Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Enrolment of learners in Public Schools
- How do I get my child enrolled in a school of my choice? - some points to consider
- Apply early. Don't wait till the last day.
- Apply to more than one school.
- Know the law/check the school's Admission Policy.
- What is the admission age for Grade 1?
- Compulsory school-going age (Grade 1) is 7 years in the year that the child is in Grade 1.
- For admission to Grade R it is 4 turning 5 by 30 June in the year of admission. However, a school must give preference to children aged 5 years turning 6 years by 30 June of that Grade R year.
- What documents are required to register a child at a public school?
- Birth certificate.
- Immunisation card.
- A transfer card/letter.
- Last school report card for learners who have been to school.
- A study permit issued by Home Affairs for foreign learners.
A child may be registered provisionally if these documents are not available. The parent must be given reasonable time to submit them.
- Is it important to enrol a child for Grade R?
Yes. Early childhood development assists learners to cope better later on in their school careers.
- Can a child be refused permission if they do not live in a school's feeder zone?
The WCED has not declared any feeder zones/areas.
- Can schools charge a non-refundable deposit before accepting learner?
No. Schools may not charge a fee before accepting a learner.
- Where do parents go if they do not find a place?
Parents may approach their local district office.
Cape Winelands
John Goliath
Tel: 023 348 6000
Tel: 023 348 4581
Eden & Central Karoo
Jewel Jonkers
Tel: 044 803 8300
Tel: 044 803 8317
Metro Central
Brenda Robertson
Tel: 021 514 6700
Tel: 021 514 6708
Tel: 021 514 6793
Metro East
Eric Magodla
Tel: 021 900 7203
Tel: 021 900 7206
Metro North
Metro North
Wayne Abrahams | Leon Rutgers
Tel: 021 938 3006
Tel: 021 938 3004
E-mail: E-mail:
Metro South
Lynn Primo
Tel: 021 370 2000
Tel: 021 370 2035
Japie Bailey
Tel: 028 214 7300
Tel: 028 214 7379
West Coast
Anlerie Truter
Tel: 021 860 1200
Tel: 021 860 1206
Head Office
Lance Abrahams
Tel: 021 467 2000
Redewan Larney
Tel: 021 467 2000
WCED-Call Centre: 0861 923 322 (If you unsure of which district to approach )
Home Schooling
- How do I apply for Home Schooling?
- The education received by the learner at home must:
- meet the minimum requirements of the curriculum at public schools; and
- be of a standard not inferior to the standard of education provided at public schools.
- The parent(s) must contact the principal of a registered school of their choice regularly to keep in touch with the latest developments in education.
- The parent(s) must ensure that the learner registers in time and correctly for applicable examinations and that he/she sits for such examinations.
- Neither the education department nor a school shall be held responsible for any shortcomings and/or other deficiencies in a learner's scholastic achievements.
- The parents are responsible for all expenses regarding the learner's education.
The application form for Home Schooling, WCED 087, is available here.
For more information, contact:
Mr DD Louw
Tel: 021 467 2653
Fax: 021 467 2565
School Calendars
- Where can I find a school calendar?
The school calendar for 2013, is available here.
The school calendar for 2014, is available here.
School Fees
- Can a school withhold results or refuse a child access to school because of outstanding school fees?
No learner can be denied admission or otherwise discriminated against on grounds of the parent's inability or failure to pay school fees.
- Who qualifies to apply for exemption from payment of school fees and how does one apply for exemption?
Parents may be exempted from paying school fees depending on their combined annual gross income.
The categories for the purpose of exemption are as follows:
- If the combined annual gross income of the parents is less than ten times the annual school fees per learner, the parent qualifies for full exemption;
- If the combined annual gross income of the parents is less than thirty times but more than ten times the annual school fees per learner, the parent qualifies for partial exemption;
- If the combined annual gross income of the parents is more than thirty times the annual school fees per learner, the parent does not qualify for exemption.
The categories are applicable if the annual school fees are determined in terms of section 39 of the Act.
A parent who wishes to be exempted from payment of school fees for each individual learner at a particular school must apply in writing to the chairperson of the governing body on the form that may be requested from the school.
- Where do I find vacancies on your web site?
For a list of current vacancies, click here.
- Can I register as an unemployed teacher with the WCED?
Download the registration form here.
- Who should foreign educators seeking employment in South Africa contact?
Contact the Directorate: Education Labour Relations & Conditions of Service of the Department of Basic Education (DoBE), telephone 012 312 5934 / 6047.
Disciplinary Measures against learners
- What is the procedure for suspending a child at a public school?
The governing body of a public school may, after a fair hearing, suspend a learner from attending the school as a correctional measure for a period not longer than a week.
A learner may be expelled from the school by the Head of Department pending a decision taken by the governing body of a public school in consultation with the provincial Head of Education.
- What do I do if my child is bullied at school?
See the Learner Discipline and School Management document here.
- Can a child be expelled from school because she is pregnant?
Section 9(3) of the Constitution, entitled "Equality", states that:
The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth."
See the WCED Policy on managing learner pregnancy document here.
National Senior Certificate Examinations
- If I did not obtain my NSC-Certificate, what can I do?
Candidates who did not obtain a NSC-Certificate but want to complete their NSC, can register as a private candidate to re-write the failed subject(s) at the next November NSC Examination.
Yearmarks/SBA (School Based Assessment marks) are valid for three years (the year in which a candidate wrote the NSC Examination for the first time and for the next two years).
Private candidates must register at a private education institution (one that is registered to offer the NSC Examination and is registered with the WCED as an Exam Centre) in order to obtain a yearmark/SBA-mark for the subject(s) that they wish to re-write.
- When do I register?
Registration for repeater candidates usually takes place from 3 February to 14 March of the year the examinations are written.
This form is only for candidates that wrote the NSC examination between 2008 and 2013. The completed form (including supporting documentation) can be mailed or hand delivered to the address on the form or faxed to 021 461 5637.
Only candidates who wrote the 2014 Supplementary Exams have until 15 May 2014 to register.
- Where do I register?
WCED Examination client contact centre 2nd Floor Grand Central Towers Lower Parliament Street Cape Town 8001
Contact telephone numbers: 021 467 2910 / 2911 / 2912 / 2913 / 2914 / 2915
- Where can I find previous results?
For results from previous examinations are available here.
- Where do I find past examination papers and memoranda?
A list of past question papers and marking memoranda is available here.
Copies of Certificates
- Where can one apply for a copy of a matric certificate?
From the examinations section of a Provincial Department of Education.
Enquiries regarding replacement certificates from the Western Cape Education Department may be made at the following telephone number: 021 467 2000
For an application form and instructions on how to apply for a replacement certificate, click here.
- How long does it take to obtain a new copy of a matric certificate?
The Statement of Results is obtainable immediately after you have made a request.
A copy of a matric certificate takes 8 to 10 weeks.
Completing your Senior Certificate (old curriculum)
- What will happen to learners who wrote but failed their Senior Certificate (old curriculum)?
Learners who failed their matric (old curriculum) may re-write the Senior Certificate in May/June. Only candidates that have already written their Senior Certificate and need one or more subjects to obtain their certificate qualify to write the May/June examinations. Registration usually takes place between 1 August to 30 September in the year preceding the examination.
The Department of Basic Education will develop a qualification for adults which will be equivalent to matric for candidates who did not obtained their matric under the old curriculum.
- Where do I find past examination papers and memoranda?
Past question papers and marking memoranda are available here. - in particlar see the availability of a 2008-2010 May/June Exam CD from Edumedia.
- Where do I register?
WCED Examination client contact centre 2nd Floor Grand Central Towers Lower Parliament Street Cape Town 8001
Contact telephone numbers: 021 467 2910 / 2911 / 2912 / 2913 / 2914 / 2915
- What bursaries or loans are offered by the Department of Education?
The requirements to be considered for a bursary are Mathematics and Physical Science. Interested learners can contact Lusapho Ndzongo at 021 467 2190 or e-mail
National Department of Education: Fundza Lushaka bursaries The requirements to be considered for a bursary are African Languages, English Language, Mathematics, Technology, Mathematical Literacy, Life Science and Physical Science.
Interested learners can inquire from the institution of choice or Lusapho Ndzongo at 021 467 2190 or e-mail for more information.
Also see the WCED's Bursaries and Financial Aid information sheet.
- Are there any bursaries available for Further Education and Training (FET) students?
The Department of Education has introduced the public FET College Bursary Scheme. Through the scheme the Department of Education provides access to vocational education and training at public FET Colleges (See the next topic).
Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges
- What are FET colleges and what do they offer?
The FET Colleges are public or private institutions that are established, declared or registered under the FET Act No. 16 of 2006 but do not include:
- a school offering further education and training programmes under the South African Schools Act; nor
- a college under the authority of a government department other than the Department of Education.
Further Education and Training (FET) colleges provide the education and training needed to equip learners with qualifications and skills for a chosen career path. In addition, learners gain valuable life skills to meet the challenges of the working world with more than just a qualification on paper.
A list of FET Colleges in the Western Cape is available here.
- What are the requirements to register for FET?
You must complete Grade 9 (or higher) to register for National Certificate (Vocational).
- Are there any bursaries available for Further Education and Training students?
The Department of Education has introduced the public FET College Bursary Scheme. Through the scheme the Department of Education provides access to vocational education and training at public FET Colleges (See the next question).
- How does one apply for the FET college bursary?
To apply for a bursary, first enrol at a public FET College for National Certificate (Vocational) and then apply for a bursary.
Registration of Private Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges
- Where can one check if the institution is registered with the Department of Education?
Contact the Directorate: Private Further Education & Training (PFET) Colleges, Department of Higher Education and Training, telephone 012 312 5878.
Alternatively you can access this information from the National Register of Private FET Colleges on the Department of Education's web site.
- How does one register an institution with the Department?
You can apply to the Department of Basic Education (DoBE) or via the Provincial Education Departments.
Literacy and Numeracy
- What can parents do at home to build the Literacy and Numeracy skills of their children?
See our comprehensive list of 'tips' for building the reading, writing and calculating abilities of children at home.