Portia Primary convenes safety conversation with parents
13 February 2020
Parents of learners at Portia Primary School in Lansdowne grappled with two central questions: How to enhance learner safety in the home; and at the school.
The Safety Conversation on Saturday, 8 February 2020, was facilitated by the Principal, Kevin Velensky, and Lucille Meyer, Chief Executive Officer of the Chrysalis Academy.
Meyer commended the school management team and the governing body for being prepared to listen to the parent voice. “The purpose was to build trust and ensure collective action.”
The parents deliberated safety issues in small groups producing robust discussions and a number of suggestions.
A very emotive issue was around pedestrian safety with the widening of Jan Smuts Drive which runs alongside the school to accommodate additional lanes. Parents were especially worried since the pedestrian crossing has been closed.
They resolved that a petition should be drawn up, signed by all parents and circulated.
The parent engagement has been described as a great commitment to mobilise community support.