Ultimately, your success will depend on what you put into your studies. This in turn depends on how you plan your time, how hard you study, and staying focused, positive and healthy.
The WCED wishes you everything of the very best - by studying hard, you claim your success and your future.
To help you pass your matric, we have prepared this booklet, called “Tips for Success”, to provide advice on preparing for the exams, planning your study time and what to cover in each subject.
The booklet includes advice from those who excelled in last year’s exams, along with the exam timetable and information on bursaries and loans for studying after school. You can either download the full booklet by clicking on the image on your right, or download a specific section below:
- 10 things to do to succeed in the examinations & Tips for Success (pdf: size 1 637 KB)
- Example of a Grade 12 study timetable (pdf: size 34 KB)
- Blank study timetable for you to use for your own planning (pdf: size 24 KB)
- Make your dream come true: advice from learners who did well in past Matric exams (pdf: size 191 KB)
- Bursaries & Loans (pdf: size 159 KB)
- Content / concept lists for studies
The following documents contain lists of the main concepts and content from the subjects studied in Grade 12. Enter the concepts/content of your seven or more subjects on your study timetable. These lists work well as checklists for you to keep track of how far you are with your studies. These lists will give you an indication of how much work you have to cover this year, and enable you to manage your time accordingly.
Work systematically through the concepts/content making notes and mind maps using your textbooks and study guides. Once you have covered all the topics, work through the examination papers from the past three years.