Team Read launch a virtual library | Western Cape Education Department
Team Read launch a virtual library

Team Read launch a virtual library

9 July 2020

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has pulled out all the stops to find ways to keep storybooks within easy reach of young readers.

The WCED’s Curriculum (General Education and Training) Directorate came up with the innovative idea of a virtual library on the WCED ePortal. The books are aimed at learners in the foundation phase. 

The virtual library consists of 66 books in each of the three official languages in the province, Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa. The book shelves are organised according to three reading levels and there are 22 books per level. These books are changed every three months to give learners maximum exposure to a wide variety of books.

When clicking on the book of choice, the book will open and the learner can start reading. Parents can also use the books to read to their children. All books are linked to free websites. 

The virtual library follows the launch of the Western Cape Reading Strategy in March this year where Team Read was introduced. The essence of Team Read is that we all have a role to play to improve the reading levels of our learners.

The Western Cape Reading Strategy was developed by the WCED in collaboration with the Coalition for Quality Education in the Western Cape. The coalition is a collaborative association for all education stakeholders (including government, private business, NPO's, civil society and funders).

The Strategy has two focus areas: what teachers and learners must do better to improve reading literacy; and a whole of society movement that will garner everyone’s help in improving reading.