 November, 2002 | WCED launches employment equity plan |
8 November, 2002 | Police arrest invigilator for exam paper theft |
29 Oktober, 2002 | VOO kurrikulum |
28 October, 2002 | Three Teachers Honoured for their Dedication |
25 October, 2002 | SAPS investigation into exam theft makes progress |
24 October, 2002 | WCED budget 2002/03 |
21 October, 2002 | Stone-throwing: WCED closes school temporarily |
17 October, 2002 | Cuban Teachers
15 October, 2002 | Payment of School Fees
13 October, 2002 | Minister wishes candidates well on 2002 matric Exams
11 October, 2002 | W Cape teachers win national awards
11 October, 2002 | W Cape school building programme
10 October, 2002 | Table View - request for new high school
10 September, 2002 | WCED launches ‘Enrol Early’ campaign
10 September, 2002 | New Mentorship and Curatorship programme
8 September, 2002 | Importance of Sign Language |
5 September, 2002 | Death of Monique Valentine |
4 September, 2002 | WCED launches Cape Teaching Institute |
30 August, 2002 | School HIV/AIDS week September 2002 |
28 August, 2002 | Schools, civil society join forces in Schools’ HIV/AIDS Week |
16 August, 2002 | Robbers injure teacher in shooting incident |
15 August, 2002 | Gaum signs partnership to support education development in W Cape |
29 July, 2002 | Flooding closes school in Koue Bokkeveld |
24 July, 2002 | Province plans festival to celebrate learning |
23 July, 2002 | WCED to launch new Institute for Teacher Development |
1 July, 2002 | State to appeal finding on schools’ responsibilities |
24 June, 2002 | WCED studies trends in school enrolments |
20 June, 2002 | WCED launches video on multilingual classrooms |
14 June, 2002 | National Council of Province Budget Speech debate |
13 June, 2002 | WCED plays leading role in fight against HIV/AIDS |
11 June, 2002 | Maritime training to enter new era in Western Cape |
5 June, 2002 | Bus crash near Piketberg |
29 May, 2002 | Gaum calls for Task Team to address gang violence |
28 May, 2002 | George cuts power to schools with special education needs |
22 May, 2002 | Whole School Evaluation policy |
17 May, 2002 | WCED proposes alternatives to Education Laws Amendment Bill |
12 May, 2002 | Powers of school governing bodies |
9 May, 2002 | Premier announces new Head of Education in the Western Cape |
7 May, 2002 | WCED seeks teachers for learners from informal school |
6 May, 2002 | Fatal Stabbing at Wellington Youth Care Centre |
5 May, 2002 | Comment on schools' attendance registers |
5 May, 2002 | Rally kick-starts rural reading drive |
25 April, 2002 | Message from Mr André Gaum, Western Cape Minister of Education |
25 April, 2002 | WCED wishes Shuttleworth Godspeed |
23 April, 2002 | World Book Day |
18 April, 2002 | Response to the revision of Curriculum 2005 |
17 April, 2002 | WCED responds to Cape Flats violence |
17 April, 2002 | Gaum comments on Cuban teacher proposal |
16 April, 2002 | New preschool will promote learning in three languages |
15 April, 2002 | WCED finalises plans for learners at informal school |
11 April, 2002 | Honouring Nkosi Johnson |
10 April, 2002 | eLearning will 'reshape education process' in the W Cape |
10 April, 2002 | Learners return for busy second term |
28 March, 2002 | R10-million project will improve eLearning at technical colleges |
26 March, 2002 | Care for youth at risk enters new era |
26 March, 2002 | The sky is no limit for learners at Fezeka Secondary |
15 March, 2002 | Education Budget 2002/3: Time to break through to a better future |
12 March, 2002 | Moves to counter gangsterism in Manenberg |
12 March, 2002 | De Hoop Primary School opens new computer centre |
8 March, 2002 | WCED expands self-defence campaign for schoolgirls |
8 March, 2002 | Background: WCED Learner Transport Scheme |
5 March, 2002 | New Western Cape Education Trust will coordinate private sector interventions in education - Major development for private/public partnerships in the Western Cape |
1 March, 2002 | Western Cape schools win Most Improved School Awards |
28February, 2002 | Breakthrough in informal school impasse |
21Februwari, 2002 | Igqiza lokuqulunqa inkqubo yokufundisa ngolwimi oluthethwa ekhaya |
21 Februarie, 2002 | Taakspan om 'n moedertaalonderrigstrategie te ontwikke |
21 February, 2002 | Task Team to develop home language education strategy |
14 February, 2002 | Software donation 'will boost eLearning in the W Cape' |
13 Februarie, 2002 | Professor Kader Asmal se herstrukturerings-planne vir hoër onderwys in die Wes-Kaap |
13 February, 2002 | Professor Kader Asmal's plan for reorganising higher education in the WesternCape |
12 February, 2002 | WCED completes assessment of underage Grade One applications |
11 February, 2002 | WCED investigates informal school in Nyanga |
31 January, 2002 | Three fronts in the fight against sexual abuse |
30 January, 2002 | Removal of crossing puts children at risk |
25 January, 2002 | Schools pass the opening test for 2002 |
24 Januarie, 2002 | WKOD belied oor ontgroening |
21 January, 2002 | WCED to open Khayelitsha school for learners needing special care |
21 January, 2002 | Schools get ready for the start of the new year |
14 January, 2002 | Gaum outlines policy on underage enrolment |