Curriculum Development: Further Education and Training (FET) (DCF)

Director: Curriculum Development: Further Education and Training (FET) (DCF)
Dhroonlall Haripersad
PA: Johanna Malies
Tel: 021 467 2585
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000



To manage the development and coordination of FET curriculum (includes schools and FET colleges) policy frameworks, subjects, learning programmes and learning support.

  1. Manage all Curriculum Special Projects (currently Dinaledi, MST and Focus Schools).
  2. Manage the development and coordination of FET curriculum policy frameworks, subjects, learning programmes and learning support for FET schools.
  3. Facilitate curriculum development and delivery in FET colleges in line with provincial strategies.
Project Manager
To manage all Curriculum Special Projects (currently Dinaledi, MST and Focus Schools).
  1. Manage and oversee the development of curriculum for all Curriculum Special Projects.
  2. Manage and oversee the professional development of all human resources involved in Curriculum Special Projects.
  3. Provide support to schools identified as focus schools in respect of all Curriculum Special Projects.
  4. Ensure all reporting mechanisms in respect of Curriculum Special Projects and focus schools are implemented and operational.
FET Schools
To manage the development and coordination of FET curriculum policy frameworks, subjects, learning programmes and learning support for FET schools.
  1. Coordinate curriculum research and development within subjects.
  2. Coordinate curriculum research and development for curriculum adaptation within subjects in order to include learners with special needs.
  3. Coordinate curriculum development initiatives within subject context according to provincial needs in FET.
  4. Contribute to national curriculum policy development with respect to subjects.
  5. Monitor, support and evaluate all provincial interventions within the subject context.
  6. Develop policy documents, guidelines and training materials in support of subjects.
FET Colleges
To facilitate curriculum development and delivery in FET colleges in line with provincial strategies.
  1. Facilitate delivery and alignment of vocational, occupational and skills programmes at FET colleges in line with Provincial priorities.
  2. Provide curriculum advice in respect of FET subjects to FET colleges.
To manage and coordinate e-learning.
  1. Develop policy and manage the planning of e-Learning matters.
  2. Manage integrated training and the e-environment by providing e-support for curriculum delivery.
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