EHWP FAQ | Western Cape Education Department
Employee Health and Wellness Programme

Employee Health & Wellness Programme (EHWP) FAQ

The EHWP is a free, confidential, and professional programme that offers support to you and your immediate family in the form of wellness services (i.e. counselling, information, and various psycho-social support).

All WCED employees and their spouse / partner and children residing in the household.

Dial the toll-free number for instant support

  • 0800 111 011 (free from landline and cell phones)
  • Should your call not be answered immediately, please leave a voicemail. Your call will be returned within 60 minutes

Dial *134*905# to request a call back

  • You will be asked 3 introductory questions:
  • Place of work
  • Enter your name (or remain anonymous)
  • Please indicate the type of assistance you require (counselling, legal guidance, financial advice, etc.)

Live Chat via HUB

  • Lyra Wellbeing APP for text support (Code WES007)

Please call the toll-free number in an emergency!

Dedicated e-mail address:

The EHWP is available 24/7, 365 days a year via the toll-free number: 0800 111 011.