Recognition of long service
9 November 2021
The Western Cape Education Department has recognised staff who have dedicated 20, 30 and 40 years of continuous service with Long Service Awards.
A total of 156 employees reached their 40-year milestone, 682 employees have served 30 years and 548 employees marked 20 years of service.
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the WCED had to forgo the usual glittering ceremony to acknowledge award recipients.
To ensure that the important achievement does not go by unnoticed, the WCED compiled a magazine with the names of all the award recipients. In the foreword, Head of Education, Brent Walters, said the long serving employees have touched, helped, guided, taught, inspired and motivated all of us as well as the thousands of learners who have come and gone through our schools over the years. “May you continue to enjoy, love and experience passion by what you do as you continue to serve in the years to come. I recognise that it has been a challenging time for the sector. Despite this, we have shown so much resilience and strength. In fact, this pandemic has highlighted the importance of long service. Without the wisdom, professionalism, and experience of many of our long serving employees, we would not have overcome many of the challenges we faced. Dedication and commitment superseded the negativity and fear, and through the process, we have all gained much strength.”
Western Cape Minister of Education, Debbie Schäfer, thanked the veterans for their service. “Please, will you use your experience to motivate and set a positive example for our newer and younger staff members. Thank you for your service to the WCED and the Western Cape.”