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Matric Examinations 2007 - enquiries
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has a Client Service Centre at Grand Central Building, Parliament Street on the 2nd Floor to assist the public in respect of the November 2007 examination results, admission to the May/June Supplementary Examination and the Remarking of scripts. Telephone number (021) 467-2300 has been made available for the answering of telephonic enquiries in respect of examination results. This number is connected to a Voice Mail system and offers six additional lines. The lines will be open from 08:00 to 16:00 everyday from 28 December 2007 until 15 February 2008. The public must please note that this number will only deal with enquiries in respect of the November 2007 examination results.
Candidates who qualify to write a supplementary examination in 2008, must note that this examination has been moved to May-June 2008. Candidates must register by 31 January 2008. Please note that, up to and including May-June 2011, there will be only one mid-year set of examinations for candidates who qualify to write subjects for the old Cape Senior Certificate. Private candidates may enrol for the May-June examinations of the old Cape Senior Certificate if they entered and sat for a Cape Senior Certificate examination in 2007 or in any year prior to 2007. Details of such an examination entry will have to be provided. From 2008 the category of private candidates will cease to exist as regards the new National Senior Certificate. This means that private candidates who wish to register for subjects for the first time in 2008, i.e. for the new National Senior Certificate, will have to do so through an institution of their choice. This is necessary, as the accumulation of continuous assessment marks, for all subjects, becomes compulsory from 1 January 2008. Private candidates can, therefore, no longer enrol directly with the Western Cape Education Department. FET colleges, private colleges and ABET learning centres must be contacted in this regard. Matriek Eksamens 2007 - navrae
Die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) se Kliënte Hulpsentrum te Grand Central gebou, 2de vloer , Parlementstraat is voorbereid om alle navrae t.o.v. die November 2007 uitslae, toelating tot die Mei/Junie eksamen en die Hernasien van Skrifte, te hanteer. Telefoonnommer (021) 467-2300 is beskikbaar gestel vir die beantwoording van navrae i.v.m. eksamenuitslae. Hierdie nommer is gekoppel aan ‘n Stemband stelsel wat ses bylyne sal bedien. Die bylyne sal oop wees vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00 daagliks vanaf 28 Desember 2007 tot 15 Februarie 2008. Die publiek moet asseblief daarop let dat hierdie nommer slegs navrae t.o.v. die November 2007 eksamenuitslae sal hanteer.
Kandidate wat kwalifiseer om 'n aanvullende eksamen in 2008 af te lê, moet daarop let dat hierdie eksamen verskuif is na Mei-Junie 2008. Kandidate moet teen 31 Januarie 2008 registreer. Let asseblief daarop dat, tot en met Mei-Junie 2011 daar slegs een stel halfjaareksamens sal wees vir kandidate wat kwalifiseer om vakke van die ou Kaapse Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen af te lê. Privaat kandidate mag inskryf vir die Mei-Junie-eksamens van die ou Kaapse Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen indien hulle reeds in 2007 of enige jaar voor 2007 vir 'n Kaapse Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen ingeskryf en dit afgelê het. Besonderhede van sodanige eksameninskrywing moet verskaf word. Vanaf 2008 sal die kategorie van privaat kandidate gekanselleer word wat die nuwe nasionale Senior Sertifikaat betref. Dit beteken dat privaat kandidate wat in 2008 vir die eerste keer vir vakke wil registreer, d.w.s. vir die nuwe Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat, sal dit moet doen deur 'n inrigting van hulle keuse. Dit is nodig aangesien die opbou van deurlopende assesseringspunte vir alle vakke vanaf 1 Januarie 2008 verpligtend is. Privaat kandidate kan nie meer direk by die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement inskryf nie. VOO-kolleges, privaat kolleges en BOOV-leersentrums moet dus in hierdie verband gekontak word. return to: Home | Close and return to previous page | ||||||||||||
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