Directorate:  Management Accounting (DMA)

Director: Management Accounting (DMA)
Merle Kock
PA: Claudine Matthews
Tel: 021 467 2663/4
Fax: 021 467 2594
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000


To manage the allocation and utilisation of financial resources in line with the priorities, needs and strategic plan of the WCED.

  1. Manage the financial strategic planning process in respect of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).
  2. Analyse, monitor and project income and expenditure and identify anomalies in order to promote effective spending.
To manage the financial strategic planning process in respect of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).
  1. Manage the allocation and expenditure control of Norms and Standards Funding for educational institutions.
  2. Compile Budget Statements.
  3. Determine post provisioning affordability and managing personnel budget.
Budget Monitoring
To analyse, monitor and project income and expenditure and identify anomalies in order to promote effective spending.
  1. Provide management information on expenditure.
  2. Analyse expenditure for compilation of monthly reports for National and Provincial Treasury.
  3. Compile the appropriation report.
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