The MST Project
Grade R-9 Mathematics: Video clips for parents and teachers
TeacherTips: Maths 01: Recognising shapes and relationships
Ideas teachers and parents can use to help children recognise Mathematical and geometric shapes (e.g. triangles), their attributes (e.g. small, yellow) and their relationships to one another.
Source: MST (Maths, Science & Technology).
TeacherTips: Maths 02: Reinforcing an understanding of shapes and their relationships
Ideas teachers and parents can use to help children consolidate their understanding of shape (e.g. triangle, circle), size, colour, sequence and relationship.
TeacherTips: Maths 03: Numbers
Ideas teachers and parents can use to introduce an understanding of number.
TeacherTips: Maths 04: Volume and Size
This clip introduces volume and size, and how to estimate each.
TeacherTips: Maths 05: Shape and Perspective
An activity that teachers and parents can use to introduce shape and perspective.
TeacherTips: Maths 06: Giving and Following Instructions
Ideas teachers and parents can use to strengthen children's ability to give and follow instructions by demonstrating the importance of having a working vocabulary.
TeacherTips: Maths 07: Fractions
How teachers and parents can use a real-life problem involving money to promote an understanding of fractions.
TeacherTips: Maths 08: Area
How teachers and parents can use a real-life problem involving money to promote an understanding of area.
TeacherTips: Maths/Science 09: Solids
Ideas teachers and parents can use to encourage children to develop strategies to solve problems relating to a solid.
TeacherTips: Maths/Science 10: Temperature
How teachers and parents can set up experiments to solve problems relating to temperature.
TeacherTips: Maths 11: Sharing and Reflection
How teachers and parents can demonstrate to children that sharing and reflection can assist understanding.
TeacherTips: Maths 12: Data Collection and Graphs
Ideas teachers and parents can use to collect data that can be represented in graph form.
TeacherTips: Maths 13: Ways to Assess Understanding
Approaches that teachers and parents can take to establish whether learning has taken place; they include observation, questions, demonstrations, interviews and the use of real-life situations to collect data that can be represented in graph form.
TeacherTips: Maths 14: Maths Consolidation, using a Journal
How teachers and parents can use journals to encourage children to think about fractions and to apply understanding in new ways.