WCED offers support for schools to attend My Future 4.0 Summit
27 February 2020
With only three weeks to go, schools are urged to make a booking for learners to attend the My Future 4.0 Next Level Skills and Career Summit at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 19 – 21 March 2020.
Limited funding is available to schools that need assistance with transport and admission fees.
The admission fee is R70 per learner and admission for teachers accompanying learners is complimentary. The admission fee for individual teachers is R100.
The My Future 4.0 Summit will focus on the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on current careers and future jobs. Learners will have the opportunity to interact with thought-leading technology companies, digital skills development and learning institutions, government and information technology experts.
Tertiary institutions and training organisations will showcase their courses and inform visitors how, and where, to acquire the skills they will need in years to come.
At virtuoCITY, the city of the future, learners will see and experience developments relating to current and future skills and careers in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, Robotics, Infrastructure, Media, Medical, Finance, Engineering and so much more!
Teachers and Grades 7 to 12 learners from all WCED schools are invited to participate in this event.
Last year’s summit was resounding success with more than 17000 teachers, learners and students in attendance.
The organisers promise to create an even more inspiring event for 2020!
A video of the 2019 summit is available on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1ahNUn8Gh4&t=5s
Click on this link to book your school group: https://www.myfuture4.com/booking-form-cpt-summit