Visual Art celebration at Zeitz MOCAA
17 October 2019
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) celebrated the achievements of learners in the field of Visual Art with exhibitions in each of the eight education districts that culminated a provincial exhibition at the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA) in Cape Town.
The theme of the 2019 art celebration is: Every picture tells a story. The focus was on creating art that is based on stories, whether a story that was read in class, or a story created by learners.
Learners were also tasked to write about their art work, describing or explaining how they interpreted the theme. This written piece work could be in the form of a paragraph, story or poem. The QR codes installed next to each art work can be scanned to see what learners have written about the art works.
Grades R to 9 learners from all WCED schools were invited to participate in this event which is in its third year.
This was indeed a momentous occasion as 132 of the more than 2 000 learners who participated from all corners of the province exhibited their art works at the provincial exhibition. For most, a first time at the Zeitz MOCAA, for many a first time in Cape Town.
The exhibition is open until tomorrow (18 October) at the museum’s Centre for Education.
The purpose of this event is to stimulate and promote visual literacy, to provide learners with a platform to exhibit their art works at an internationally renowned museum, to enhance art appreciation and to advocate the value of arts education in the General Education and Training (GET) band.
The exhibition is the culmination of skill development workshops facilitated by the WCED art centres.
Liesl Hartman, Head of the Education Centre at the Zeitz MOCAA, curated the exhibition.
The three opening events on 05 October 2019 were marked by world class entertainment, including dynamic keynote speaker, Dr Gcina Mhlope, a drama performance with Head of Education, Brian Schreuder, and the Stellenbosch University Drama Department, the Cape Town Youth Choir, a virtual reality 3D art making presentation by artist Ayesha Price, the St Marks Marimba band, and a puppet and magic show.
Watch this video to learn more about the Provincial Visual Art Exhibition:
Photo gallery:
Foundation Phase:
Intermediate Phase:
Senior Phases: