Khayelitsha school’s hockey team wins big at SA Sports Awards
28 November 2019
Ikhwezilesizwe Primary School in Khayelitsha has become synonymous with excellence on the hockey field.
The school’s u13 hockey team recently won the SA Developing School Team of the Year Award.
Their Facebook page states that “Ikhwezilesizwe Primary School Hockey was established in 2012 with the vision of developing quality hockey players for the province and country”.
This prediction of future success was realised through the dedication of the players, parents and the coaches.
Principal Norma Mayeye recalled how she introduced the sport to the school after noticing children playing hockey on an open field opposite the school in 2012. Mayeya contacted their coach, Gloria Baartman, and offered a safe space for the children to practice. Interest in the sport grew and the school soon won awards for their skills on the hockey field.
Mayeye said the school participates in the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s Mass participation; Opportunity and access; Development and growth (MOD) Programme and offers six sporting codes to learners. This includes tennis, soccer and rugby. “We don’t wait for things to come to us. We are faced with numerous challenges but we continue and try and offer as many opportunities as possible for learners to excel.”