Essential Services at Head Office
9 April 2020
While most people are working from home during lockdown, others still need to deliver essential services at Head Office. Critical staff have been identified to assist with salary and supplier payments.
Two teams from the Directorates: Recruitment and Selection and Service Benefits, and a team from the Directorate: Financial Accounting, are working from the WCED Head Office twice to three times per week in order to ensure that salaries and other supplier items are paid.
Paying our employees and suppliers was identified as an essential service and officials were requested to volunteer before lockdown was effected.
Matthys Cronje, Acting Chief Director: People Management Practices said, “Their positive attitude and work ethic are commendable as their main focus is to serve our clients, especially the thousands of teachers and support staff to ensure that they receive a salary on time and to sort out any non-payments or documentation gaps.”
Zukisani Mpisi, Director: Financial Accounting, said these public servants have answered their calling of serving the public. “A big thank you to them and their families for such a huge sacrifice. A big thank you to the leadership for support to this team!”
Client Services staff have also been identified to assist with staff queries. Employee related queries can be emailed to and
Leon Bruce, Deputy Director: Client Services, said they have received hundreds of queries via email and are assisting where possible. “It was very reassuring to get to the office and find staff from both HR and Finance here to process all outstanding payments. It is good to see how people are here to ensure that our clients do not suffer as a result of the lockdown.”