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Media Release

8 May, 2007

Shooting at Lower Crossroads

We have been informed that a stray bullet injured a Grade 8 learner while he was attending a lesson this morning at Lower Crossroads Secondary School in Ngqwangi Drive, Phillippi East.

Staff at Lower Crossroads Secondary School rushed Mgongiseni Mayongo, 17, to the Mitchell's Plain Day Hospital for treatment.

Mgongiseni was in an English lesson about 08h45, when the bullet entered through a classroom window, wounding him in his right arm below the elbow. We do not know the origin of the bullet at this stage.

His teacher, Ms Nomfazi Silwana, rushed him immediately to the office of the Acting Principal, Ms Nyalleng Kwili, who arranged for a member of staff to take Mgongiseni to hospital.

The school contacted Mgongiseni's mother and the Metropole South Education Management and Development Centre (EMDC) of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED).

The learner's mother is currently at the school. A member of staff will take her to the hospital shortly.

Three EMDC officials went to the school immediately on learning of the incident. They included the Circuit Manager and the EMDC's Safe Schools Coordinator.

Mgongiseni will probably stay in the hospital overnight for surgery to remove the bullet. A teacher is currently with him in the hospital.

The officials are investigating the shooting on behalf of the department. They have informed the police who are expected on the scene shortly. The Safe Schools Coordinator is providing trauma counseling for all those affected by the shooting.

Issued by:
Paddy Attwell
Director: Communication
Western Cape Education Department
Tel: 021 467 2531
Fax: 021 461 3694
Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za

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