Directorate: Examinations Administration (DEA)

Director: Examinations Administration (DEA)
Bertram Loriston
PA: Desiré Cloete
Tel: 021 467 2945
Fax: 021 461 5637
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000



To manage the planning and administration of examinations and certification throughout the education system.

  1. Administer examination and certification processes (currently including Sen Cert, GETC, ABET, Grade 11, Diagnostic Testing - grade 3, 6).
  2. Plan the system of examinations for all phases of curriculum delivery.
  3. Provide provincial printing services.
Certification, Arrangements &
Secretarial Services
To administer examination and certification processes (currently including Sen Cert, GETC, ABET, Grade 11, Diagnostic Testing-grade 3,6).
  1. Arrange all examinations and assessments.
  2. Compile examination administration policy.
  3. Provide a secretarial service to Boards and Committees.
  4. Provide examination results.
Question Papers, Scripts &
Support Services
To plan the system of examinations for all phases of curriculum delivery.
  1. Arrange for remarking of answer sheets.
  2. Prepare answer sheets for remark.
  3. Handle all issues regarding the remarks at examination centres.
  4. Assist with the counting of question papers.
  5. Control answer sheets.
  6. Administer the process of compilation of question papers.
  7. Arrange for the moderating of answer sheets.
  8. Provide a support service to the directorate which includes payments and procurement.
Printing Services
To provide provincial printing services.
  1. Manage and organise due dates for the printing, counting, packaging and distribution of question papers.
  2. Manage and organise the reprographic services for PGWC.
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