Directorate: Institutional Management
Director: Institutional Management
William Jantjies
PA: Avril Malgas
Tel: 021 467 2311
Fax: 021 467 2653
Address: Private Bag 9114, Cape Town 8000
- WCED Circulars & Minutes
- Basic Financial System for Schools | Basiese Finansiele Handleiding vir Skole
- Amendment of Hostel Regulations - Learner discipline
- Dress Codes (national guidelines)
- Exemptions from school fees
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from the Payment of School
Fees in Public Schools (Government Gazette 29311 of 18 October 2006)
The above document may be downloaded in the following parts:
Regulations Relating to the Exemption of Parents from... (pages 3-13 of Gazette 29311)
Annexure A: Checklist Form (pages 14-15 of Gazette 29311)
Annexure B: Application for exemption (pages 16-19 of Gazette 29311)
Annexure C: Illustrations with regard to the application of the formula (pages 20-26 of Gazette 29311) - Expulsion - regulations on discipline and disciplinary procedures
- Expulsion - WCED policy circular
- Financial System for Schools, Basic / Basiese Finansiele Handleiding vir Skole
- WCED Policy on Learner Pregnancy in Public Schools: English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa
- Roles and Responsibilities of Parents
- School Calendar & Public Holidays
- Planning Calendar for Schools: key dates to assist schools in planning for the year ahead:
- Governing Body Elections
- Legislation on Education in South Africa
- Anti-bullying campaign
- COVID-19 Information
- H1N1 virus ("Swine flu") - what you should know
- Education@Home / Home Education
To manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of institutional management and governance in respect of schools.
- Manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of the institutional management and governance i.r.o. Public Ordinary Schools and Independent Schools (including homeschooling).
- Manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of Finance, Administration and Governance (non-curriculum) in all learning sites.
Schools |
Purpose: To manage the planning, coordination and evaluation of the institutional management and governance i.r.o. Public Ordinary Schools and Independent Schools. Functions
Institution Management (Finance, Admin, Governance) |
Purpose: To manage the planning coordination and evaluation of Finance, Administration and Governance (non-curriculum) in all learning sites. Functions:
Col 3
Col 4
Col 5
Col 6