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Media Release

18 February, 2004

WCED launches school safety and security manual

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) launched a new manual today (18 February 2004) on how best to ensure safety and security at schools and other WCED institutions.

The WCED’s Safe Schools Division developed the Procedural Manual for Managing Safety and Security at WCED Institutions in conjunction with teachers unions, school principals, WCED officials and professional staff over the past 18 months.

The manual reflects the WCED’s commitment to ensuring safe, secure environments needed for effective teaching andlearning.

While schools are among the safest places for learners and staff, crime and violence endemic to many of our communities continues to undermine our efforts at providing the kind of education we aspire to in the province.

Our Safe Schools programme has played a key role in ensuring safe school environments in recent years, by providing security systems, mobilising community support for schools, modifying learner behaviour and assisting learners who experience abuse.

Safe Schools also works with schools and other partners to develop safety and security procedures, many of which now appear in this manual.

Key features of the manual include effective management of school environments, for example, how to manage trespassing, limiting access to key areas, safe-guarding property and operating alarm systems.

The manual covers procedures for supporting teachers at risk while on duty, both from learners and outsiders, and while performing extramural activities. Procedures also cover theft and vandalism to teachers’ property.

The manual covers a range of approaches to supporting learners, and to modifying and influencing behaviour.

The manual deals extensively with gang violence, which impacts severely on schools in communities where gangs are active.

The publication provides insights into the impact of gang violence on schools and procedures involved should schools have to close because of gang violence. It also covers policy on dangerous object and gun-free zones.

Various appendices include a nine-point plan for safe school planning, responsibilities of role players in the aftermath of a crisis, the legislative framework and other mandates, and contact details for the Safe Schools Division.

Issued by:
Paddy Attwell
Director: Communication
Western Cape Education Department
Tel: 021 467 2531
Fax: 021 461 3694
Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za

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