Western Cape Education Department

Further Education and Training (FET) Phase (Grades 10 to 12)

(These documents are in Acrobat format and the Adobe Reader is required to view / print them)

FET Curriculum Assessment Policy Documents

(Subject to promulgation in the Government Gazette)

Home language
Afrikaans (pdf 437 KB) English (pdf 408 KB) IsiXhosa (pdf 650 KB)

First additional language
Afrikaans (pdf 749 KB) English (pdf 670 KB) IsiXhosa (pdf 539 KB)

Second additional language
Afrikaans (pdf 689 KB) English (pdf 585 KB) IsiXhosa (pdf 493 KB)


Accounting (pdf 460 KB) Rekeningkunde (pdf 424 KB)
Agricultural Management Practices (pdf 365 KB) Landboubestuurspraktyke (pdf 351 KB)
Agricultural Sciences (pdf 421 KB) Landbouwetenskappe (pdf 390 KB)
Agricultural Technology (pdf 375 KB) Landboutegnologie (pdf 379 KB)
Business Studies (pdf 404 KB) Besigheidstudies (pdf 390 KB)
Civil Technology (pdf 341 KB) Siviele Tegnologie (pdf 336 KB)
Computer Applications Technology (pdf 446 KB) Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie (Not Available)
Consumer Studies (pdf 914 KB) Verbruikerstudies (pdf 920 KB)
Dance Studies (pdf 354 KB) Dansstudies (pdf 379 KB)
Design (pdf 396 KB) Ontwerp (pdf 397 KB)
Dramatic Arts (pdf 439 KB) Dramatiese Kunste (pdf 454 KB)
Economics (pdf 375 KB) Ekonomie (pdf 355 KB)
Electrical Technology (pdf 360 KB) Elektriese Tegnologie (pdf 355 KB)
Engineering Graphics and Design (pdf 425 KB) Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp (pdf 383 KB)
Geography (pdf 447 KB) Geografie (pdf 380 KB)
History (pdf 370 KB) Geskiedenis (pdf 379 KB)
Hospitality Studies (pdf 344 KB) Gasvryheidstudies (pdf 378 KB)
Information Technology (pdf 685 KB) Inligtingstegnologie (Not Available)
Life Orientation (pdf 356 KB) Lewensorientering (pdf 353 KB)
Life Sciences (pdf 513 KB) Lewenswetenskappe (pdf 463 KB)
Mathematical Literacy (pdf 896 KB) Wiskundige Geletterdheid (pdf 966 KB)
Mathematics (pdf 1 147 KB) Wiskunde (pdf 832 KB)
Mechanical Technology (pdf 337 KB) Meganiese Tegnologie (pdf 332 KB)
Music (pdf 491 KB) Musiek (pdf 469 KB)
Physical Sciences (pdf 1 030 KB) Fisiese Wetenskappe (pdf 1 015 KB)
Religion Studies (pdf 306 KB) Relegiestudies (pdf 307 KB)
Tourism (pdf 346 KB) Toerisme (Not Available)
Visual Arts (pdf 398 KB) Visuele Kunste (pdf 434 KB)

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