Western Cape performance in Reading, Mathematics and Science studies
Statement by Bronagh Hammond, Director of Communication, Western Cape Department of Education
On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, the Department of Basic Education released the results of three important studies, namely:
- The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023 results in Grade 5 and Grade 9 Mathematics and Science.
- The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SEACMEQ) V report for reading and Mathematics in Grade 6.
- The South African Systemic Evaluation (SASE) 2022 report for Grade 3, 6 and 9 and reading literacy and Mathematics.
These results are important as they provide useful information regarding reading, Mathematics and Science performance within our province and country, as compared to other participating countries and provinces.
The Western Cape has achieved the top scores in South Africa for Grade 5 and Grade 9 Science and Mathematics in the TIMMS study. The province also achieved the highest performing scores in both reading literacy and Mathematics across all three Grades in the SASE study.
While we are pleased that the Western Cape performed better than other provinces in most of the scores, it is important to note that performance levels did decrease in many areas. The samples were taken in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and due to the loss of teaching and learning time, lower performance levels are to be expected.
Western Cape Education Minister, David Maynier, said:
“While our scores exceed those of other provinces, they still fall short of the international standards for Mathematics, Science and reading. There is still work to be done so that we reach higher international benchmark scores.
That is why we have invested in improving learning outcomes through our #BackOnTrack programme in the Western Cape.”
A breakdown of the results can be seen below for each study:
1. TIMMS results
A total of 34 schools were sampled in the Western Cape out of 303 nationwide.
The Western Cape achieved the highest scores in the country for both Mathematics and Science.
- In Grade 5 Mathematics, South Africa decreased from a score of 374 in 2019, to 362 in 2023.
- The Western Cape scored the highest provincial score of 406 in Mathematics, followed by Gauteng at 404.
- In Grade 9 Mathematics, South Africa increased from a score of 389 in 2019, to 397 in 2023.
- The Western Cape scored the highest provincial score of 424 in Mathematics, followed by Gauteng at 412.
- In Grade 5 Science achievement, South Africa decreased from a score of 324 in 2019, to 308 in 2023.
- The Western Cape scored the highest provincial score of 376 in Science followed by Gauteng at 364.
- In Grade 9 Science achievement, South Africa saw a slight decrease from a score of 370 in 2019, to 362 in 2023.
- The Western Cape scored the highest provincial score of 416 in Science followed by Gauteng at 362.
2. SEACMEQ V results
The study was conducted in South Africa in 2021. 22 Western Cape schools were sampled out of 298 schools nationwide.
It focused on Grade 6 reading and Mathematics.
- In Grade 6 Mathematics, South Africa decreased from a score of 552 in SEACMEQ IV 2017 to a score of 525 in SEAQMEC V 2021.
- The Western Cape scored 20 points above the national average with 545 points.
- In the Grade 6 Reading study, South Africa decreased from a score of 538 in points in 2017 to 505 points in 2021.
- The Western Cape scored 29 points above the national average with 534 points.
3. SASE results
The SASE study was conducted in over 1 600 schools across the country.
The test sampled learner proficiency in reading literacy and Mathematics in Grade 3, 6 and 9.
Reading Literacy
- In Grade 3 Reading Literacy, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 39, followed by Gauteng with a score of 28. The national average score is 20.
- In Grade 6 Reading Literacy, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 56, followed by Gauteng with a score of 52. The national average score is 20.
- In Grade 9 Reading Literacy, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 39, followed by Gauteng with a score of 35. The national average score is 20.
- In Grade 3 Mathematics, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 54, followed by Gauteng with a score of 52. The national average score was36.
- In Grade 6 Mathematics, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 58, followed by Gauteng with a score of 52. The national average score was 33.
- In Grade 9 Mathematics, the Western Cape had the highest number of learners on the required grade level with a score of 57, followed by Gauteng with a score of 40. The national average score is 34.
The results are encouraging as they indicate that the various strategies we have adopted in the Western Cape to address learning outcomes are focused in the right areas and making a difference
Critical to these strategies are the WCED systemic tests which are performed annually. These tests are essential in determining the focus of our #BackOnTrack programme, and our Mathematics and Reading strategies.
We will study the reports further and compare it with systemic test results which will be released early next year.
The results also reflect the hard work of our teachers, principals and officials as they continue to help us improve on delivering a quality education for every learner, in every classroom, in every school in the Western Cape.