Learner Admissions FAQ | Western Cape Education Department

Learner Admissions FAQ

  • Schools determine placement by exercising and applying their own admission policy which should be aligned to the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996). The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) cannot guarantee placement at schools of choice.
  • Apply early. Don’t wait until the last day.
  • Parents should apply to a minimum of three schools, including the school closest to their residence.
  • Compulsory school-going age (Grade 1) is seven years in the year that the child is in Grade 1.
  • Admission age to Grade R is six years in the year that the child is in Grade R.

Certified copies of the following documents are required:

  • Identification:

    • Identity document (ID) or birth certificate of the learner and parent/caregiver;
    • If a foreign learners: a passport or a copy of parent’s refugee or asylum seeker permit on which the learner’s name should appear;
    • If the learner has foreign parents but was born in South Africa: a handwritten birth certificate (DHA 19 form); and parent/caregiver identification or
    • If the learner was not born in South Africa: a passport or a refugee or asylum seeker permit issued in the learner’s name and parent/caregiver identification.

    Immunisation card / Road to Health chart (pre-primary and primary schools only)

  • Latest official school / academic report of learner
  • Proof of residence e.g. rates account / lease agreement / an affidavit made at a police station confirming residence

11 March  – 15 April 2025. Parents apply online.

The WCED has not declared any feeder zones/areas.

No. Schools may not charge a fee before accepting a learner.

Information on the appeal process for the 2025/2026 school year will be announced at the end of May 2025, when parents are notified of the outcome of their application.

  1. Click on RESET Password.
  2. Type in ID | Passport or Permit number.
  3. Click on RESET.
  4. Type in the OTP that is sent via SMS to your phone.
  5. Click on VERIFY.
  6. Create a new password and complete the Security information.
  7. Click on Register.
  8. Your password has been RESET.
    Log in using your new password.

How to RESET you Password

You can find “Cape Town” on the “Town” link by selecting “City of Cape Town”.

The selection of Country and Province has been disabled due to it being irrelevant for this application as you should be situated in the Western Cape. So please ignore these two boxes when applying.

country & province.png