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Media Release

17 January, 2008

Atlantis Matric Achievers Awards

Statement by Cameron Dugmore, MEC for Education in the Western Cape

Atlantis as a young, struggling, poverty-stricken community has in the last few years in the mainstream media mostly been portrayed as a town struggling with social issues, eg drugs, crime, gangsterism, rape, etc.; yet there are many unsung heroes and as many success stories.

As part of profiling positive role-modeling and showcasing success stories and achievements often in difficult and challenging conditions, the principals, education forum and WCED want to highlight the positive performances of the matrics of 2007.

With this event the different role players want to acknowledge and reward hard work, often in difficult circumstances, in order to inspire and motivate others to even greater heights, and to give hope to the future generation of leaders in society.

Some of the achievers will receive university and college bursaries, learnerships and other prizes. Eskom is the proud anchor sponsor of this annual inaugural event.

The function will take place on Friday 18 January 2008, at the Atlantis School of Skills, from 14h00 - 16h00. Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore, senior WCED officials, principals, Representative Council of Learner (RCLs) leaders and school governing body chairpersons of primary and high schools will attend the event.

Community and business leaders, as well as former principals and teachers who have dedicated their lives to the education of the children of Mamre, Atlantis, Pella, Darling and Philadelphia, have also been invited.

PROGRAMME (MC: Mr Q Newman, Chairperson of the Interim Education Forum)

START: 14h05

1. Opening Prayers - Local Pastor and Imam

2. Official Word of Welcome - Mr E Marthinus, Chairperson Principals Association

3. Introduction of Guest Speaker - Mr Danny Olifant, MP

4. Guest Speaker - Education MEC Cameron Dugmore

5. Presentation of Awards - Mr Barry Volschenk, WCED Northern Metropole District Director

6. Mr Lewis Phidza, Eskom Nuclear Portfolio Stakeholder Manager

7. Word of Thanks - Gert Witbooi

8. Photo session and media interviews

END: 16h00

For enquiries, contact Gert Witbooi:  082 550 3938, or gwitbooi@pgwc.gov.za.

Issued by:
Gert Witbooi
Media Liaison Officer
Office of the MEC for Education
Western Cape
Tel: 021 467 2523
Fax: 021 425 5689

Visit our website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za

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