5 October 2020
The WCED has launched a campaign to motivate Grade 12s to finish their matric year.
The campaign focuses on the “Future You” (an older version of the matriculant) thanking the younger version for making the right choice to finish their matric year.
Using an AE Face Tool the WCED filmed three Grade 12 learners from Parel Vallei High School and transformed their faces into an older-looking version of themselves. This allowed their future selves to thank their younger selves for making the choice to finish their matric year.
Watch video here: English | Afrikaans | IsiXhosa
Grade 12 learners will be encouraged to pledge their commitment on a website created for them – www.CommitToFinish.co.za – where learners can #CommitToFinish their matric year and access various resources available to them:
The learner will receive a notification of their commitment and will encourage them to get their fellow learners to do the same.
The campaign has been launched on various social media platforms, in communities on billboards, and directly to candidates via sms and emails to schools.
Learners will also personally receive an examination support booklet which will encourage them to #CommitToFinish. It provides advice on the examination, bursary options and support networks, as well as old exam papers for eight high-enrolment subjects. (English Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, History, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy and Physical Sciences.)
“This year has certainly been a tumultuous year for our Grade 12 learners and their teachers. Despite the disruptive school year, they have shown true grit and determination! They have shown how resilient they are and I am extremely proud of them,” said Minister Debbie Schafer.
“Our Class of 2020 is determined and we are here to support them all the way. That is why we have launched the #CommitToFinish campaign which seeks to encourage, motivate and support our Grade 12 learners right up until their NSC examinations.”
The WCED would like to thank Mr Spikers from Parel Vallei, and his three wonderful drama learners who performed brilliantly in the videos. It was not easy to hold a phone and do a monologue that long all in one go. Some real talent!
Let us all continue to support, encourage and motivate the Class of 2020!