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Media Release

24 February, 2010

Minister Grant welcomes Cabinet approval of Western Cape Provincial School Education Amendment Bill

Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Education in the Western Cape

Minister Donald Grant has today welcomed cabinet’s decision to approve the WCED’s request to publish the draft Western Cape Provincial School Education Amendment Bill for public comment.

In September 2009 Cabinet granted, in-principle, approval for the drafting of this amendment bill in order to achieve the following objectives:

  • Allow a greater focus on the provision of a quality basic education to the learners of the Western Cape;
  • Bring the Western Cape Provincial School Education Act, 1997, in line with the current education landscape;
  • Expand the power of the Provincial Minister responsible for education to determine provincial education policy and the power to the Head of the Western Cape Education Department to make certain rules;
  • Make provision for the inspection of schools to monitor performance and compliance;
  • Regulate anew the establishment and the functions of an education council for the province;
  • Make greater provision for schools for learners with special education needs;
  • Authorize the Provincial Minister to prescribe certain norms and standards regarding basic infrastructure and capacity in public schools;
  • Place further prohibitions on dangerous objects, illegal drugs and liquor on school premises;
  • Provide greater powers to conduct search and seizure operations at schools;
  • Reduce the time period for lodging of certain grievances;
  • Prohibit political activities at schools during school times.

“The Western Cape is leading the way for the rest of the country in implementing innovative and practical steps to improve education outcomes. This bill is a critical element of this process,” said Grant.

“It is ultimately aimed at ensuring that the rights of learners are made of paramount importance and creating greater levels of accountability in the system for educators and officials.”

Grant said that he was confident that the public consultation process will see a rigorous debate on aspects of this bill and looked forward to engaging in a debate with all affected parties on the important issues contained in the amendment bill.

“Once finalized, this process will lead to an exciting new chapter in the provision of education in this province.”

The full document is available here together with information on submitting public comment.

For enquiries, contact Bronagh Casey:  072 724 1422 or brcasey@pgwc.gov.za.

Issued by:
Bronagh Casey
Media Liaison Officer
Office of the Minister of Education
Western Cape
Tel: 021 467 2377
Fax: 021 425 5689

Visit our website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za

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