Media Releases | Western Cape Education Department

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4 October 2018
The subject decisions that young people make at school have a big impact on their lives - affecting both their further education, training and employment opportunities. Choosing a career is incredibly important, and it requires matching interests with skills, strengths and capabilities. Ensuring ...
6 September 2018
The WCED has an admission system in place called the School Admissions Management Information (SAMI), that can determine whether learners have been captured twice or more on school admission lists. The SAMI admission data indicates that 8101 places are currently being blocked by parents who have ...
27 August 2018
This afternoon I visited Ons Plek Shelter for Girls to donate one year's worth of stationery to assist the learners' with their education. The girls who live at Ons Plek are there for a variety of reasons, mainly because they have been removed from abusive homes or because they have become street ...
21 August 2018
Nine Khayelitsha schools were shut down yesterday by illegal protest action - co-ordinated by SANCO and COSAS in the main. This affected almost 9 000 learners. While I fully support calls for safer schools, I condemn in the strongest possible terms protest action during school hours, especially ...
15 August 2018
I have received reports from our District Officials that two separate incidents of abductions have reportedly taken place in the Zonnebloem area over the past two weeks. Learners are reportedly being targeted while travelling to and from school. Reports indicate the perpetrators are drugging ...