Learners put through their paces in Dramatic Arts and Dance Studies
13 September 2023
Grade 12 learners are busy doing their final examinations in Dramatic Arts and Dance Studies.
The National Curriculum Statement External Final Performance Examinations are not school concerts or ‘practicals’. Learners are expected to create performances, choreographies and products based on staging, choreographic and acting methods and elements.
Ina Bruce, Deputy Chief Education Specialist: Dramatic Arts, said higher order thinking is the order of the day. “It must be stressed these subjects are not only about performance. They contain 50% of highly complex academic concepts such as Theatre of the Absurd; Realism in the Theatre Existentialist philosophies and Play text analysis.”
Bruce added that learners must commit to work daily on theoretical content and technical dance and drama skills.
Principals of schools interested in offering the subject in Grades 10, 11 and 12, are encouraged to contact Elmeri van Heerden, Bernice Gordon and Ina Bruce via email: