Project Manager |
To manage all Curriculum Special Projects (currently Dinaledi, MST and Focus Schools).
- Functions:
- Manage and oversee the development of curriculum for all Curriculum Special Projects.
- Manage and oversee the professional development of all human resources involved in Curriculum Special Projects.
- Provide support to schools identified as focus schools in respect of all Curriculum Special Projects.
- Ensure all reporting mechanisms in respect of Curriculum Special Projects and focus schools are implemented and operational.
FET Schools |
To manage the development and coordination of FET curriculum policy frameworks, subjects, learning programmes and learning support for FET schools.
- Functions:
- Coordinate curriculum research and development within subjects.
- Coordinate curriculum research and development for curriculum adaptation within subjects in order to include learners with special needs.
- Coordinate curriculum development initiatives within subject context according to provincial needs in FET.
- Contribute to national curriculum policy development with respect to subjects.
- Monitor, support and evaluate all provincial interventions within the subject context.
- Develop policy documents, guidelines and training materials in support of subjects.
FET Colleges |
To facilitate curriculum development and delivery in FET colleges in line with provincial strategies.
- Functions:
- Facilitate delivery and alignment of vocational, occupational and skills programmes at FET colleges in line with Provincial priorities.
- Provide curriculum advice in respect of FET subjects to FET colleges.
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e-Learning |
To manage and coordinate e-learning.
- Functions:
- Develop policy and manage the planning of e-Learning matters.
- Manage integrated training and the e-environment by providing e-support for curriculum delivery.