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Media Release 24 January, 2003 | |
WCED bridges digital divide in W Cape schools Statement by André Gaum, Western Cape Education Minister The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is on track towards completing a major project to link almost every school in the province to the internet by the end of March 2003. The department launched the Telecommunications Project five years ago to facilitate communication between public schools and education support and management structures in the Western Cape, and to link them to the internet. The Telecommunications Project is one of several key projects that are enabling us to bridge the digital divide in education in the province. We are fully committed to using the latest in information and communication technologies to ensure effective education for all. The Telecommunications Project entailed a number of aspects that included: The provision of a computer, printer, modem and office automation package; The installation of a telephone line (in cases where schools did not already have a connection) and a contribution to the rental and call costs; Payment of the annual subscription to an Internet Service Provider; and Training of at least two people at each school. Initially the budget for the project was provided solely by the WCED. In Phase 2 of the project the Chief Directorate: IT of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape supplemented the budget. The additional funds have meant that the project has been able to be implemented in a period of five years. By March 2003, the Telecommunications Project team will have connected 1 309 schools to the internet. About 231 schools have made their own arrangements, bringing the total number of schools with internet connections to 1 540. This means that by March, every public school in the Western Cape will be connected to the internet, with the exception of about 40 schools that presently do not have electricity. The WCED is working with ESCOM in a bid to provide power to these schools, so that they, too, can be part of the internet community. The department now plans to start replacing equipment provided during the first round of the project with more up to date computers, where necessary, or to supplement the original computers. The WCED is also considering providing computers for telecommunication purposes to schools that previously arranged their own internet connections. In the main, the schools have been connected to the Internet via the Western Cape Schools Network (WCSN), an NGO that is part of SchoolNet SA and that provides connectivity to the internet to schools. Using the software provided by the WCSN, it is possible for each educator at each school in the province to have their own email address and once the system is extended to learners for each learner in the province to have their own email address. On completion the total cost of the project will be slightly less than R25-million. The annual recurring costs for line rentals, telephone calls and ISP subscriptions will amount to approximately R3-million. These amounts will be transferred to schools on the basis of their Norms and Standards funding. This means that the poorer schools will receive more money than the richer schools. Now that the basic infrastructure (albeit a dialup connection) is in place, the WCED has initiated a number of other projects aimed at streamlining their communications with schools. The WCED is now emailing circulars and other documents directly to schools. The department is also developing curriculum resources, much of which is being placed on the WCEDs website (http://wced.wcape.gov.za). Schools and educators now have online access materials not previously available to them. They will also be able to communicate directly with departmental officials on administrative matters such as salary and leave queries via an electronic postmaster system. The schools will be able to establish "virtual communities" where, for example, all the Mathematics educators will be able to share information (including resource materials, test papers, etc.). In addition, schools are now able to participate in international projects. During May 2003 the European Space Agency will be launching a mission to Mars. Associated with this mission will be a website containing mission data, photographs and discussion groups. Our schools will now be able to participate by downloading photos and data which will make their classroom activities a lot more meaningful. This project will make it possible for schools in our remote communities to interact with schools in other parts of the country or the world. The Project Champion is Mike Chiles (Director: Information & Technological Services). The planning and implementation of the project is being handled jointly by the Directorate: Information & Technological Services and the Schools IT Unit of the Chief Directorate: IT in the province. Media inquiries: André Gaum 082-550-3938 | |