For a complete set of links/topics for use the A-Z Search Index available here.
The links/topics below are in chronological order according to the date when added to this Index page.
- Pre-service Educator Bursaries
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination October/November 2010
- Letter to parents from the Head of Education, Western Cape Province, December, 2010

English | Afrikaans | isXhosa
- National Curriculum Statement Grades R–12 and the introduction of the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements Grades R-12 (CAPS) in 2012 - 2014.
- Western Cape Provincial School Education Amendment Act, 2010 (Act No. 7 of 2010)
(pdf: size 512 KB)
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019: Two years on - progress report November 2011
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019: One year on - progress report November 2010
- Education Priorities 2010 - 2019
- Literacy and Numeracy Grade 3 & 6 test exemplars (2006 - 2009)
- "Swine flu" - what you should know about the H1N1 virus
- Curriculum Development web site
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination October/November 2009
- Examiners' reports: National Senior Certificate Examination November 2008
- Bursaries / Financial aid
- Strategic Plan 2010 to 2014 Fiscal years | IsiCwangciso soBuchule 2010 ukuya 2014 OoNyaka-mali | Strategiese plan 2010 tot 2014 Fiskale jare
- Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2016/17 tot 2018/19 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2016/17 ukuya 2018/19
- Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 to 2017/18 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2015/16 tot 2017/18 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2015/16 ukuya 2017/18
- Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 to 2015/16 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2013/14 tot 2015/16 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2013/14 ukuya 2015/16
- Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 to 2015/16 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2013/14 tot 2015/16 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2013/14 ukuya 2015/16
- Annual Performance Plan 2012/13 to 2014/15 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2012/13 tot 2014/15 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2012/13 ukuya 2014/15
- Annual Performance Plan 2011/12 to 2013/14 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2011/12 tot 2013/14 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2011/12 ukuya 2013/14
- Annual Performance Plan 2010/11 to 2012/13 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2010/11 ukuya 2012/13 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2010/11 tot 2012/13
- Annual Performance Plan 2009/10 to 2011/12 | IsiCwangciso Sentsebenzo Yonyaka Emihlanu 2009/10 ukuya 2011/12 | Jaarlikse Prestasieplan 2009/10 tot 2011/12
- The WCED's Education Districts in brief
- Learner Discipline and School Management
- Examiners' reports: Senior Certificate Examination November 2007
- WCED Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2006–2016
- Past Question Papers and Marking Memoranda
- Budget Speech 2011: English
- Budget Speech 2010: English
- Budget Speech 2009: English
- Budget Speech 2008: English
- Budget Speech 2007: English | Afrikaans
- How to apply for replacement copies of Certificates, Diplomas and Symbols
- Learning Cape Festival
- Safe Schools manual:
"Procedural Manual for Managing Safety and Security within WCED Institutions"
English (pdf: size 254 KB)
(opens in a new browser window: to return to this page, close that window)
- Index to Legislation on Education in South Africa
- The Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science and Technology (Opens in new browser window)
- Nation Policy on Religion and Education
- Language Policy Report | Taalbeleidsverslag
- Rights and Responsibilities of Parents:
Questions most commonly asked by parents on the education of their school-going children.
English: As Web page (26 KB) | As Acrobat document (78 KB)1
Afrikaans: As Web page (24 KB) | As Acrobat document (81 KB)1
isiXhosa: As Web page (34 KB) | As Acrobat document (83 KB)1
1 requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® to view and/or print
- WCED Circulars & Minutes
- Selected links to Educational and News web sites
- Learning Outcomes and Assessments Standards, grades R - 9
- 'Find-a-School' search facility
- Specialised Learner & Educator Support Services (SLES) Web site /
Gespesialiseerde Leerder- en Opvoederondersteuningsafdeling (GLOO) Webwerf
- Curriculum Development, Chief Directorate
- Safe Schools programme
- HIV/AIDS programme
- Edumedia Online: Educational support materials
- ICT in schools
- The Schools IT Unit
- Schools' web sites (e-Schools' Network member schools) (opens in a new Window: to return, close the Window)
- Further Education & Training (FET) Colleges
return to: Home page |
© 2018 Western Cape Education Department |
Last modified: 2018-12-06 |