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Media Release

14 February, 2003

Principals, officials meet to plan FET introduction

Statement by André Gaum, Western Cape Education Minister

About 500 delegates will gather at the Baxter Theatre in Rondebosch this weekend to prepare the ground for further education and training (FET) in schools and FET colleges in the Western Cape over the next few years.

South Africa's education system has reached a decisive moment. As we replace the curriculum that was introduced in the 1970s, an old era is ending and a new one beginning.

Outcomes-based education (OBE), launched in Grade 1 in 1997, is now moving steadily towards the highest Grades.

This sea-change in the education of our young schoolgoers transforms not only their curriculum and their learning experience but also the school-leaving certificates they achieve.

At the end of Grade 9 (the last compulsory Grade), successful learners will receive the General Education and Training Certificate (GETC).

From here on, those who wish to study further will move into the Further Education and Training (FET) band, where two courses are open to them:

  • They can stay at school and complete Grades 10 to 12 before gaining their Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC), which will replace the Senior Certificate that we have had for many years.
  • Alternatively, they can leave school at the end of Grade 9 and work towards their FETC at one of the FET institutions (formerly called technical colleges).

The national Department of Education has declared 2003 to be the Year of FET.

As part of this initiative, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has organised a major workshop for school principals and officials to work together on planning the way forward. The theme of the workshop is "Managing FET School Change".

Speakers and panelists will include myself; Mr Ron Swartz, Head of Education; senior WCED officials; school principals and teachers; as well as Mr Clem Sunter of Anglo-American and Professor Brian O'Connell of the University of the Western Cape.

Most of the workshop will entail scenario planning that will help to inform further planning in schools and the WCED as a whole. The department’s Education Management and Development Centres will drive the planning process further in each education district.

This workshop is an important milestone in the development of education in this province. It will serve as a formal start to the process of implementing FET in our schools and FET colleges.

The WCED and I are looking forward to the next few years with a real sense of excitement. We are confident that our plans for general and further education and training will lead to a strengthened province and nation.

Media inquiries:   André Gaum   082-550-3938

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