To manage the development and coordination of curriculum policy framework in respect of AET.
- Functions:
- Coordinate curriculum research and development within AET.
- Coordinate curriculum research and development for curriculum adaptation within AET in order to include learners with special needs.
- Coordinate curriculum development initiatives within the learning area context according to provincial needs in AET.
- Contribute to national curriculum policy development with respect to AET.
- Monitor, support and evaluate all provincial interventions within the AET context.
- Develop policy documents, guidelines and training materials in support of AET.
Learning Area |
To manage the development and coordination of curriculum policy frameworks, learning areas, learning programmes and learning support.
- Functions:
- Coordinate curriculum research and development within learning areas.
- Coordinate curriculum research and development for curriculum adaptation within learning areas in order to include learners with special needs.
- Coordinate curriculum development initiatives within the learning area context.
- Contribute to national curriculum policy development with respect to learning areas.
- Monitor, support and evaluate all provincial interventions within the learning area context.
- Develop policy documents, guidelines and training materials in support of learning areas.
ECD, F/P, Lit/Num |
To manage the development and coordination of curriculum policy frameworks in respect of ECD, F/P, Lit/Num.
- Functions:
- Coordinate curriculum research and development within ECD, Foundation Phase and the LitNum strategy.
- Coordinate curriculum research and development for curriculum adaptation within ECD, F/P and LitnNum in order to include learners with special needs.
- Coordinate curriculum development initiatives within the ECD, F/P and LitNum context.
- Contribute to national curriculum policy development with respect to ECD, F/P and LitNum.
- Monitor, support and evaluate all provincial interventions within the ECD, F/P and LitNum context.
- Develop policy documents, guidelines and training materials in support of ECD, F/P and LitNum.