Radio DJ, Carl Wastie joins Minister Debbie Schäfer to spread the WCED’s anti-bullying message
On Wednesday, 20 February 2019, Minister Schafer visited Westridge Secondary School in Mitchells Plain to kick off the 2019 “Raise Your Voice, Not Your Phone” anti-bullying campaign that was launched in August 2018 to address the effects of bullying in Western Cape schools.
Radio DJ Carl Wastie - who has partnered with the WCED on this campaign - joined Minister Schafer today at the school. The purpose of the “roadshow” is to create awareness around bullying, particularly, the role every learner can play when witnessing such incidents.
A toolkit has been developed to educate learners and schools throughout the province, to “Raise your voice. Not your phone”.
The campaign first involves the filming of a fake bullying incident in a school yard. It ends with the simple message: “Raise your voice, not your phone”.
The viewer is then taken to 5 constructed questions that leads the reader to the realisation that learners are also participating in bullying by filming the incident rather than intervening in order to bring an end to the abuse.
See here -
A second video was then created which involved the participation of random learners from schools across the metro, who were asked to participate in an interview. A psychologist was asked to show each learner the first video and a number of questions were posed thereafter. They were not briefed on the content. Their reactions are all real.
Just see here:
The video exposes how learners don’t necessarily understand the implications of filming or distributing content across social media, and how their actions are just as bad as the bully concerned.
It is a powerful message that not only reveals the pain one can cause, but also the pain that many have suffered.