Don’t wait! Outcomes of admissions applications available from 30 May 2024
Statement by Minister David Maynier, Minister of Education Western Cape
Parents who applied for a place in Grade 1 or 8 for their child for the 2025 school year during the on-time admissions window will start seeing the outcomes of their applications from 30 May 2024.
We encourage parents to check that they have their passwords to our online admissions system handy in advance of the offers being made, and that their contact details are correct. They can access the system here:
Parents who receive successful offers must then accept or decline these offers before 14 June 2024, and we encourage them to do so as quickly as possible.
It is especially important for parents to confirm their choice of school speedily when they have received offers from multiple schools. These parents are essentially ‘double parking’ on the system, stopping schools from offering these places to other applicants until they make their choice.
If a parent has not confirmed their choice by 14 June 2024, the system will automatically confirm their top-ranked choice of school that has made an offer. All other offers will then be removed, so that those places can be offered to other learners.
Parents who do not receive an offer on 30 May 2024 should not be disheartened: thousands of additional offers can be made to parents who were not successful initially, as other parents confirm their choices and free up spaces.
We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to place every learner whose parents applied on time as quickly as possible.
Media Enquiries:
Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier
Western Cape Ministry of Education