WCED Matric Support

Frequently asked questions


  1. Q I obtained my results at school and found my name/surname/ date of birth/identity number is wrong. What must I do?
    A Please submit a certified copy of your ID, with your results, within 30 days after the results are released and before the results are certified in order for your certificate to be correctly issued.
  2. Q What is the waiting period to re-print the correct advice of results and mail it to me?
    A The amended statement of results should be available within 5 working days.
  3. Q Is there a cost involved?
    A There is no cost involved.
  4. Q My results on the internet do not correspond with the advice of results I received at school.
    A Please indicate the subject(s) that does not correspond with that on the internet. An examination official will verify the results and request the learner to forward his or her statement of results.
  5. Q My results are not available at school. Can you please re-print the results and mail it?
    A Individual statements can only be printed seven (7) days after the results are published.
  6. Q What does the following codes on my statement of results mean?
    A NSC/BACH - National Senior Certificate, qualifies to study towards a Bachelor degree
    NSC/DIP - National Senior Certificate, qualifies to study towards a diploma
    NSC/HC - National Senior Certificate, qualifies to study towards a higher certificate
    NSC- achieved the National Senior Certificate only
    NSC/LSEN - National Senior Certificate, learner with special educational needs
    NOT ACHIEVED - does not qualify for National Senior Certificate
    INCOMPLETE - subject package of 6/ 7 (depending on curriculum,) not offered
    999 - absent
    888 - subject change
    777 - outstanding mark
    zz - ending (irregularity)
    px - null and void (irregularity)
    mo - marks outstanding
  7. Q I wrote my November National Senior Certificate examinations in another province. Can I get my results in the Western Cape?A Yes, you need to complete an application form, pay the prescribed fee and submit a copy of your identity document.
  8. Q I wrote the November 2009 National Senior Certificate exams in another province and the 2010 National Senior Certificate in your province. Can I get my combined results in the Western Cape?
    A Yes, fill in an application form, available on our website or at the Provincial Education Department head office, and pay the prescribed fee.

  10. Q When is the closing date for Supplementary Examinations?
    A 21 January or 21 days after the publication of results.
  11. Q When will the examination start?
    A The timetable is available on our website or can be obtained from the Provincial Education Department head office. The supplementary exams are usually scheduled from mid-February to the end of March.
  12. Q When do I write individual subjects?
    A Admission letters will be mailed two (2) weeks before the start of the examinations.
  13. Q When will the results be available?
    A The results will be available towards the end of April.
  14. Q How many subjects am I entitled to re-write in the supplementary examinations?
    A You can re-write a maximum of two (2) subjects.
  15. Q I wrote the November 2010 National Senior Certificate examinations in another province. Can I write supplementary examinations in the Western Cape?
    A No. It will be reflected as an incomplete result as another province's School Based Assessment marks are required to calculate the final results.
  16. Q I wrote the National Senior Certificate examinations in 2008/2009. Do I qualify to write the forthcoming supplementary examinations in March?
    A No, only candidates who wrote the November examinations the previous year are allowed to write the supplementary examinations.
  17. Q I was a repeat learner and wrote two subjects in the November National Senior Certificate examinations. Can I sit for the supplementary examinations in March?
    A Yes, repeaters may write the supplementary examinations.
  18. Q I failed only one subject, Life Orientation. Am I allowed to register for the supplementary exam in March?
    A Yes, Life Orientation is an internal examination conducted at the school attended. Candidates must register with the Provincial Education Department. The improved moderated mark must reach the department by the end of March.
  19. Q I passed all my subjects, but my marks were lower compared to my internal school assessment. Do I qualify to write the supplementary examinations?
    A Yes, only for approved further studies that requires better grades.
  20. Q I passed all my subjects (NSC/Bachelors), but need a higher pass rating to get university entrance for further studies. Do I qualify to write the supplementary examinations?
    A Yes, on condition that you submit proof of the entrance requirements.
  21. Q Where can I get a registration form for the March supplementary examinations?
    A The registration forms for the supplementary examinations are available at the Provincial Education Department Offices, secondary schools or on the department's website.
  22. Q I did not write Paper 2 of a subject during the November examinations. Can I only re-write that paper?
    A The option to only write the paper for which you were absent during the November examination is subject to a decision of the irregularity committee, or if you were medically unfit. In all other circumstances, a candidate must re-write all written papers (i.e., Home Language Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3).

  24. Q When is the closing date to apply for re-marking?
    A Applications for re-marking close 21 days after the publication of results.
  25. Q What are the requirements and the cost involved to apply for re-marking?
    A Complete an application form, available on the department's website, or from the Provincial Education Department head office or secondary schools. The prescribed fee for re-marking is indicated on the reverse side of your advice of results.
  26. Q When will the results of the re-marking be available?
    A Results will be available three to four weeks after applications for re-marking has closed. The closing date to apply for a re-mark is usually around 21 January.
  27. Q Can I apply electronically?
    A No.
  28. Q Will the results of the re-mark be available before the closing date to register for the supplementary exams?
    A Candidates who apply for a re-mark are advised to register for the supplementary exams at the same time.
  29. Q I wrote in the Eastern Cape. Can I apply and pay for a re-mark in the Western Cape?
    A No, marking and moderation were done in the province where you attended school. The Western Cape Education Department does not have access to the exam scripts of other provinces.
  30. Q What is the difference between a re-mark and a re-check?
    A A re-mark is when a script is assessed by an authorised person (not the same person who initially assessed it), appointed by the department, while a re-check is when a script is scrutinized to ensure that all questions are marked and added/calculated correctly. This is done by an assessment official.
  31. Q How do you determine who must be refunded after remark?
    A Candidates will be refunded if there is an improvement in the achieved level (i.e. from 3-4 or 2-3).
  32. Q When and how will I get my money back?
    A The application fee will be refunded into the banking account as indicated on your BAS form.
  33. Q What is the process to follow in order to view my answer book?
    A You must first apply for a re-mark or re-check and then forward a written request for the review. The applicable fees are indicated on the reverse side of your statement of results.

  35. Q When will my National Senior Certificate be available?
    A Candidates who wrote the NSC exams in November can collect their certificates during the month of June at the school they attended.
  36. Q Will it be mailed to me?
    A Please collect your National Senior Certificate at the school you attended.
  37. Q I do not have an identity document and wrote the November 2009 examinations with my mother's surname. In November 2010, I wrote with my father's surname, which is the right one. Will my National Senior Certificate reflect my last surname?
    A Your personal details of the last examinations written will be used, unless you submit documentation to change your personal details on your certificate. This is subject to an application within six (6) months of the release of the results. You must complete an application form, submit a certified copy of your identity document, proof from the Department of Home Affairs and pay the prescribed fee.
  38. Q My results shows incomplete, but I wrote all my subjects, when can I expect a complete result?
    A Your results or a reply will be mailed within three to six (3 - 6) weeks, subject to the completion of a mark outstanding form.
  39. Q How do I know that the Department used my CASS (School Based Assessment) mark, because my results are less than my CASS marks at school?
    A School Based Assessment (CASS) marks are captured by an official and verified by another official to ensure that the results are correct. It will however be checked, if requested.
  40. Q I wrote the National Senior Certificate examinations in 2008/2009/2010 but need a combined result, how long will it take?
    A 6-8 weeks.
  41. Q If my marks improve in the supplementary examinations, will this be reflected on my certificate?
    A Yes, if your marks improved to a higher achievement level in the supplementary exams, the higher percentage will be printed on the certificate.
  42. Q When do my School Based Assessment marks expire?
    A The School Based Assessment is valid for 3years, until 2014.
  43. Q If I fail Life Orientation, how long do I have to redo it?
    A You have until the end of March, the subsequent year, to improve your Life Orientation results.
  44. Q Until when is my National Senior Certificate credits valid?
    A Your NSC credits are always valid, but should you request to rewrite the examinations in an effort to improve your results your School Based Assessments is currently only valid until 2014.
  45. Q Why do Computer Applications Technology (50%) and Life Orientation (50%) not count towards my result for admission to study towards a Bachelor's degree?
    A To be eligible for admission to degree studies, applicants holding a National Senior Certificate must obtain a mark of at least 4 (50%) in each of four school subjects from the list of university admission subjects (designated list of subjects. The designated list is as follows: Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Consumer Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies and Visual Arts.
  46. Q Why does Computer Applications Technology count as a subject for Diploma pass purposes but not for Bachelor's pass?
    A Computer Applications Technology is not one of the recognised 20 credit designated subjects.
  47. Q Where can I get statistics from my child's school or the province's top 100 students?
    A Only a school or the Directorate: Assessment can request such information from the system administrator.

  49. Q My result reflects incomplete, but as an immigrant I receive exemption to only do one official language? What must I do and when will this be rectified?
    A Your entry status will be verified on the examination system, subject to you submitting the correct documents for approval. If it is approved, your results will be corrected and the new results will be released.
  50. Q If I wrote in November 2008, which prescribed books will I be doing?
    A The list of prescribed books is available on the website: www.westerncape.gov.za.
  51. Q Where do I re-write as a private candidate?
    A You may indicate a high/secondary school in the area or district where you live. The department will inform you of the final writing venue in your admission letter.

  53. Q How does one apply for a teachers' certificate, diploma, statement or transcripts?
    A Application forms are available on our website or from our head office. Attach a copy of your identity document and pay the prescribed fee on application.
  54. Q What is the cost?
    A The prescribed fee is indicated on the application form.
  55. Q If I completed my diploma/certificate in another province, can I obtain a copy in the Western Cape?
    A Depending on the college that you attended, you will be advised where to obtain a copy.
  56. Q What is the waiting period for a copy of a diploma, certificate, statement or transcript?
    A 6-8 weeks.
  57. Q If I am emigrating, what proof of results can I get?
    A A transcript.
  58. Q If I owe money to a college, and did not receive my diploma, what steps must I follow in order to obtain a diploma?
    A Arrangement for payment must be made with the finance department, before a diploma can be issued.
  59. Q Can you supply me with a copy of a university diploma?
    A No.
  60. Q If I failed an examination, what proof of results can I get?
    A You can apply for a statement of results.
  61. Q If I reside overseas, can another person apply on my behalf?
    A Yes, but only with a letter of authority (Power of Attorney).
  62. Q If a college is closed down, how do I go about to obtain a copy of my diploma or certificate?
    A The department will check to see if your results are available on the system.


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Matric revision DVDs (Telematics)

You can buy DVDs of our matric revision broadcasts on key subjects from Edumedia, our media production unit. The DVDs feature lessons produced in association with the Telematics Teaching Project of the University of Stellenbosch. The subjects include:

Physical Sciences
Afrikaans Home Language
English First Additional Language
Life Sciences

Order the full series on DVD

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