We provide advice on preparing for the exams, planning your study time, what to cover in each subject and advice from those who excelled in last year's exams.
Support for matrics
Matric support resources on Thutong
(the National Education portal website) & the Department of Basic Education website.
Thutong's "Support for Matrics" page includes an extensive variety of resources for Grade 12 learners including
- Self Study Guides
- the Proverto Study Guides
- Life Sciences Grade 12 Exam revision
- links to other Matric support websites
The Department of Basic Education has released a series called "Mind the Gap study guides" for Grade 12 learners. The following subjects are available:
- Accounting
- Economics
- Geography
- Life Sciences
Frequently asked questions
Answers to frequently asked questions on matric exams are available here. In the meantime here are a few tips:
- Q How many subjects am I entitled to re-write in the supplementary examinations?
A You can re-write a maximum of two (2) subjects.
- Q I passed all my subjects, but my marks were lower compared to my internal school assessment. Do I qualify to write the supplementary examinations?
A Yes, only for approved further studies that require better grades.
- Q When is the closing date to apply for re-marking?
A Applications for re-marking close 21 days after the publication of results.
- Q When will my National Senior Certificate be available?
A Candidates who wrote the NSC exams in November can collect their certificates during the month of June at the school they attended.
- Q When is the closing date for Supplementary Examinations?
A 21 January or 21 days after the publication of results.
- Q When do I write individual subjects?
A Admission letters will be mailed two (2) weeks before the start of the examinations.
See all frequently asked questions...
Visit our Learning Management System for digital resources and e-Learning and e-Teaching support.
Matric revision DVDs (Telematics)
You can buy DVDs of our matric revision broadcasts on key subjects from Edumedia, our media production unit. The DVDs feature lessons produced in association with the Telematics Teaching Project of the University of Stellenbosch. The subjects include:
Physical Sciences
Afrikaans Home Language
English First Additional Language
Life Sciences