Governing Body Elections | Western Cape Education Department
Governing Body Elections

Procedures for the Election and Establishment of Governing Bodies at Public Schools Regulations, 2024: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Governing Body Election Forms:

Annexure A – Election of Parents of Learners Notice: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Annexure B – Election of Parents of Learners Nomination Form: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Annexure C – Election of Educators | Non-Educators Notice: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Annexure D – Election of Educators | Non-Educators Nomination Form: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Annexure E – Agenda: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Form 1School Readiness Declaration

Form 2Parent Nomination List

Form 3Ballot Paper

Form 4Result Slip of Elections

Form 5Minutes and Result Slip of Nomination Validation Meeting

Form 6Election Declaration Form

Form 7Notification of All Members Elected to the Governing Body

Form 8Appointment as School Electoral Officer 2024-2027

Nomination Validation Meeting Forms:

First meeting

Second meeting

Third meeting

Governing Body Election Calculator for Schools

Governing Body Election Pamphlets: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa

Governing Body Poster

According to the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, governing bodies must be elected every three years. The objective of the governing body is to ensure that properly elected, competent and committed individuals take on governance responsibility for our public schooling system.

Elections will take place during March 2024. Principals will advise parents on the date of the elections of the school.

Laat jou stem tel!

Beheerliggame moet ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet, 1996 (Wet 84 van 1996), elke drie jaar verkies word. Die doel van die beheerliggaam is om toe te sien dat behoorlik verkose, bekwame en toegewyde persone bestuursverantwoordelikhede vir ons openbare skoolstelsel aanvaar.

Verkiesings sal gedurende Maart 2024 plaasvind. Prinsipale sal ouers oor die datum van die verkiesing by die skool in kennis stel.

Ivoti yakho ibalulekile, yisebenzise!

NgokoMthetho weZikolo zaseMzantsi Afrika 84 ka-1996 (South African Schools Act 84 of 1996), amabhunga olawulo makanyulwe qho kwiminyaka emithathu. Injongo yebhunga lolawulo kukuqinisekisa ukuba ngabantu abanyulwe ngokufanelekileyo, abanobuchule nabazimiseleyo amabenze umsebenzi wokuphatha nolawulo kwinkqubo yethu yezikolo zikarhulumente.

Unyulo luya kuqhubeka ngoMatshi 2024. Iinqununu ziya kubazisa abazali ngomhla wonyulo esikolweni.

  1. improving the quality of education in a school;
  2. giving all stakeholders a say in school governance, and ensuring accountability;
  3. ensuring that the school serves the best interests of learners, parents and the broader community; and
  4. ensuring good governance.

Beheerliggame is noodsaaklik om:

  1. die gehalte van onderrig in ’n skool te verbeter;
  2. seggenskap oor skoolbestuur aan alle rolspelers te gee en aanspreeklikheid te verseker;
  3. toe te sien dat die skool die beste belange van alle leerders, ouers en die breër gemeenskap op die hart dra; en
  4. goeie bestuur en beheer te verseker.

Amabhunga olawulo abalulekile ukulungiselela:

  1. ukuphucula umgangatho wemfundo esikolweni;
  2. ukunika bonke abachaphazelekayo ithuba lokudlala indima ekuphathweni nasekulawulweni kwesikolo, nokuqinisekisa ukuphendula ngokwenzileyo;
  3. ukuqinisekisa ukuba isikolo silungiselela abafundi, abazali nabahlali ngokubanzi ngeyona ndlela igqwesileyo; kunye
  4. nokuqinisekisa ulawulo olusemgangathweni.
  1. deciding the admission policy of the school;
  2. deciding the language policy of the school;
  3. establishing a policy on religion at the school;
  4. adopting a code of conduct and constitution;
  5. establishing the school’s constitution and mission statement;
  6. managing the finances of the school;
  7. administering and controlling the school’s property and budget;
  8. recommending staff appointments; and
  9. supporting principals and educators in ensuring quality education.

It is important for all parents to play a role in their child’s school. This includes participating in governing body elections, standing for elections or electing members that will ensure good governance, and safeguarding the resources meant for the improvement of quality teaching and learning. It is important to note that members serving on a governing body do so voluntarily.

Besluite oor belangrike kwessies word aan beheerliggame toevertrou, wat insluit:

  1. die toelatingsbeleid van die skool;
  2. die taalbeleid van die skool;
  3. ’n beleid oor godsdiens by die skool;
  4. aanvaarding van ’n gedragskode en grondwet;
  5. die daarstelling van ’n grondwet en missiestelling vir die skool;
  6. bestuur van die skool se finansies;
  7. bestuur en beheer van skooleiendom en die begroting;
  8. aanbevelings oor aanstelling van personeel; en
  9. ondersteuning van prinsipale en opvoeders in die strewe na gehalteonderrig.

Dit is belangrik dat alle ouers ’n rol in hul kind se skool speel. Dit sluit deelname aan beheerliggaamverkiesings in, dat ouers hulself verkiesbaar stel, of die verkiesing van lede wat sal toesien dat daar goeie beheer is. Hulle moet ook sorg dat hulpbronne wat vir die verbetering van gehalteonderrig en -leer bedoel is, beskerm word. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat lede

Amabhunga olawulo anikwe umsebenzi wokuthatha izigqibo ngemiba ebalulekileyo kuqukwa:

  1. ukuthatha izigqibo ngomgaqo-nkqubo wokwamkelwa kwabafundi wesikolo;
  2. ukuthatha izigqibo ngomgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi wesikolo;
  3. ukumisela umgaqo-nkqubo ngezenkolo esikolweni;
  4. ukwamkela umgaqo wokuziphatha nomgaqo-siseko;
  5. ukumisela umgaqo-siseko wesikolo nenkcazo yenjongo ephambili (mission statement);
  6. ukulawula iimali zesikolo;
  7. ukuphatha nokulawula ipropati yesikolo nebhajethi;
  8. ukunika iingcebiso ngokuqeshwa kwabasebenzi; kunye
  9. nokunika inkxaso iinqununu nootitshala ekuqinisekiseni imfundo esemgangathweni.

Kubalulekile ukuba bonke abazali badlale indima kwisikolo sabantwana babo. Oku kuquka ukuthatha inxaxheba kunyulo lwamabhunga olawulo, ukuvuma unyulwe okanye ukunyula amalungu aya kuqinisekisa ulawulo olusemgangathweni, nokukhusela izibonelelo (resources) ezilungiselelwe ukuphucula umgangatho wokufundisa nokufunda. Kubalulekile ukukuthathela ingqalelo ukuba amalungu asebenza kwibhunga lolawulo akwenza oko ngokuzithandela.

As a parent, you have the perfect opportunity to promote possibilities and opportunities for all the learners that are at your child’s school, by taking part in the governing body elections. It is the responsibility of every parent to take an interest and have their say in the running of their child’s school, to ensure that the school provides the best possible quality of education to all the school’s learners.

Experience has shown that schools with high levels of parental involvement are more often than not the best performing schools, both academically and socially. Thus, it is important for all parents to get involved in the running of their child’s school and the governing body is the ideal avenue to do so.

Don’t stand back! Instead, get involved in your child’s schooling and make a difference to the school. It is your duty as a parent or a member of the community to serve in any way you can. Your reward is the improvement of our children’s education that will not only give them a better future but will contribute towards the strengthening of South Africa.

Waarom moet ouers by die beheerliggaam betrokke raak?

Deur aan die beheerliggaamverkiesing deel te neem, het jy as ouer die perfekte geleentheid om moontlikhede en geleenthede vir al die leerders by jou kind se skool te bevorder. Dit is elke ouer se verantwoordelikheid om belangstelling te toon en hul mening te deel wanneer dit by die bestuur van hul kind se skool kom. Hierdie insette sal verseker dat die skool die beste moontlike gehalteonderrig aan al die leerders van die skool bied.

Ervaring het getoon dat skole met groter ouerbetrokkenheid op akademiese én sosiale vlak meer dikwels die skole is wat die beste presteer. Dit is dus belangrik dat alle ouers betrokke raak by die bestuur van hul kind se skool, en die beheerliggaam is die ideale manier om dit te doen.

Moenie huiwer nie! Raak betrokke by jou kind se skool en maak so ’n verskil. As ouer of lid van die gemeenskap is dit jou plig om op enige moontlike manier deel te wees van die skool, en te help waar jy kan. Jou beloning is die verbetering van ons kinders se opvoeding, wat nie net ’n beter toekoms vir hulle sal verseker nie, maar sal bydra tot die positiewe ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika.

Kutheni kufuneka abazali babeyinxalenye yebhunga lolawulo?

Ngokuthatha inxaxheba kunyulo lwebhunga lolawulo njengomzali, unethuba elifanelekileyo lokukhuthaza izinto ezinokwenziwa namathuba amahle kubo bonke abafundi abakwisikolo somntwana wakho. Luxanduva lomzali ngamnye ukubonakalisa umdla nokuvakalisa uluvo malunga nolawulo lwesikolo somntwana wabo, ukuqinisekisa ukuba isikolo sibonelela ngemfundo esemgangathweni negqibeleleyo kubo bonke abafundi besikolo.

Amava abonakalise ukuba izikolo ezikwinqanaba eliphezulu labazali abazibandakanyayo, amaxesha amaninzi, zizikolo ezigqwesayo ngentsebenzo kwezemfundo nakwimiba yasekuhlaleni. Ngoko ke kubalulekile ukuba bonke abazali bazibandakanye kwinkqubo yokulawulwa kwesikolo somntwana wabo yaye ibhunga lolawulo yindlela efanelekileyo yokwenza oko.

Musani ukuchasela! Endaweni yoko, zibandakanyeni kwimfundo yabantwana benu yaye nenze umahluko esikolweni. Ngumsebenzi wenu njengabazali okanye njengabahlali, ukwenza nayiphi na inkonzo ngendlela efanelekileyo. Umvuzo wenu kukuphuculwa kwemfundo yabantwana bethu okungazi kubanika ingomso elingcono nje kuphela kodwa kufake negalelo ekomelezeni uMzantsi Afrika.

  1. The provincial electoral officer – responsible for ensuring that the election is promoted and complies with provincial procedures;
  2. The district electoral officer – coordinates the elections in the district; and
  3. The school electoral officer – prepares the notice and logistics around the election and manages the election at school level.

Wie bestuur die stemproses?

  1. Die provinsiale kiesbeampte – verantwoordelik om toe te sien dat die verkiesing bevorder word en aan provinsiale prosedures voldoen.
  2. Die distrikskiesbeampte – koördineer die verkiesings binne die distrik.
  3. Die skoolkiesbeampte – berei die kennisgewing en logistiek van die verkiesing op skoolvlak voor en bestuur die verkiesing op skoolvlak.

Ngubani owongamela inkqubo yonyulo?

  1. Ligosa lonyulo lephondo – elenza umsebenzi wokuqinisekisa ukukhuthazwa konyulo nokuthotyelwa kwemigaqo yephondo kunyulo;
  2. Igosa lonyulo lesithili – liququzelela unyulo kwisithili; kunye
  3. Negosa lonyulo lesikolo – libhala isaziso nenkqubo yokuqhutywa konyulo yaye lilawula unyulo kwinqanaba lesikolo.
  1. Parent members: No more than two persons, per learner, whose names are recorded in the admissions register as parents, or who can show written proof that they are parents of learners enrolled in the school;
  2. Educator members: All educators employed at the school; and
  3. Non-educator members: All non-educators employed at the school.

Wie mag stem?

  1. Ouerlede: Hoogstens twee persone, per leerder, wie se name in die toelatingsregister as ouers aangeteken is, of wat skriftelik bewys kan lewer dat hulle ouers is van leerders wat by die skool ingeskryf is.
  2. Opvoederlede: Alle opvoeders wat by die skool werksaam is.
  3. Nie-opvoederlede: Alle nie-opvoeders wat by die skool werksaam is.

Ngubani ochaphazelekayo?

  1. Amalungu angabazali: Angabikho ngaphezulu kwamagama abantu ababini arekhodwe kwirejista yokwamkelwa kwabafundi njengabazali, ngomfundi ngamnye okanye abanako ukubonisa ubungqina obubhaliweyo bokuba bangabazali babafundi ababhaliswe esikolweni;
  2. Amalungu angootitshala: Bonke ootitshala abaqeshwe esikolweni; kunye
  3. Namalungu angabasebenzi abangengabo ootitshala: Bonke abasebenzi abangengabo ootitshala esikolweni.

“School electoral team” means the school electoral officer together with the persons appointed to assist the school electoral officer in terms of the regulations.

The election of a governing body must be undertaken by—

  1. a manual election;
  2. an e-election;
  3. both a manual election and an e-election.

e-Election means a governing body election in which electronic means are used in one or more stages.

Manual election means a full day election in which parents physically come to the venue to cast their votes at any time within the allocated hours of the day without any meeting held.

Schools must decide what mode of election they will offer.

In the case of a manual election schools may allocate timeslots when parents may visit the school to physically cast their vote.

Both modes take place over one full day that must start at 07h00 and end at 20h00.

Election Dates: March 2024

The principal must make a voters’ roll for each of the following categories of voters, containing the names of all parents, educators and non-educators at the school who are entitled to vote at the school.

The voters’ roll for parents must be based on the school admission register and must consist of those persons whose names are recorded in the admissions register as parents, or who can show proof that they are parents of learners enrolled in the school.

There must be a maximum of only two parents per learner reflected on the voters’ roll for parents.

The voters’ roll for parents must be made available to parents for scrutiny at least 10 days prior to the election.

The parents may check the voters’ roll for parents to determine whether their names appear on it and raise a dispute with the principal within five days of the voters’ roll being made available.

The principal must finalise the voters’ roll for parents, educators and non-educators at least two days before the election and no names may be added after finalisation.

The electronic system chosen by the school for the election must provide a parent with:

  • log on details with a unique one-time personal identification number to enable him or her to nominate parent candidates and to cast a vote
  • online nomination form and ballot paper

Schools are required to set up at least one e-voting station at the school to make provision for those who wish to vote at the school.

Parents will receive a notice of the election from the principal 21 days before the election day.

The notice will determine the date, time slots and venue for—

  • a meeting to validate the nominations from parents, which meeting must be held at least 13 days prior to the election; and
  • an election of parent members

To nominate a parent candidate in a manual election, the parent of a learner at the school must lodge with the school electoral officer, no later than 14 days before the election, a nomination form duly completed by the proposer, seconder and parent candidate.

A meeting to validate the nominations from parents must be held at least 13 days prior to the election. The meeting will be chaired by the School Electoral Officer and will be attended by the School Electoral Team and the nominated candidates.

A parent may not nominate himself or herself.

At the nomination validation meeting the school electoral team will consider the nominations and reject the nomination of any parent who—

  • has not been properly nominated
  • is ineligible

The school electoral officer must compile a nomination list and notify the principal and the parents of the names of the parents whose nominations have been accepted.

If the total number of parent candidates whose nominations have been accepted is:

  • less than the number of members required in respect of the governing body concerned the nomination process will be repeated for at least three times until enough parents are nominated for an election or it meets the total number of parents required for the governing body
  • more than the number of members determined in respect of the governing body concerned a poll will be held
  • equal to the number of the members needed in respect of the governing body concerned they are deemed to be elected

The poll must be held on the date and at the time and venue determined by the school electoral officer, in consultation with the principal.

The poll will take place either electronically (e-Election) using the Election APP chosen by the school or manually where parents can cast their vote at the school from 07h00 – 20h00 on election day.

The school electoral officer must issue every parent who is entitled to and wishes to vote with an approved ballot paper (physically or electronically) on which the school stamp appears.

A ballot paper will be rejected —

  • on which the school stamp does not appear;
  • on which more votes are recorded than the number of members to be elected; or
  • which is completed in such a way that it is in the opinion of the school electoral officer uncertain for which parent candidate or parent candidates a vote was recorded.

No proxy votes are accepted for governing body elections.

If a quorum was not achieved at the poll the school electoral officer must inform the parents of the date of the follow-up poll.

A quorum is not needed when it pertains to the election of parent members.

The school electoral officer must notify each elected member in writing of his or her election and notify the principal and the district electoral officer within three days of the date of the election of the governing body in writing of the names and addresses of the persons elected as members

The outgoing governing body ceases to exist when the school electoral officer announces the newly elected parent members and declares the election to be free and fair.

The first meeting of a newly elected governing body must

  • be held within 10 days after the election;
  • be chaired by the principal;
  • elect the office-bearers of the governing body; and
  • determine the signatories for financial matters.