Directorate: Quality Assurance (DQA)

Director: Quality Assurance (DQA)
Karen Bydell
PA: Laverne Lawrence
Tel: 021 467 9320
Fax: 021 467 9325
Address: Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000


To monitor and evaluate the performance of education delivery at all levels and areas of the education system.

  1. Manage the development and application of IQMS systems and reporting.
  2. Manage the development and application of the M&E systems and reporting.
To manage the development and application of IQMS systems and reporting.
  1. Develop M&E Systems for the entire organisation.
  2. Manage and implement M&E systems at all levels of the WCED.
  3. Manage the M&E of strategies, projects and policies in the WCED.
  4. Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of the SDIP of the WCED, and the SDI plans of Directorates.
  5. Coordinate M&E systems and their reporting.
  6. Promote M&E alignment with the GWMES and PWMES, and collaborate with the structures managing these systems.
  7. Ensure that M&E systems are aligned with the planning systems of the WCED.
  8. Manage the implementation of the Systemic Evaluation (National assessment).
Monitoring & Evaluation
To manage the development and application of the M&E systems and reporting.
  1. Ensure that M&E Systems exist and are fully operational at all levels of the WCED.
  2. Coordinate M&E systems and their reporting.
  3. Promote M&E alignment with the GWMES and PWMES and collaborate with the structures managing these systems.
  4. Ensure that M&E systems are aligned with the Planning systems of the WCED.
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