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Media Release 28 October, 2003 | |
New WCED school to focus on maths and science Statement by Ron Swartz, Head of Education in the Western Cape The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will open a new school in January 2004 for learners from all over the province who wish to excel in mathematics and science in matric. The school will be called the Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science and Technology, and will occupy premises that housed the former Constantia School for Boys. The new school will be for both boys and girls. The Academy will play an important role in increasing the number of learners in the Western Cape who pass matric with mathematics and science on the higher grade. The new school will accommodate learners from all population groups, with a special focus on learners from previously disadvantaged communities. The WCED will start by providing classes for Grade 10 learners in 2004. The Academy will offer Grades 10 and 11 in 2005, followed by Grades 10, 11 and 12 in 2006. At this stage, the school can accommodate 210 learners, including 60 boarders. The WCED would like to attract learners from all over the province who may not have access yet to advanced teaching in mathematics and science in their home towns. The school forms part of a broader strategy to improve learner performance in mathematics and science across the Western Cape. The Academy offers the chance of a lifetime for learners, to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to achieve good results in mathematics and science. This in turn will open doors to higher education and careers that need a solid foundation in these subjects. While the school will offer a full range of matric subjects, it will focus in particular on teaching mathematics, science and computer science for examination on the higher grade. The matric subjects offered are English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa, Mathematics, Physical Science, Computer Science, Biology and Accounting. The school will also offer a range of extra-curricula activities, such as Science and Astronomy clubs, and excursions to science-related centres, such as research facilities and high-technology companies. The academy is offering:
In addition to specialised schooling, the Academy will provide a centre for developing good teaching practice; an in-service training facility for teachers and student teachers; a centre for curriculum development; and an after-hours support centre for teachers, learners and parents. The school will provide a centre where employers can identify and support future employees, through bursaries at the school and later at higher education institutions. We are working with partners locally and overseas to provide the support the new Academy needs. We all recognise that we need interventions such as this to build the human resources we need for economic growth and development. In the end, we must work with partners on all levels to ensure that we provide opportunities for learning that will open doors for our learners, especially those from previously disadvantaged communities. Further information and contact details are available from high schools, the WCED’s Education Management and Development Centres and the WCED’s web site ( here ) or search the A – Z index for Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science and Technology at http://wced.wcape.gov.za . Issued by: The Communication Directorate Western Cape Education Department Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za Tel: (021) 467-2531 Fax: (021) 461-3694 return to: Home | Media Releases Index page | |
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