Revised dates for the Western Cape 2021 school admissions process
Statement by Minister Debbie Schäfer, Minister of Education Western Cape
Parents who applied for their children to attend Western Cape Schools in 2021 earlier this year had expected to hear the outcome of their applications from this weekend.
However, this process was disrupted by the unprecedented school closure due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, resulting in a delay in the finalisation of application outcomes for this year. Accordingly, the WCED has revised the dates on which parents can expect to hear the outcome of their applications.
Revised 2021 enrolment process:
Parents receive outcome of application by SMS or email: 12 June – 22 June 2020
Parents must confirm acceptance of offer by: 3 July 2020
If parent receives offer of place after 3 July: within 3 days
Parents will be informed of the outcome by email or by SMS between 12 June and 22 June 2020.
If their child has been offered a place at a school in this time, parents will need to confirm their acceptance of this place by 3 July 2020. We urge parents to accept their spaces timeously, to assist us in finding spaces for unplaced learners.
Should a parent receive an offer of a place after 3 July, they need to confirm their acceptance within 3 days.
We thank parents and learners for their understanding and patience in this time of uncertainty.
Media Enquiries:
Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister Debbie Schäfer
Western Cape Ministry of Education